View Full Version : New agility class didn't go so well...:(

03-04-2004, 11:37 PM
I'm rather upset right now. Nebo started his new agility class tonight. His last one ended about 2 weeks ago. Same trainer and everything, just different classmates. He was in a class with one other dog, a young boxer. They were good buddies and we'd sometimes let them play after class.

The boxer wasn't going to take another class, so the trainer had me go into the Thurs night classes instead, since there wasn't anyone to be in the Tues night class. The Thursday night class consists of 5 purebred Australian Shepherds. Apparently there was also a lab in the first classes, but he didn't continue (I think I know why!). Three of the Aussies belong to one lady and her husband/child. The other two belong to separate families.

Admittedly it's pretty stupid, but I did feel out of place right from the start...5 Aussies vs. one odd ball Siberian Husky. They all had their families with them, I was alone. But that, I could deal with. The lady with the three aussies being an evil witch to me...THAT I couldn't deal with!

Right from the start she comes up to me and says (snotty), "Does your dog have any manners?" I was a bit taken off guard (and I'm not a talkative person) so I think I just mumbled something about yes, but he was excited. Then she starts saying some crap about the lab that was in the class, and how he had NO manners and tried to rip her dogs up....then specifically stated that HER dogs had manners!

Ok, all of these dogs were in a class together. They already know each other, are used to working around eachother, and they are the same breed. Nebo had never met these dogs, nor was his class that size. It was the first night, he was excited. He's been to obedience classes, has his CGC...I consider him a fairly well-behaved dog, but he's not perfect, especially in new situations!

So we did the very first obstacle..running through the tunnel then jumping on the table. Nebo ran through the tunnel then skipped the table and went towards the other dogs. No, he shouldn't do this, but he's not like a friggin agility master or anything, he's learning! If you know huskies, you know they are *mouthy.* Nebo rarely barks, but he's very vocal in other ways.....he ALWAYS growls when he plays, that's just Nebo!

So he ran over to play with the other dogs and was making his play growling noises. I grabbed him of course, and the lady was soooo pissed off. She was totally having a fit saying crap about how "vicious and aggressive" he is. :mad: She was talking to the trainer and I swear she said something about not wanting to be in a class with a "dog like that." The trainer told her that Nebo had been in her class, she knew him, and that he was not mean, he's just being a husky. The lady said something else I didn't catch, but I heard the trainer tell her again a few minutes later to stop talking about Nebo.

She said something very rude to me about how SHE kept her dogs AWAY from the other dogs, she was responsible! :mad: Oh my hell, it was the FIRST obstacle, it was an accident, so sue me! He wasn't hurting her perfect dogs anyway!

So the rest of the night I was very upset...I kept my distance...made sure I was at least 20 feet away from all the other dogs. Honestly, I thought Nebo did very well on the course. He listened better than the dog she was handling, and I swear I'm not just saying that!

I was so paranoid that he'd get away from me at the end of an obstacle that I accidentally hurt him, which made things even worse. :( He started to go towards the other dogs to play after an obstacle, so I hurried and grabbed what I could of him...I kinda grabbed his hips which hurt him as well as startled him. Another husky/Nebo thing, if he's hurt in any way, he'll let you KNOW about it! He's very vocal about his displeasure, and he's a huge baby.

He let out this LOUD yowl/growl and kinda turned around at me. He was not trying to bite me, just flipping around like "What was that?" I'm sure it looked *awful* though. :( Everyone in the class was just staring at me. I heard that lady talking to somebody else about me and Nebo, and I just couldn't take it any more.

I walked out of the barn then went to the car to cry. Yeah, I know it's immature and I shouldn't let it bother me, but I did. That's my baby they're talking about! :( I haven't decided whether to continue with the class or not. I really like the trainer...but feeling like that just isn't fun, and agility should be fun. I think I'll email her and find out of there's another class I could get in to.

Sorry for writing such a long and boring sob story.

