View Full Version : Is it possible to get a tumour or cyst in your esophagus?

03-04-2004, 12:45 PM
Ok I just wanted to know this because for the past year I have had trouble breathing. Just two days ago I started feeling something in my throat. It feels like something is stuck in my throat when I swallow, but as many times as I drink or swallow the feeling is still there. It won't go away! It's getting to the point where it actually kind of hurts. Is it possible it's a cyst, or could it be something actually stuck in my throat? I don't have insurance right now. :(

I am concerned because I have already had one cyst the size of a softball removed from my neck when I was two years old and still have a huge scar from it. :(

03-04-2004, 12:55 PM
Well, I image it could be possible since throat cancer exists. Do you smoke?

I once thought I had cysts, but it turned out to be my lymph nodes were swollen. Also, do you still have your tonsils in?

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Unfortunately the best thing you could do is have a doctor check it out. :\

03-04-2004, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
Well, I image it could be possible since throat cancer exists. Do you smoke?

I once thought I had cysts, but it turned out to be my lymph nodes were swollen. Also, do you still have your tonsils in?

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Unfortunately the best thing you could do is have a doctor check it out. :\

It's not my lymph nodes at all. They aren't swollen in the least. It's actually in my throat. You know how you can feel the bones in your throat from the outside if you rub on your neck? Well right where the collarbone starts is where I feel like something is in there. I still have my tonsils but I don't feel anything there. It does feel like I may have a little bit of a ear infection in my right ear. Could that be contributing to it?

As far as smoking I don't smoke. I used to before I had Dylan for about a year but only very occasionally, and haven't had a cigarette in over two or three years. :( It's getting worse and I think I might tell Dan to come get me and take me to the ER. :(

03-04-2004, 01:11 PM
Oh, I hope you're okay! :( It could be just a cold or sinus infection though.

03-04-2004, 01:37 PM
No it's not a cold or sinus infection. I have something in my throat and it's painful when I swallow. I know what a cold is. :p

03-04-2004, 01:48 PM
Yes, go get it checked out. We'll be keeping you in our thoughts and keep us posted. I'm sure you will be just fine :) But you'll feel better having a Dr. tell you it's OK.

03-04-2004, 01:48 PM
Gosh i hope all is well, I would imagine that something could grow in your throat. sorry i dont have much info for you, although when i lived in Oregon (only a couple years ago) there were MANY clinics of all sorts (dr's, dentists, vets etc..) that help w/ people that are low on income & have no insurance.I think some of the schools near that area actually pay you for going (my b/f @ the time went to the dentist school a few times & got money for going).

Have you aten anything that could of gotten lodged? or allergic to? I know when i had an ear infection last year my throat became very sore & my lymoh nodes were swollen, it can affect your throat yes!

03-04-2004, 02:02 PM
I am going to the ER right now. I can't take the pain anymore. Something is in there! I will update when I get back. Wish me luck!

03-04-2004, 02:13 PM
I really hope to hear what happens, keep us updated! :(

03-04-2004, 02:35 PM
Gosh, I hope everything is fine. Please let us know what is happening! Good luck!

03-04-2004, 08:49 PM
Well what do you know, I have thyroiditis! Seems like my thyroid is not working like it should, and it's swollen which is why my throat hurts. The pain was right where my thyroid is according to the doctor. Can you believe it? A thyroid problem. Geez. I thought I had a tumour LOL. They used a long thingy to look down my throat which made me gag. I just barely got back. I got to the ER at like 12:30 and it's now 6:47! :eek: So I am on anti-inflammatories and pain meds and am waiting for two test results back tomorrow that are supposed to measure the amount of HCT or something like that. It hurts worse now because the doctor kept poking and prodding me. :( For some reason the doctor wouldn't tell me what a positive test result would mean and what the treatment would be. :confused: He explained to me that instead of my thyroid sending a message to my brain to make thyroid stuff my thyroid is doing it all by itself.

I also had to get my ears flushed because I had a lot of wax buildup which is why my ears hurt. So all in all I think I did fairly well. I am still in pain and am waiting to eat something before I take my pain meds but wanted to let everyone know what was wrong. I just never would have thought my thyroid would be the cause.

4 Dog Mother
03-04-2004, 09:13 PM
Well, what do you know? I would have never guessed your thyroid either. How strange but we learn something new everyday. Hope the test comes back with a good result. And I hope you are feeling better very soon!

