View Full Version : Odd lump in my arm pit

Aspen and Misty
03-05-2004, 02:23 PM
:o I'm a little imbaressed to talk about this, but I need some advice. I have a large lump in my arm pit that has grown from just a lil thing to a large thing. I'm not sure what it is. Could it just be one of my sweat glands (is that what they are called?) in larged??

Any ideas?

Ash :confused:

03-05-2004, 02:28 PM

What about visiting your doctor, if you are worried about your body ?

It is probually nothing but isn't it better to get check out, just in case ?

Or maybe you can mention it to your mum or dad ?

03-05-2004, 02:37 PM
I would get it checked out by a doctor. But it may just be a swollen gland, but it's better to be safe than sorry so go get it checked out.

03-05-2004, 02:39 PM
You need to see the Dr. It can be nothing, or it could be something and the sooner you find out what it is, the better. I had a huge lump in my forearm and finally made it in to the Dr. Where my lump is, there are not lymph nodes nearby. I have a fatty tumor, like dogs get. Don’t laugh, they’re actually very common. It’s gone down a lot since then. :)

Please get it checked out. Is it sore at all?

Aspen and Misty
03-05-2004, 02:43 PM
All I have to say to you all is BOO, I hate the docotor :mad:

LOl, Jk, but I really do hate the doctor. I told my mom she needed to look at it so I'll go over later and show it to her, then we'll see if she wants me to go to the doctor. Thanx for your advice, I'll get it looked at.

Micki- It's only sore if your push on it. :D

03-05-2004, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
Micki- It's only sore if your push on it. :D

Then don't push on it! :p :D

Aspen and Misty
03-05-2004, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Then don't push on it! :p :D

Are you a mom? :p you act like one :p

Ash :D

03-05-2004, 03:47 PM
Do get it looked at by a doctor, that's the only way to know for sure. Could be a swollen gland of some sort, but we cannot diagnose anything over the Internet, never mind the fact that we're not medical professionals.

03-05-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
:o I'm a little imbaressed to talk about this, but I need some advice. I have a large lump in my arm pit that has grown from just a lil thing to a large thing. I'm not sure what it is. Could it just be one of my sweat glands (is that what they are called?) in larged??

Any ideas?

Ash :confused:

Get it checked. I had the same thing (and still have) in highschool. Lumps in your armpits can actually be breast related. I forget the name (I know, I should remember!) but my breasts had cysts and tumors. The doctors removed one tumor and used a needle to drain the fluid in the cysts which relieved the pain quite a bit. I still get the painful ones every once in a while, especially around my period, but nothing like when I was younger. Since then, docs have told me to just keep an eye on them, but not to mess with them if it's unnecessary. Regardless, get it checked out by a doctor and confirm that it isn't cancer. Don't panic though, you are very young for cancer. It's very rare for someone your age.

03-05-2004, 04:05 PM
I had an odd lump somewhere else and fretted about it until my doctor could fit me in... it too turned out to be a swollen gland (who knew?) and I took some anti-biotics for a while until it was all gone. As much as you might hate the doctor, thnk about how much nicer it'll be to have piece of mind knowing that everything is ok. You are still young, but you still shouldn't ignore odd lumps.

03-05-2004, 04:51 PM
Tonya, I'd guess fibrocystic breast disease? It's totally benign but it can be annoying.

I'd have to agree with everyone here, it's best to get it checked out.

03-05-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
Tonya, I'd guess fibrocystic breast disease? It's totally benign but it can be annoying.

I'd have to agree with everyone here, it's best to get it checked out.

That's it! I was going to say fibrosis. lol. Fibrocystic breast disease is what I have. It is kinda scary because I have grandmothers and aunts on both sides that have had breast cancer. I keep a close eye on my girls. :D

*I have to add, they are all cancer survivors, praise God!

03-05-2004, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
Are you a mom? :p you act like one :p

Ash :D

Nope, no kids for me! I'm Jordan's cyber mom, though. Maybe that's where it comes from. :)

03-05-2004, 07:45 PM
It's called Fybrocystic Disease. They are almost always benign. I have had FD since I was 18 years old. It's a nuisance. The best thing you can do is have the doctor look at it. Better to be safe than sorry.

Let us know how you make out.

smokey the elder
03-06-2004, 03:45 PM
You ought to see your doctor. I had one of these 10 years ago. It was an infection; they gave me antibiotics for it (I forget what.) It scared the p*ss out of me before it was diagnosed.

03-06-2004, 04:31 PM
Get it checked out especzlly since you spent time with rescue animals. I worked for a vet and got scratched by a stray cat and had cat scratch fever .It was not fun, I had swollen lypamh glands ,I had to wait a whole 4 days for the test results .They tough at first I had Lymphomia, which them most b people died from. Don't fool around with your health, we have had to many cancer scares in this house. Yes I am a mom so do as mommy says get to the doc.!!!!!!!

03-06-2004, 05:07 PM
You do need to go to a doctor, just for your peace of mind.

My daughter Lindsey had a lump in her breast, scared me. I took her to the doctor and they done ultra sounds and then done a mammagram(sp?) can't spell. The decided it was nothing for her to worry about. I was so worried about her. She was only 17 at the time and it really put a scare in me. It did go away by itself.

Please do see a doctor, like somebody else said it is better to be safe than sorry!


03-07-2004, 01:11 PM
You have a choice - being frightened and not knowing what is going on - or going to a doctor and have the doctor put your mind at ease.

I wish the latter for you - worrying is not a good thing.

03-08-2004, 08:12 AM
I had one when I was 22. It was close to the breast and I had it removed. They told me that if it moves it's not malign (but, I guess they were just telling me that to stress me less :) ). I had it removed surgically (it was a piece of cake) and sent for a biopsy. After I got the results, they told me it was a good choice to have it removed.

I suggest you go to the doctor.

Sometimes, though, it could be only a limphatic node (not sure of the name in English) swollen from some infection on your hand or arm. Go see a doctor!

03-08-2004, 09:28 AM
When I was in college, it happened to me. I was on a summer job, about 8 hours from home and had a lump the size of an egg under my arm. I found a doctor (OB/GYN) who said "It needs to come out", so I called my mom, who got me set with a surgeon at home, quit my job early, went home, and heard the surgeon say that it was a lymph node and we needed to leave it alone and watch. He suggested "cat scratch fever" too. It eventually went down, without surgery, and I have had no further problems. I would only tell you that you shouldn't take these things lightly, have it checked by a doctor and maybe two doctors to be sure.

Good luck!
