View Full Version : Tonight Is Lily's Last . . .

03-04-2004, 09:15 PM
We have made the heart-wrenching decision to send Lily on to the RB. The vet will come out tomorrow afternoon.

Her blood levels have remained unchanged since she has been on the sub-q fluids, however she has lost an alarming amount of weight and due to this the vet feels it is only a matter of time. Her appetite is waning and she is losing bladder control. She tries her darndest to get to the box, then only pees a scant amount. Is this painful or merely an inconvenience to her?? Yet she will release a lake on her bedding at times . . . it is so difficult to ascertain the level of her suffering, since cats are such experts at hiding their pain.

She has begun to recline in positions that we have never witnessed before, so this to me is an indication that she is uncomfortable and suffering. Her gait is unsteady, but she walked around the house today, bumping into a few things due to her cataracts/failing eyesight.

Yesterday she barely touched her food, but today she did seem to eat a little . . . oh, I hope this is the right decision for her. I know there is no hope that she will ever regain her health and that this is the end, yet I don't want to end her life prematurely, if she is not in terrible pain. There still exists somewhat a quality of life. But for how long . . . a week? A month? I don't want to let her go on, only to watch her endure a slow, painful death . . . this is so agonizing, and we just recently went through it with Shasta. I can always call and cancel the vet tomorrow, and I honestly don't know WHAT to do here, and am having second thoughts.

How I wish Lily could tell us what she wants us to do for her!!!!!! :confused: :(

03-04-2004, 10:55 PM
Oh AvaJoy I am so sorry! I do think Lily is telling you what to do and you've heard her. You are doing the best thing for poor Lily. Just know that tomorrow night she will be pain free and that you've helped her to pass over to that wonderful existence.

It has truly been the saddest week here at PT.:(

Rest in peace sweet Lily and say hello to Butterscotch and Bob. We will miss you all dearly.

AvaJoy - you are in my thoughts and prayer.

03-04-2004, 11:06 PM
Oh Avajoy, I'm SO sorry! I know how difficult a decision it is. If only they could tell you what to do.

You just have to do what is in Lily's best interest. I've had to send 2 cats to the RB. Casey (RB, 2002) and Marina Mar (RB, 2001). I miss them SO much. But you never get over losing them, you just get used to them not being there.

Do what is in your heart. I know it will be what is best. Give Lily a kiss for me and tell her to kiss Casey and Marina Mar.

Hang in there!


03-05-2004, 12:16 AM
{{{hugs}}} and prayers for you all during this painful and difficult time.

03-05-2004, 12:19 AM
Hugs to you over this difficult time................ :(

03-05-2004, 02:40 AM
Any decision you make is the right one, as you know and love Lily.

It would be easier if we knew what they wanted but we are the grownups in the relationship. It sadly falls to our shoulders to make the hard decisions.

If you think it is her time...then it is her time.

Lily, If it is your time today watch out for Binx, Butterscotch & Bob. :( :)

They are all newbies on the Bridge, you can learn about the place together.

Binx may be a dawg but as he lived on earth with his mummy and Seven cats, he is a honorary cat too.

AvaJoy {{{hugs}}} to you, we are here if you want to talk.

03-05-2004, 02:42 AM
I am so sorry of Lily. It looks as if she is telling you it is time to go.

This week she will be at Rainbow Bridge with the other new kids like Bob and Butterscotch and there will be many experienced kitties of ours who can show them around.

Sending comforting thoughts.

03-05-2004, 04:28 AM
Rest in peace Lilly. It's nice that your vet will come to the house. That is so much nicer to go peacefully at home instead of sterile surrounds of a vet office.

Thoughts and prayers are with you today.

03-05-2004, 05:50 AM
I am so sorry that you will be losing Lilly. {{{{HUGS}}}}
Have a safe journey to the RB, sweet kitty. :(

03-05-2004, 06:06 AM
I'm so so sorry. You know and love Lily so you will know if the time is right. So many precious babies crossing over this week. It's so sad.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/frown.gif I feel deeply for you all.
Prayers on the way that Lily has a safe journey and that you have peace in your heart.

