View Full Version : I'd walk a mile for my owner...

03-04-2004, 06:42 PM
Homesick cat treks across China for 40 days

A cat given away by its owner has returned home after walking more than 100 kilometres in 40 days.

The owner of the three-year-old cat gave it away to a friend because she was fed up with its poor hygiene.

But the China Daily, quoting the Beijing Times, reports the homesick animal managed to make its way back to Beijing.

The owner, named as Zhu, told the paper: "It must have suffered a lot since its weight has fallen from 2.5 kilograms to only 500 grams."

She added she won't be letting go of her pet in the future.


No, make that 60 miles...

Poor hygiene, but a good sense of direction.....

You'd figure someone named "Zhu" would be able to take care of an animal.....


Laura's Babies
03-04-2004, 08:05 PM
I had a cat years ago that I was very intuned to. We actually could communicate with each other. We were so close that it was unbelievable. Well into his adult life, he dissapeared. At night, I would wake from a sound sleep, hearing him calling me and I would get up and run outside calling and looking for him. This went on for 3 weeks.... Every night, I could hear him calling me and I would run out calling him, looking for him. Now, back in those days, NOTHING would wake me from a sound sleep. You could wake me up (you thought ) and talk to me and I would carry on a conversation (they tell me) and have no memory of it in the morning.. But I could hear Sambo calling me every night. Again, in the wee hours one morning, I heard him calling me and I ignored it but my husband got up and went to the front door and opened it. Next thing, I hear Sambo Yelling "MAMA!" and there he was!! He made one leap from my bedroom door, across the room and into my arms! My BABY was HOME!! He had been gone for 3 whole weeks and where ever he had been carried off to, he found his way home. His paws were swollen and he had lost lots of weight and was scraggly looking but it was HIM! That was a reunion of the greatest joy. Someone carried him off and dropped him off somewhere, that much he communicated to me. It was really him I heard calling me for those three weeks to let me know he was not dead in a ditch somewhere and I always knew he would come back to me. This is really a true story, it happened to me! Yes, he called me "Mama". I have had a lot of cats since he went on to Rainbo Bridges and each and every one has been speacial....but Sambo and I were unusually close and in tuned to one another and I have not had that since with any of my babies.

03-04-2004, 08:12 PM
Laura that is a wonderful story! :) Bassett always talks to me like that.. she calls me Mama too :D