View Full Version : Just some Jasper updates(and a question or two!)

03-07-2004, 09:33 AM
I posted a LONG time ago how Jasper went to the door, and recently about how I was having trouble controlling/training him.

Well I haven't updated on this, so I figured I would;)

Jasper's been very good with doing his "business" outside, I cannot REMEMBER the last time he did anything in the house!! I think he was basically trained at 5 months old, maybe not completely, but mostly.

BUT the only problem I do have is he doesn't whine/cry/bark or anything, just goes to the door and expects us to know hes there lol and we don't always know hes there! I've heard that some people use a bell?? How do I get him to do that? Or are there other ways?

And with other training, I went to another clicker training graduation, level 2 this time. I have been practicing some level 1 things with Jasper before he goes :D So he won't embarrass me lol and also so he'll be a little advanced and not so confused.

Right now he knows sit, stay(to a certain point..stays when he wants but not if I leave the room or anything like that), down, both paws, both high fives, and his retrieve.

Some things Im working on(and may need a bit of advice for) are "wait" hes getting good, I tell him to sit, then wait when Im opening the door and he just comes when Im out the door lol doesn't wait until I say. I may also need advice for "stand" I take the treat in my hand when hes sitting, and show him it and then pull it forward and say "stand" and he lays down:rolleyes: lol Im not sure why, I guess hes confused.

He is also getting a little better when people come in, he still jumps on them:rolleyes: but he calms down in no time, hopefully it will get better.

Ah well, sorry its so long, any tips and advice are always greatly appreciated :D Thanks!

♥ Robyn ♥

03-07-2004, 09:49 AM
I'm glad to hear Jasper is doing well. He's such a cutie. You can hang windchimes by the door. They're a little easier to ring then a bell. That's what were trying with Sarah right now.

03-07-2004, 11:37 AM
Thanks Tonya, how do I actually get him to ring them?

03-07-2004, 12:28 PM
Maybe others can answer that better. I'm just beginning. lol.

What I am doing is everytime I take her out, I bend down and ring it. I know when I had Teddy, he picked up very quickly that ringing the heck out of his bell on his pen would get our attention, so I'm assuming she'll pick up on it too.

03-07-2004, 01:24 PM
I've been meaning to buy a bell for my boys to ring when they need to go out. Alot of people just ring it for them when the dog goes out then the dog starts learning that bell=potty.

When people come over, do they greet him? Or ignore him? What I've been trying to do is, when I come home, I ignore them both until 5 minutes later. But they must first come and sit for me before I greet them though. That way, someone coming home equals no big deal cause they aren't getting praise for jumping and no one's excited to be home. It seems to be working pretty well with ours.

03-08-2004, 08:16 PM
I attempted to try the ignoring thing, BUT I couldnt lol, I just love how excited he gets when I come home!

03-08-2004, 08:45 PM
It sounds like Jasper is doing great! I remember when we started Sadie in classes at 5 months old, we would get frustrated when she would forget things, or act like she didn't know what we wanted, when we new she did. Our trainer just kept telling us, she is doing great...she's just a baby!! It was just easy to forget how young she was beucase she learned so fast!

I can't help with the bell thing, we never trained our dogs that way...we just watched what they were doing, and could tell when they started going to the door, or going and coming back. The have gotten better with age and will stand in front of us and cry if just staring doesn't do the trick :)

03-08-2004, 08:55 PM
Wow Jasper, sounds like your doing great...CONGRATS TO YOU BOY:D

Amy (wolf_Q) has her dogs ringing a bell to go out. I'm sure she could give you some good pointers.

03-08-2004, 09:08 PM
Thanks Anna :) Can't wait for clicker training classes, he'll have loads of fun!

Also thanks for the info, if Amy doesn't reply, I will maybe PM her and ask about it.

My Peanuts
03-08-2004, 10:41 PM
I don't know if this will help, but Sylvia uses bells that are attached to the door knob. She was naturally pawing at the door to go out, but no one could hear that. So during Christmas there were bells on the door and we could hear her so we left them there. Now when she paws at the door the bells ring and even Harley knows what that sound means.