View Full Version : Annoying kitty? Need help

03-05-2004, 10:40 PM
Ok, I have 2 cats. One is 6 yrs old, the other is under a year. Of course, the kitten LOVES to play. But, Smitten has never been one to play. It is cute when they do play though ;) Kiba will drag her string like (a peice of material attacted to a stick of some sort) toy around, and Smitten will chase it hehe (sometimes). Anyway, sometimes Smitten just wants to sit back and not be bothered. Kiba doesn't seem to understand cause she always bites and claws at her..Smitten will even cry sometimes and hiss. We tell Kiba no and such, but she won't leave more Smitty alone :( Any sugestions?

03-06-2004, 12:41 AM
Kiba is just a baby .... either separate her from Smitten when she is over stimulated .... or let them work it out! A few swipes from Smitten, and Kiba will soon learn her boundaries! Just be sure that Smitten's claws are clipped good, so she doesn't hurt this precious baby!!!

Hope this helps!

03-06-2004, 03:26 AM
I would take kim's advice here, they usually seem to work things out one way or another, as long as neither are getting hurt badly then they should be fine, it took a while for my two to work it out, and they have, what we say an understanding, Ash is boss cat and that is that, Lexie keeps her distance and does not bother him, he used to swipe her now and then but rarely bothers these days and they touch each others noses, which I am sure is a good sign, so they have accepted each other, which I am sure your two will in time, and they will work out who is boss, don't be suprised if it is the kitten, lol, good luck and be patient, I am certain all will be just fine.:)

03-06-2004, 07:27 AM
Reminds me a lot to the Luna and Lily situation here. They're great friends, but sometimes lazy Luna just wants her peace and would growl at Lily when she's not leaving her alone. Seems that Lily isn't really impressed by that, she would just continue to annoy Luna.

I never interfere, because I think they have to work it out with each other, and it worked great so far.

I agree with Kim and Carole; Kiba is a kitten, and she still has to learn. She will calm down eventually. :)


03-06-2004, 09:06 AM
That happens at the Hotel , as Little Rocca will try , and make some of the Older Cats play with her. She is as playful , as they are laid back , but things do work themselves out , usually!

03-06-2004, 02:20 PM
The thing is, Kiba seems to be kinda stupid ;) No matter what Smitten does (hissing or whatnot) Kiba won't back down. Also, Smitten doesn't have claws so I'm worried she won't be able to put Kiba in her place? Oh, and I trim Kibas nails atleast weekly, and they grow so dang fast! So she's probably hurting her with her claws too? I just feel bad for Smit. If you separate them for a while, Kiba comes right back out and starts up again.

03-06-2004, 06:45 PM
The thing is, Kiba seems to be kinda stupid

ROFLOL!!!! I'm not making fun of your remark it just cracked me up when I read it!!! Kittens are like that...persistant, persistant, and persistant!!! They will work things out but I think maybe it is a good idea to seperate them now and then just to give Smitten a bit of a break. Make sure you give lots of love and understanding to Smitten and let her know that Kiba will grow up one day. Smitten just might miss her playful antics when she settles down.

03-07-2004, 01:53 AM
I understand your concerns, especially as Smitten has no claws, but I think the kitten is just being that a kitten, they are very persistant for sure at that age, and just love to play, could be Kiba is going to be BOSS cat though who knows,just keep a watchful eye and make sure neither of them get hurt, I still believe they will work it out for themselves in time, good luck!!!:)

03-07-2004, 02:09 PM
Thanks everyone :)