View Full Version : Crate Training Problems!!

03-04-2004, 01:46 PM
Ok, I can't take this anymore:( For the last 3 nights Josie has been going to the bathroom in her crate. I'm thinking she may have to much room is why she is doing it. But I'm not sure. For two nights that pooped in the crate. She would cry so I'd let her out to go outside. Then bring her back in. Well last night she didn't cry any.

I woke up around 3:00 A.M. because Maegan was fussing some so I went to check on her. Well I turned on the kitchen light to see Josie done had made a hudge mess in her crate *yuck* well I went ahead and took care of Maegan. Then I let Josie out so I could clean her crate.

Her crate is 24" wide and 36" long. So is this to much room for her? She is about 30 lbs now. I'm not sure how long she is now but she is pretty long.

I don't know why I'm having such problems. I had a hard time Ginger at first. But then after I learned about the crate. She done just fine. I feel like I'm failing at getting Josie house trained.

I feel like so stupid right now:o Could someone please help?

03-04-2004, 02:30 PM
It is my understanding that they should have just enough room in the crate to lay down comfortably. If they can get up and walk in it, then it is too big. You can put a box in half of it...if it is too big...this way...she cant pee/poop in one part of it, and then lay down in another part of it (as to avoid laying in their own mess).

I have to say, though, Dale (my now 9 month old puppy)(who is potty trained, by the way), peed in his crate somewhat often as a young pup. I had a blanket in there, and i think when he peed on it, it absorbed into the blanket, and he didnt even realize he was laying in it...although, Swissies, are very hard to house train, due to the size of their bladder (which remains rather small for some time), compared to the amount of fluid they can take in (huge amount)...they just cant hold it sometimes.

So, i understand the frustration. Although, Dale only ever peep, not pooped. ONe thing that did work well, is make a schedule of when they eat, drink, crate, etc.,as soon as you let them out of the crate, let her out to potty, and before she goes in, let her out to potty. I had a book that layed out a schedule for me, and in time it worked...

So, the only thing i suggest, and i am no expert, as i only have one dog, is to just make sure that there isnt so much room inthe crate, for her to do her business in one part, and they lay in another part...then it is too big...good luck...

03-04-2004, 03:36 PM
Jasper was the same way with the crate!! I stopped crate training him.

But I think you should maybe block off some of the crate, just have enough room for her to sleep, how old is she now??

03-04-2004, 05:48 PM
The crate should be just enough for them to stand up and turn around...should not be big enough for her to walk around. I am very blessed that Gigi has not peed in her den... she did it once and that's it. Good Luck, Tina. Training puppies can sometimes be very frustrating.

03-04-2004, 10:39 PM
Thanks! Yep the crate is too big! She can walk around in it. I thought that was the problem! We will be getting her a box tomorrow to put in the crate.

DogLover9501- Josie will be 5 months old on the 11th of this month.

Training puppies can sometimes be very frustrating.

That is so true!:)

03-05-2004, 12:50 AM
:) Just keep at it. I had such a hard time with Kai. Although, he only peed and pooped in his crate the first night, he wasn't fully potty trained until he was about 10 months old! It took us a long time to have him perfectly potty trained..so, I understand how you're feeling. It's definately tough but it sounds like making it smaller should work. Keep us updated!

03-05-2004, 09:45 AM
:eek: Almost 5 months old and shes only 5 pounds lighter than Jasper, he will be 6 months old tomorrow :( That worries me, that he is alot smaller than all the 6 month olds I've seen/known of, can it be because he was bottle fed?? :confused: :(

03-05-2004, 09:56 AM
I really have no idea, everyone says that boxer growup different. Not everyone of them grow exactly the same. Well that is what they say at one of the boxer forums I visit sometimes.

Josie may weigh 30 pounds but she doesn't look it! She looks so skinny to me but that is what the scales say. I also worry about her. Wondering if she needs to gain more weight or she just looks like that and always will?

I meant to say she'll be 5 months old on the 10th not the 11th. My daughter will be 4 months old on the 11th. LOL so those to dates get me mixed up.

It could be because he had been bottle feed why he is growing alittle slow. But I doubt it. Of course I could be wrong. I really don't know.

Opps I missed up I had smaller.:o

03-05-2004, 03:27 PM
Well I worry about him! As alot of boxers his age were bigger both male and female...and males are suposed to be bigger than females!