03-05-2004, 07:01 AM
Prayers are being sent to you and Lily. May Lily find peace over the Rainbow Bridge and may you find peace in your heart.

03-05-2004, 07:28 AM
Avajoy, I am so sorry to read this news about your Lily. :( You and Lily will be in my prayers, my friend.

Steffi N
03-05-2004, 08:10 AM
I am sorry that is now time for Lily to leave you. Please be comforted knowing that you did the best you could for her and that she will not suffer any longer. She will live forever in your heart. {{HUGS}}

03-05-2004, 08:18 AM
Yes Avajoy, it's such a heartwrenching decision to make, but you do it for Lily, and I hope you'll find comfort in knowing you have done all you can for her.

I'm glad to hear your vet can come to your house and help Lily to the RB. May she have a safe journey!

Sending comforting thoughts in this sad time! :(

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-05-2004, 09:15 AM
I'm so so sorry, Avajoy. Yes, so much loss here at PT this week. :(

Lily will let you know when it's time. Like others have said, unfortunately we have to make this difficult decision, but usually the kitties will let us know they are ready to go.

{{{{Hugs}}} to you and hugs and skritchies to Lily during her last hours. :(

03-05-2004, 11:54 AM
Oh, Avajoy, what a heartwrenching decision. I, too, think it is in Lily's best interest that she pass over now. My heart is heavy for you at this very difficult time.
RIP, Lily.

03-05-2004, 12:20 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about your Lily, AvaJoy! :( It's such a hard decision you have to make. But I agree with the others, she will let you know when it's time.

(((HUGS))) to you and Lily,

03-05-2004, 04:09 PM
Avajoy, if it helps at all, I think you have come to a good decision for sweet Lily! What a better way to say your goodbyes, than to have the vet come into her own home, and ease her suffering! Many hugs to you, and some extra gentle strokes for sweet Lily!

:( ;)

smokey the elder
03-06-2004, 07:02 AM
I'm so sorry about Lily. She can join this week's RB orientation class (where the best nip is, endless tuna that won't make you sick, etc.)

This has been a tough week. There must be some reason God needs these furbabies right now.

03-06-2004, 06:30 PM
Well, this is a bit embarrassing :o but we and she are happy because Lily is still here!!!!! :) :D

I took the day off from work just to spend time with her on Friday before the vet came in the afternoon. My husband dug her grave in the morning, we bought a bouquet of flowers and decided upon a blanket to bury her in . . . tears flowing all the while.

She took a stroll around the house, and Schuyler kept her company on the bed for quite some time. She slept in a cozy position, not a twisted one like I had seen her do before.

When the vet arrived, we indicated our apprehension and she examined her and while remaining neutral, her feeling seemed to be that Lily might not be ready for this drastic step just yet, and we CERTAINLY had our doubts, so all things considered it would be best to postpone and just take it day by day. Lily is still getting around, alert, and eating some. She said we will know for sure when the time is right, and Lily will tell us by refusing all food, becoming increasingly lethargic, etc. and she is not in all that much pain or else she wouldn't be trying to quickly get off the bed where we were all sitting! She probably sensed what we were all up to and was opposed.

The vet said she still has some "fight" in her expression, and that remark made me view the situation from a different angle. She was a tough cookie from the streets, and just like people who refuse to let their illness get the better of them, she may prefer to be strong and stoic and fight the inevitable as best she can, and who are my husband and I to rob her of whatever additional time that spirit and determination may afford her?!

I know she will not be with us for too much longer, but I want to be absolutely sure she has given up her personal fight before I intervene and call the Vet out again . . . I apologized profusely for our indecision and having her come out and not going through with it, but she is a dear and felt we made the right choice in giving Lily more time.

Maybe Lily will be like some people who are given a poor prognosis with only limited time to live, and end up proving their doctors wrong and living way beyond what was medically expected . . . well, every additional day is a blessing to her, and to us. :)

Our heartfelt thanks to everyone for your kind words and keeping us in your prayers. {{HUGS}}[/SIZE]

03-06-2004, 06:33 PM
I'm happy to hear that Lily will be with you for a while longer :). I hope that she will be able to pull through and have a lot more time to spend with you.