03-04-2004, 11:44 PM
If you like the instructor I would try and continue with it. I don't give a rat's you know what about what other people think.

I have my grandpa's pug in agility right now, and there are a few people who I don't particularily get along with in the class. I just stay away from them.

If you and Nebo are having fun (this experience excluded) I would try and stick with it. Do talk to the instructor though and see what she says. She sounds like she's willing to stick up for you and Nebo.

Good luck and I hope everything works out okay.

03-04-2004, 11:53 PM
aawww poor Amy and BEEEEBO!! {{{hugs to both}}}
I hope your trainer lets that evil witch have it. Too bad you can't find another class.

03-04-2004, 11:58 PM
I'm sorry things went so badly for you Amy :( I would have had to take a cry break too. Honestly, if you are THAT uncomfortable, and the trainer has another option, maybe it's worth looking into. Like you said, it should be fun, not something you dread. Nebo will pick up on your tension and may act out even more, if you hate it that much.

Just know that we love you, and we love Nebo too!!!


03-05-2004, 02:02 AM

Sorry you went through that tonight. Its not immature to cry about that. I would've been crying before I even got to the car!

If they think Nebo is vicious, they must know nothing about dogs. Some people are ignorant and stupid. I am sorry you had to deal with it.

Hopefully you will find another class to get into. I'd hate to see Nebo's agility ruined because of that dumb lady.

03-05-2004, 03:08 AM
I know one thing, I sure wouldn't be calling that woman a lady because she's far from that. I'm sorry you accidentally hurt Nebo. I know that must have hurt you a lot. Don't let that hateful woman ruin this for you. Sounds like she's used to getting her way and she needs to find out it's not that way all the time. And I think the trainer will help you on that, too. At least try one more lesson and if it's not any better, I would see if you could find another class. It's a shame people have to be that way.

Rio and Me
03-05-2004, 06:23 AM
Dont give up wolf_q, sheeshh its that women and her dogs that are the problem, nebo is doing what dogs do, if that was your first lesson then he bound to want to see all the dogs.
I would keep going and just ignore her completly, and if nebo gos over to her again grab him a say to him "dont go near that women nebo she's evil" or somthing just let her know that she's not going to push you out of the class, like she's probly trying to do to all new comers.
good luck Ky and Rio

03-05-2004, 06:51 AM
Originally posted by Rio and Me
"dont go near that women nebo she's evil"

:D I like that, it's perfect!

Amy I've had first hand experience with this same thing when we took Roxey to agility.

The problem wasn't with her, but one of our husky friends Nikki. She is soooo mouthy, never mean at all but very vocal.

We were there with quite a few people who had already taken the class before and knew each other too. Nikki was running the course and one lady's dog (an ACD mix) came running after her so Nikki turned around and stood her ground. Not until the other dog started to fight did Nikki start. But of course because of all the noise they thought it was her fault (and she's the one who got bit in the tongue and lip!).

I would totally ignore this person. But if you feel you just can't do it I understand that too. Maybe you could find another place to take Nebo.

Sorry this is so long, I just want you to know that your boy is not the only mouthy husky out there;)

03-05-2004, 07:50 AM
Oh, I'm sorry. :( I hate when dog people are all snooty like that! I mean it's not like Nebo was hurting anyone, he was just excited at a new class, as any dog would be! ^_^ Don't let this woman ruin your fun. And agility definately should be fun - for you and Nebo. :)

03-05-2004, 08:08 AM
Amy, If you like the instructor, then I say screw them, and keep up with the class. If they don't like it, then they can leave.

This is one of the reasons why I'm hesitant about signing Kia up for agility. Being in a class with a bunch of "know it alls". Sure some dogs are perfect for Agility, but that doesn't mean I can't try and have fun with it. I know Kia will never be some huge world champion. Big deal. That woman needs to butt out.

