View Full Version : Paint Shop Pro 8

Holly's mom
03-05-2004, 11:47 AM
I just purchased Jasc Shop Pro 8, which also comes with Animation Shop. I also have Microsoft Digital Image Pro 9 which is very easy to use. But PSP has alot of other things that I wanted and I figure I can switch back and forth when needed. I have been playing around with the PSP and I feel really stupid. Is this program really complicated? I am really confused :confused: . There's a lot of neat things you can do with this, I have to figure it out. Has anybody else had trouble with this? I would really appreciate any helpful tips.

03-05-2004, 12:20 PM
I have it and im still trying to get help with animation shop also! All i know is how to put the animation on, but i really need help with when i save it, it saves as a ton of different frames! I would also like some help! :p

03-05-2004, 12:25 PM
I've got it, too. I kind of like psp7 better so that's what I've been using. I have no clue on the animation stuff. I tried that one night and all I got was a bunch of jpgs in the folder. Grrrr. I wish my brain could process this stuff easier. Because it's not hard to use.

Holly's mom
03-05-2004, 01:08 PM
Well, I have been been going to the Jasc.com website and they have tutorials on there. Also there are some "help" message boards, if you search under google. But this software comes with a 400 page manual, so I am a little overwhelmed, to say the least. This certainly isn't a "sit down and whip something up quick" sort of thing. Oh, well, I'll just keep plugging away at it. Hopefully it will all come together and "click".

03-05-2004, 01:21 PM
It's just like any new thing you try, it takes time to learn the stuff. PSP isn't that hard once you get the hang of it..I personally perfer Adobe though heh. I never looked at the manual for PSP..I'm horrible at learning that way :o I just play around with things..trial and error I guess.