View Full Version : I am home again!

Laura's Babies
03-05-2004, 07:20 AM
I am back from the river! YIPIEE! I got off Wednesday night in Baton Rouge. We had a great trip this time, not but one incident of any importance but it was over with by the time most of of heard about it. We lost our generator in the middle of the night, it malfunctioned and burned up, almost setting the boat on fire as well as leaving us dead in the water with NOTHING...no lights, no radio, no steering...the whole 9 yards... Nothing!!! Quick action by the crew on watch saved the day and we were only in danger for a few minutes before our quick thinking mate, shut the bad one down and started the back up generator. I heard about it when I got up in the morning and it was all over with by then.

The time flew by fast for me, seemed like that 4 weeks was only 2 weeks. Seemed like the fastest trip I have made out there yet! But, I missed my babies every single minute I was there. I looked at their pictures every day and talked to them. I called my son and checked on Amy and he said she is no better than she was when I left, just what I was afraid of with her having that surgery. He said the good news is, she is no worse! That was my biggest fear and why I was so worried, somehow, I knew it would disable her even more. Due to his schedule, it will be Saturday before I can go pick up the girls... I am having FITS to see them!! I picked up Chester yesterday from my daughters house and he is so loving and sweet. Usually he is mad at me the first few days he is home for bringing him home but this time he was SO happy to be home!!!

OK now I need some help!! Thanks to the internet, I have some really cute pictures he took of Giz, playing with bubbles!! But something is wrong when I try to post them. The copy image shortcut link don't look right (imagestation) and there is no jpg on the end of it anymore. I have tried with some other pictures I have posted before and it just is not showing up like it use to. Any idea what may be wrong? See how it is showing up below with NO jpg on it....


http://www.imagestation.com/mypictures/inbox/view.html?id=4193049934&url=http%3A//www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid99/pbc7723ec94726cd1180792127eb4f6ff/f9ecdd4e.jpg&caption=chester ham&album_id=4287990635&from_album=1

Edwina's Secretary
03-05-2004, 07:30 AM


You have to copy just the part you need. From www.imagestation to jpg!

(Barbara taught me this!)

03-05-2004, 08:40 AM
WELCOME HOME, glad to have you back on PT! Lovely pictures too, hope you'll be posting lots more now!!!:D

03-05-2004, 08:50 AM
Welcome back, we missed you!!!! :)

03-05-2004, 08:55 AM
So glad your home safe and sound!!! It's wonderful news that Amy hasn't gotten any worse. I bet you will be glad to get them all home! Chester is probably feeling pretty special since he is the only one home right now. He is getting all the attention!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif
Chester looks very happy in his picture and he is as cute as a button!!!
That is a beautiful river shot! Is that your boat?

03-05-2004, 08:59 AM
Welcome Back , and does Chester look Happy ,and all my Cats will want togo there , as well , as they would love Cajun Cooking , and the Shrimps! They all are jealous of Chester!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-05-2004, 09:32 AM
Welcome back! Glad you had a good trip, and it's good to hear the time went so fast for you because it did for me too. Seems to me like you just left yesterday. Was it a whole month ago already?! :eek:

I think what you're doing wrong with the pics is you're copying the website address at the top of the page. What you need to do is rightclick on the picture and copy that address. You're probably just forgetting a step because it's been awhile since you've done it. Not to worry, you've got a whole month to practice again. :D

Glad to hear Amy is doing ok and didn't get any worse after the surgery. Can't wait for all the pics of them that you're going to take once they all get home again! ;) :D

03-05-2004, 09:36 AM
Welocme back! You were missed!:)

Laura's Babies
03-05-2004, 09:45 AM
That is a picture of the boat I have been on for the last 3 years. "Home" away from home since I spend as much time there as I do at home. It looks as nice inside as it does from the outside and I have loved working there. I have a wonderful Captain and a crazy Cajun Pilot...

BUT, after being on a boat with 8 to 9 men for 28 days......... (Want to guess what is the last thing I want to deal with on my days OFF????)

03-06-2004, 11:36 PM
I come looking for this thread after seeing the one where you picked up your babies. Glad to see you home for awhile from your other home.

Again Welcome Home!!