And you were not immature to cry. I hate confrontations and if that had happened to me? I'd be bawling too. *hugs*

Rio and Me
03-05-2004, 08:26 AM
if your in the same class as her then she's no better at it than you, she has no right to say anything bad about nebo if her dogs are still novice as well. why try and train so many dogs at one time? that women is obvioulsy clueless,lol Ky and Rio

03-05-2004, 08:26 AM
ohhh, I'm very sorry to hear that...:( ***hugs to both of you***

But I think, if you like the trainer, you should try to continue thye class... I know how it is, when other people talks about you bad things, but you must show that Nebo is good dog and he can do all very well...

I wish you good luck in that couse, if you're going to go to that class...

P.S. arghhhh, what a stupid woman...grr:mad:

03-05-2004, 08:27 AM
Argh, alot of people say that dogs are being "agressive" when they playfully growl, I think alot of huskeys--and other dogs are like that.

Jasper barks and growls sometimes when he plays, but nobody minds right now--because hes a puppy, but it won't mean any different when hes older.

I think you should look into a class later on, as you probably will not enjoy it at all with that lady making remarks and being a...whatever you want to call her;)

I would have had a little crying spell also, I really hate people who sink that low just to make everyone think theyre dogs are better than everyone else's.

03-05-2004, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by ramanth
Amy, If you like the instructor, then I say screw them, and keep up with the class. If they don't like it, then they can leave.

I agree! If you like the trainer, I'd stay... just to piss that woman off. haha! She could leave if she can't stand it.

I am still not sure whether I want Gigi to do agility or not, the trainer (who we will take clicker class with) said according to my description of Gigi and her love of treat, she could be a good candidate. But I have a feeling she will the littlist and smallest dog there. We will see.

But you should stay in that class and IGNORE that woman. Give her the "look" if you have to. :D

03-05-2004, 11:52 AM
Amy, it was not a long and boring story. I think all of us here feel your pain and frustration to a degree :(. I can't stand people like that woman. If there's one thing that really upsets me it is when someone has a "better than thou" attitude and treats others like they are below them or less worthy. It is so so wrong. I agree with maybe trying one more class, but if it is just too miserable I don't think you should put yourself through that.

*hugs* to you and the gorgeous NeBo boy :)

03-05-2004, 05:12 PM
Hey wolfq!

That would have got to me too. First for somebody being so confrontationally rude. I've never understood why people can't just talk things out calmly. And Second, I think most people want their dogs to do great and put a certain amount of personal stress onto ourselves over that and really don't need an outsider piling onto it.

If it turns out you can't ignore this lady and not let her effect you, you may want to either move to another class or find another place to train. Dogs pick up on stress and it's not going to take Nebo long to decide agility really isn't all that fun. And it's not going to matter that your anger and stress are directed at the lady, Nebo's going to pick up on it. He's in the early stages of this whole agility thing, so I wouldn't risk ruining the whole experience for him, trying to get to the other woman.

Oz and I had to work out with the Advanced class, early on when we were in Intermediate class. Not because we were ready, but because we were the only ones that showed up that night for Intermediate class. We had to actually run a course. Oh my gosh! I was so stressed and then it snowballed on us, because Oz got so stressed he wouldn't do anything or come to me. The instructor came out and started working one on one with us and got me calmed down. Then we watched the other teams take their turns and low and behold, they were making mistakes too. When we did our second turn, we did so much better, because I wasn't near as stressed. So again, I think an angry, stressful training environment is just really going to be determental you and Nebo.

Now if you feel you can talk to the trainer though, here's a suggestion of how we handle things where I train. If you're the person with the loose dog (and they've all done it at one time or another, so don't feel bad. Even Oz), just calmly go over and get him (maybe give him an UhOh) and lead him back to the obstacle. I wouldn't lunge for him anymore. Then have him perform the obstacle and give a real good treat and a big WooHoo!