03-04-2004, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
I just never would have thought my thyroid would be the cause.

As soon as I read your first post, thyroid was my first thought. I had an enlarged thyroid when mine was hyper. They treated it with radioactive iodine to make it stop functioning and now I simply take synthroid everyday. There is no way to make the thyroid produce the correct amount of thyroid hormone once it malfunctions, so they make it stop altogether and then give you a measure dose of synthroid daily.

I feel much better now. I had begun to have a lot os strange things happen, but never knew they were symptoms of hyperthyroidism. My sister & aunt have hypothyroidism, which is the opposite of mine. Their condition slows everything down and they thyroid stops producing hormone all on its own. Exact opposite symptoms as mine.

Don't worry too much, it's usually not a big ordeal, but they will rule out thyroid cancer and some other disorders with a scan. :)

Keep us updated and don't worry about it, it's very common. :)

03-04-2004, 09:23 PM
Would taking pills be a concern of mine since I don't have insurance? How much do you pay for pills?

03-04-2004, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by micki76
I had an enlarged thyroid when mine was hyper. They treated it with radioactive iodine to make it stop functioning and now I simply take synthroid everyday. There is no way to make the thyroid produce the correct amount of thyroid hormone once it malfunctions, so they make it stop altogether and then give you a measure dose of synthroid daily.

My mom had the same thing too. Every woman in my family has had thyroid problems. I get myself checked yearly for this because of my family's history. Good luck luckies4me!

03-04-2004, 09:35 PM
Gee, no wonder I have all these problems. I was looking at the symptoms of hyperthyroidism and I have so many. My diarrhea, mood swings, irregular periods, hot flashes. This could explain a lot of the problems I have been having!

03-04-2004, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Would taking pills be a concern of mine since I don't have insurance? How much do you pay for pills?

I don't know how much they are, Cass. I have insurance through my husband's job, but you call some pharmacies and see how much they are.

This (http://www.healthsquare.com/newrx/syn1421.htm) is a page that can tell you all the dosages at the bottom so that you can ask the pharmacies the prices. Most people I know take the yellow 100 mcg or the purple 75 mcg.

You will have to have them, regardless of the price though. Thyroid controls literally every function of your body and it's extremely important that you have the correct level of hormone.

03-04-2004, 09:43 PM
OK. If I have to have them, I have to have them. Now I am worried. I will just have to go back to work more hours or try to get on Dan's insurance. I am looking at info now. Is there a chance it's just Thyroiditis and not Thyroidism though right? I guess I will know tomorrow when I get the tests back. :(

I hope the pain goes away with treatment?

03-05-2004, 11:18 AM
Well I feel much better this morning after taking my anti-inflammatories! I don't feel such a hard lump in my throat and am not having as much trouble breathing. :)

03-05-2004, 01:39 PM
Glad your feeling better, hope you continue to too! I also hope it is just Thyroiditis.

Also if you have to have pills & cant get on Dans ins. than try to get medicare or medicade (not sure which one is which, but thruoght social services), sometimes you may become elidgable if you have a serious,costly &/or constant medical problem.

03-05-2004, 01:46 PM
Thanks! I do feel better. In fact, I have to take my meds now that I ate and have something in my tummy.

I am going back to the ER tonight to pick up the rest of my medication since my doc left last night and the meds they were going to give me (Tylenol 3) were all gone and they needed another doctor to write a prescription for the pharmacy. We had to leave as my friend had to go to work and I told them I will pick them up after Dan gets home. He stayed home with Dylan while I went to the doctors so I didn't have to have a screaming child in the ER with me. ;)

I came home and he had cleaned the living room and kitchen, AND made me dinner. :D

Oooh I forgot to say that I saw my favorite doctor again! The one who treated my scratched eye! When I went in for my eye I was glad to have him as my doctor as he saved me from my tooth pain after I had Dylan and was having a really bad infection. He knumbed me up twice and saved me. :p

Then it was funny when I had him for my eye because I remembered him and he remembered me too. So yesterday I knew he was there because I knew his voice. So I went out and I was like Hey look at my eye! LOL He thought it looked very good but said I might want to go to an eye person because I am still having a little bit of pain. It was nice to see him again. I want him as my doctor because he is so caring, fast, and treats you with respect unlike some of the other people who work there.