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View Full Version : Rocky acting sad

03-04-2004, 04:18 PM
Rocky and Taz seem to be in a bit of a tiff. I mean, they have to get on each other's nerves every now and then, right?
Anyway, Taz is avoiding Rocky and is spending alot of time hiding from him. Taz is very clever, if you recall. Rocky, God love him, isn't as clever.
Anyway, this separation is clearly getting to him. He's become so needy. A very vocal cat in any circumstance, he is now so sad. Everytime we leave the room, it is as if we are never coming back. Rocky will wail and moan until one of us shows our face or makes a sound to let him know we still exist and how to get to us.
Also, he'll walk into an empty room on his own and start crying until one of us yells his name or something.
Taz likes to get up into the drop ceiling in our rec room downstairs and sleep/hide from Rocky. Rocky can't get up there; he's not as nimble as Taz. So, Rocky sits on the floor and stares at the ceiling crying for Taz to come down.
It's really quite sad.
This is a phase, I'm sure, but it's really beginning to break my heart. I wish these two would just kiss and makeup. Rocky is such an outgoing cat and Taz is quiet and nervous so they are the odd couple for sure.
So I was just wondering if any other multi-pet households had experienced anything similar.

03-04-2004, 04:22 PM
Yes, all the time.

All cats have an ideal ratio of alone time to social time.

I would suggest adopting a third cat for Rocky to play with when Taz wanted alone time. (Gosh, do I sound like Jen now?)

03-04-2004, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by PayItForward
I would suggest adopting a third cat for Rocky to play with when Taz wanted alone time. (Gosh, do I sound like Jen now?)

AHH, you've learned well grasshopper!!!!:D

Jen will have us all talking like that.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-04-2004, 04:55 PM
Tubby does the same yowling thing, but it's not for the same reasons.....although I'm not sure what his reasons are....so unfortunately I can't offer any helpful advice. I like the idea of another kitty though......;) :D