Now for the other people standing around waiting with their dogs, they should be helping you. First it's their job to look out for their own dog. If another dog is charging towards her dog, she should be stepping in front to prevent it. Next she needs to be the negative one (this should be easy for her ;)), so that Nebo views you as the fun place to be. What I usually do is just put my hand out in a stop sign and say a quick Unt! If I felt the dog was charging in an aggressive manner, then I'd do whatever I felt necessary that Oz didn't get attacked. Haven't needed to though, the stop sign and Unt! has worked so far. The main thing is the message has to be sent to the dog that over there with Mom is where all the fun is, not visiting and playing with the other dogs.

Hope you can work out, because you and Nebo seemed to be having so much fun in the other class. It'd be a shame that you didn't get to continue because one woman didn't understand the concept of learning and training.


03-05-2004, 06:17 PM
Aww, sorry to hear it didn't go well. :(

03-05-2004, 06:31 PM
Talk to the trainer between now and the next class, see if that woman is normally like that. If she is, ask if there is a different class in which you and Nebo can participate without the hassle. Nebo's no dummy, he'll pick up on you being unhappy, and agility is supposed to be fun! If she's not teaching another class, try one more time, and if the woman is just as mean, make it your last time. It's not worth the emotional toll.

03-05-2004, 07:04 PM
I'm sorry to hear about that. Being a owner of Huskies, I totally know what you are talking about. It's frustrating because we know our dogs and what they will and won't do, yet others freak out. I go through that at the dog park because my dogs are so mouthy.

guster girl
03-05-2004, 08:14 PM
I know this may sound elementary, but, are there no rules about human etiquette? It seems to me that there should be ways to conduct yourself. I know that if a dog is misbehaving badly enough, the dog can be removed from the class. Why would someone be allowed to be in a public class with other people if they're only going to be hateful? I'd say something to the trainer. I mean, in the long run, it seems as if this woman is going to cost the trainer money. I'd spread the word, anyway, about not going there. I know it's not the trainer's fault, but, still....I just can't believe that person was so rude to you. You held your tongue a lot better than I could have. I've been in a similar situation, and, I sure said a few things. I'm not suggesting lowering yourself to her level, but..... :) Anyway, please!!!! Keep us posted on your decision and what happens later.

03-05-2004, 11:31 PM
Oh Amy, I'm sorry you had such a bad experience at the class.

I've learned through taking the classes and competing that some people are just like that...way to anal for their own good....and believe me I've seen some people like that, they aren't fun.

You shouldn't let them get you down. Some people just don't get the fact that their actions and comments really have an affect on other people, and it's people like that that need to be taken with a grain of salt.

Trust me there are worse things then Nebo running over to visit the other dogs...like gee I don't know running out of the ring to go sit with the spectators (Smudge) or doing zoomies around every piece of equipment (Tama) or visiting the judge and trying to herd you on course (Winter)

I say if you like the teacher and like the class, you should give it another go...as long as you and Nebo are having fun with it, you shouldn't be forced to quit by someone who can only see as far as the end of their nose.

And that probably made no sense but I'm tired


03-06-2004, 12:42 PM
Thanks for your replies everyone! I emailed the trainer. I guess she tried to talk to this woman after class but couldn't get through to her, she still thinks Nebo is evil.

She agreed that this class wouldn't be fun for us. Soo...she suggested that I come after the other class and do it with just Nebo. Kinda like private lessons. She said that she thought Nebo was actually really good at agility, he just needs to learn how to focus better. She we could do the rest of this 6 week class like that then jump in on another class with more dogs for the next session, there's more classes in the spring.

I think maybe this will work out ok afterall.

03-06-2004, 12:58 PM
I'm glad the trainer was willing to work something out with you! The woman sounds like a Witch, and when you are paying $$ the kind of money classes cost, it just it fair to be uncomfortable. It sounds like she really just didn't want any non-aussie dogs inthe class, since she was mean to the lab too :(

Hope you and Nebo enjoy your private lessons :)

03-08-2004, 08:47 AM
Woohoo! Glad the trainer worked it out with you. :)