View Full Version : Ever tried to brush your cat's teeth?

03-07-2004, 10:41 AM
I really hope I can mine get accostumed to it. So far, my attempts have been quite promising.

I got a special enzymatic toothpaste with poultry flavor from the vet, with no rinsing required. It's softening the tartar, so you can remove it later. So far, both my girls accepted it very well (of course, Lily is too young to have any tartar yet, and hopefully this way she will never get any).

I've also bought two baby tooth brushes for them, but they are still too big and my girls are afraid of them, so now I'm using cotton swabs to clean their teeth, and that seems to be okay for them. :)

I would like to know if anyone else is cleaning their cats' teeth?


Laura's Babies
03-07-2004, 11:35 AM
Give kitty toothbrushing lessons for Dummies? How in the world do you get them to let you do this? How many times a day do you do it? Do you get the stuff at Pet Smart?

I am getting Soft Paws for Giz and Amy and am going to give that a try. They are ripping up my furniture and I will not have Amy declawed because of her handicap and that she might need hers to get around later in life. She has also started stretching using my cabinet door tops to aid her and now clawing those up.. Once I master the soft paws, I will try the teeth brushing...

03-07-2004, 11:54 AM
I brushed Butterscotch's teeth he seemed to like it. I'm going to get brushes for Skinny and Thumper and start them on the routine.

03-07-2004, 12:03 PM
Thanks for reminding me! I forgot that I wanted to look into it at the pet store today. Allen let me rub my finger along his teeth without fuss, so I figured I'd try it too. Let ya know what happens;)

03-07-2004, 12:14 PM
Well, I just wait until they are tired. I would place them on my lap in a sitting position, with their back against my belly, open their mouth with one hand and use the other one to clean their molars. They're tolerating it, more or less, and I'll try to do it a couple of times per week now.

Funny thing is that Luna is always expecting to get treats when we're finished.

BTW, I have Luna in the same postition when I'm trimming her nails.


03-07-2004, 10:37 PM
I used to brush Sash's. He was pretty good. I only did about once a week though, so I don't think it made much difference so I just kinda stopped. Luckily my boy has always had white teeth. I've always given him Coenzyme Q10, so that may have helped his teeth and he pretty much eats dry food. It's probably good to start brushing when there young though.

Lisa & Sash

03-08-2004, 09:15 AM
Well, I figure once a week is better than nothing at all...

And Q10, that's interesting. So far I knew it only from cremes for the face.


03-08-2004, 10:25 AM
I had never given any thought to kitty teeth. The vet has never mentioned it and even my geriatrics did not have problems as far as I know although they did have some bad breath which probably WAS bad teeth. So, I am also thinking that it would be a good preventative measure to start caring for their teeth. I saw special toothbrushes at Petsmart - but really, think baby toothbrushes would be fine.
Funny thought - they make yummy poultry toothpaste for kitties - why not chocolate toothpaste for us??:p

03-08-2004, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed

Funny thought - they make yummy poultry toothpaste for kitties - why not chocolate toothpaste for us??:p

LOL; when I was a child, I had a toothpaste with raspberry flavor! :)


Desert Arabian
03-08-2004, 11:38 AM
Yep, I do!! I try to brush Sammy and Dudley's teeth once a month. I bought the little cat tootbrush and toothpaste package at the petstore, I think it's made by FourPaws. They don't mind it, Dudley drools really bad and foams at the mouth like he's infected with rabies. :rolleyes: :p Then I try to rinse out their mouth a little bit by slowing pouring water on their teeth, they like it a lot better when I wash off the toothpaste.


03-08-2004, 01:48 PM
I try to do the thing with a washcloth and toothpaste on all of the Tribe (except Norm) because they are all very good about being handled, cleaned, claw-clipped etc. so I take advantage of it. But Tiger Tiger REALLY loves the electric rotating toothbrush. He won't leave us alone when we are using it on our teeth and we donated an old rotating head to him for brushing. Don't ask me why, but he loves mechanical stuff - totally facinated with the washer, the CD & DVD players, the vaccuum cleaner, the hair dryer and the electric toothbrush. We're thinking of sending him to MIT (Mouse Institute of Technology)!

03-08-2004, 04:04 PM
Julie has very white pretty teeth. She is still young, but also she eats only dry food. She wants nothing to do with canned or soft food, no people food, and no treats. I got some little crunchy kitty treats that are supposed to be good for keeping tarter under control. She won't eat them as treats but I can put the suggested 10 pieces a day in her food bowl and she will eat them with her kitty food. I suppose it is good that she is a dry food only kitty. I buy a good formula so she gets plenty of nutrients. She drinks a lot of water, makes plenty of 'kitty cakes' in her litter box, and is happy so thats good with me.

03-08-2004, 05:52 PM
yes I tried to brush Eddie's teeth....


Why, I have been using skin and blood to keep his teeth clean!

03-09-2004, 11:25 AM
I shouls , as Dental work , on the cats could cost as much , as three thosand dollars! But they wont stand for it , even the cats that are not as jumpy , as the Siamese tend to be! There must be a way.....

03-09-2004, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
yes I tried to brush Eddie's teeth....


Why, I have been using skin and blood to keep his teeth clean!

:eek: :eek: :eek:
Wow, guess Eddie didn't like it? ;)


03-09-2004, 03:13 PM
They make little finger brushes for pets that you could try. Of course, they are just rubber, so if the kitty bites, you'll definitely feel it!

03-09-2004, 03:16 PM
Never seen those. Sounds interesting!


03-09-2004, 03:28 PM
I saw those little finger brushes... they were cool! They were like a thimble with bristles. I went to the store Sunday with my husband in search of dental supplies for my boys. When Grant saw that the tube of toothpaste was $10 (but it included a brush too) we left without it.:( I'll go back one day withoutGrant and spend the money on it because I really think its worth the expense.

03-09-2004, 03:28 PM
Scatches head...who is weirder, Kirsten or YLL? Answer? BOTH!

I must pay one of you to come try this on my herd. I suppose YLL would be closer, therefore, cheaper....so, YLL..can you ask your mom if you can drive to Cinti for a toothbrushing lesson? :D