View Full Version : Another precious furbaby goes to RB

03-05-2004, 08:38 PM
I posted a memorial for Trevor who was a homeless kitty at the shelter. I thought it was the least I could do for the poor baby who has no one to grieve for him. Please remember Trevor and all those like him.
His story and picture are in the memorial.

03-06-2004, 12:43 AM
Rest in peace, Trevor. :( You are loved and now you are at peace.

03-06-2004, 03:20 AM
It made me feel extremely sad reading Trevor's memorial, still I am sure he felt the love you had for him, even in the short time you spent with him, Rest in peace Darling Trevor, you are in a better place now, with many other beautiful kitty's just like you.

A lovely gesture on your part to remember Trevor, and share this moment with us all, even though it is sad, I am sure this precious fur-baby can feel the love surrounding him from us all at the Bridge. Peace and harmony Trevor.

03-06-2004, 09:11 AM
rest in Peace , Poor Trevor , and you will never know Hunger , Thirst , and Lonliness , as you will have Fellow Pets and Pet Lovers , and all the Food and Toys that youcould ever want , and may the Lord bless you , and grant you peace. Found Cats and I are sad.

03-06-2004, 10:05 AM
This has been such a sad couple weeks on PT - I have really been unable to post much - am such a softie i guess.:( Lisa - you are so very sweet to post the memorial on this beautiful animal, Trevor. See? Your work there DOES help. It did for Trevor!!

03-06-2004, 10:30 AM
I couldn't let Trevor's passing just go unnoticed. The very least I could do for him was leave a memorial for him. I know he is already gone but somehow doing this makes me feel like he wasn't an unwanted or unloved kitty. I guess this is really more for me than for Trevor. He deserves at least to be remembered.

Laura's Babies
03-06-2004, 07:45 PM
How can you stand to get so attached and loose them.. I never met him and I kid you not, I cried like a baby over his passing.. You knew him! It just rips your heart out. Just so sad, all alone, without a home or arms to hold him.

BUT, I would make a memorial for everyone that is lost so that some of the world will know about them.. I got plenty of tears left here for them all. That was beautiful what you did and I am sure he is smiling down now thinking "Wow! I was loved!"