Prairie Purrs
03-06-2004, 07:26 PM
Good for you, Lily, for deciding to stay around awhile longer! :)

03-07-2004, 04:25 AM
Originally posted by AvaJoy
We have made the heart-wrenching decision to send Lily on to the RB. The vet will come out tomorrow afternoon.

Her blood levels have remained unchanged since she has been on the sub-q fluids, however she has lost an alarming amount of weight and due to this the vet feels it is only a matter of time. Her appetite is waning and she is losing bladder control. She tries her darndest to get to the box, then only pees a scant amount. Is this painful or merely an inconvenience to her?? Yet she will release a lake on her bedding at times . . . it is so difficult to ascertain the level of her suffering, since cats are such experts at hiding their pain.

She has begun to recline in positions that we have never witnessed before, so this to me is an indication that she is uncomfortable and suffering. Her gait is unsteady, but she walked around the house today, bumping into a few things due to her cataracts/failing eyesight.

Yesterday she barely touched her food, but today she did seem to eat a little . . . oh, I hope this is the right decision for her. I know there is no hope that she will ever regain her health and that this is the end, yet I don't want to end her life prematurely, if she is not in terrible pain. There still exists somewhat a quality of life. But for how long . . . a week? A month? I don't want to let her go on, only to watch her endure a slow, painful death . . . this is so agonizing, and we just recently went through it with Shasta. I can always call and cancel the vet tomorrow, and I honestly don't know WHAT to do here, and am having second thoughts.

How I wish Lily could tell us what she wants us to do for her!!!!!! :confused: :( Avajoy, I know this is a heart wrenching decision, but I think that she is letting you know it's time to go on. I had to make the same decision for my siamese Thai. If you let her go to rainbow bridge,Thai will show her . Around. My prayers and thoughts are with you always!

03-07-2004, 04:31 AM
AvaJoy, good that Lily can stay a little longer. She will let you know when it's time.

Wishing you many more hours of love together,

03-07-2004, 06:44 AM
I so happy to hear Lily has decided to stay with you a while longer. :D :D

I came late to read this thread yesterday and I held back from replying for some reason, perhaps because you hadn't posted that Lily had gone to the Bridge, I am not sure. Now I'm glad I waited. :) (You and she were in my prayers though.:))

Scritches and kisses to sweet Lily.:)


smokey the elder
03-07-2004, 07:01 AM
I'm glad Lily decided to postpone her trip to the RB. She's hanging in there, and that's great! I can almost picture an indignant, "MEE-OWWW" on her part, upon noticing the signs of her imminent departure.

03-07-2004, 09:41 AM
Oh boy, what can I say. I have followed this thread from the start and kept looking at the Cat Memorial section but saw nothing. Then I read that she is still with you. Lily, I know that you will be the one to decide when it's time and you will let your humans know. In meantime baby girl, enjoy life with your humans and soak up as much loving and scritches as you can. I know that my RB Casper and OJ await your arrival and look forward to being your friends.

Hugs to you Avajoy and kisses to Lily. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers.

03-07-2004, 11:52 AM
Good for you. I did the same thing with my RB Goldie last year. I was sure it was time and the day was very traumatic. It was pouring rain and my girlfriend had an accident getting to my apartment. I remember she and I running, passing Goldie's carrier between us and when we finally got to the vet. Goldie just had too much life left in her for that to be the day. So I got to keep her for a little while longer.

Like everyone has said, Lily will let you know when it's time and you will know the time is right. Having gone through an "almost" will make the time she has left with you even more special. Cherish these moments. And now I'm crying in memory of Goldie's last few weeks with me after her first "almost." Be gentle with yourself. Prayers going out your way.

03-07-2004, 12:30 PM
Well you are right, it sounds like she figured out what was going on a decided to oppose. I think it is great that you will have Lily for a while longer. Cherish every minute!

03-07-2004, 05:42 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Lily will be able to be with you a while longer.:) Like others have said, she'll let you know when it's time.