View Full Version : What would a doctor do about a concussion?

03-06-2004, 01:37 PM
I hit my head around 7:30 am today. It knocked me out, but I think I was only down for a few seconds. I have a screaming headache and I am nauseated, but otherwise I feel pretty ok.

Anyways, I don't want to sit in the emergency room for 5 hours just to hear a doctor say "You have a concussion. Rest and take aspirin." Any of you have any experience with a minor concussion? If so, let me know what the doc said. Thanks.

BTW, you'll laugh when I get around to telling my story. Silly me!

03-06-2004, 01:40 PM
I've had three and that's all I've ever been told. I don't know if I would go unless I was having funny vision, or feeling strange. But then it could be more than just a concussion...

In other words, I'm really no help. :p

If you're nauseated, don't take aspirin. It can be very irritating to your tummy. Take Tylenol instead.

03-06-2004, 01:58 PM
Can you have someone check your pupils? They should be equal in size and react to light . If you have a pen light, have someone shine it quickly over your pupil, it should react, that is narrow with the light, then return to normal size. DON'T take any prescription pain medications. You need to to be able to judge for any neurological changes, if you're overly drowsy and you don't want to depress your respirations. If you still have a headache tomorrow morning, OR, if the headache gets worse this afternoon/tonight, definitely please go get checked out. My recommendation would be that you go now...hint, hint!:) And if you start vomiting, feeling uduly drowsy, dizzy, of if you have any vision changes, DO NOT WAIT!!! If you have any swelling, you can put some ice on it and Tylenol should be ok. Hope you're feeling better soon! Boy, I know how those head bonks hurt!:( Thankfully you weren't more seriously injured:)

03-06-2004, 02:06 PM
Thank you. I am pretty sure I'm ok. I got home around 8am and slept with an ice pack until almost 11am. I woke up and my head is still pounding.

I'll type up my story now. hehe.