View Full Version : Question about eyeglasses

03-04-2004, 12:31 PM
I finally picked up my new eyeglasses this afternoon... problem is that they don't feel "right" I have had quite a few new glasses in my lifetime (I've been wearing glasses since I was 10) and have never had this feeling before. I felt like my right eye is being "pulled" towards to upper right corner. The eyeglass tech just tugged at the frames and put them back on my face, so now my right eye feels pulled toward the lower left corner. :(

I don't know if its the new lenses - were they cut wrong? Or was it the eyeglass tech... I obviously came into the office during her lunch break, and she didn't want to get up and help me. So I'm not sure if she just wanted to get rid of me or if she really did all that she knew to do.

Now (don't laugh at me) but if I flip the frames upside down, its much more comfy... so did they switch the prescription and put the right lens in the left side and vice versa?

The eyeglass tech also mentioned that if someone switches lens materials, that sometimes a person feels strange for a few days. I did ask for a thinner profile lens ths time. That could possibly be the reason I feel odd.

I left the office without feeling satisfied because I will give these a try. I will wait and see if the feeling goes away. I also left because I thought it would be better to return later when someone else was in the office.

Anybody else experience this feeling, and if so, what happened? Was it the lenses, the tech, or you?:)

03-04-2004, 01:13 PM
I don't know... when I get new glasses it's kind of like a fishbowl effect for a few days, but then I get used to it. Not sure if that's what you're experiencing... maybe they did switch the prescription?

03-04-2004, 01:30 PM
I'd take them back to my eye doc for a quick check. They can pop the glasses into a device which measures the glasses to see if the prescription was cut correctly and the lenses measured correctly - especially important for progressive lenses. Sounds like the tech was rushing to get rid of you. If you can't take them back to your doc, I'd go back to the eyeglass place. They could have made them backwards or just gotten the prescription wrong. It does happen (has happened to me!).

03-04-2004, 01:32 PM
I get the fishbowl effect too, it drives me nuts!

03-04-2004, 01:43 PM
Well, first off, go back and tell them every thing you just told us. Print this out so you don't forget a thing. And try to deal with someone else. Call and set up a time to see someone, other than her if you can. Is it a different prescription than last time? Have them re check if it is, maybe they are wrong, and it should be free to re check. A different brand of lens 'might' be a different view, but you should get used to them quickly, a few days at most. Have them check the glass to make sure it is the prescription that it was written for.

Now having said all that.

My first pair of progressives, (yes, I'm Old) was a mess, I thought. I went back 12 times. How could anyone wear these and for $500.00. You can only see out of a fraction of the glass. Dr. said I would get used to them in a couple weeks. 9 months later I got in the shower with them on. OHHHHHHH, I must be used to them, I forgot I still had them on. Now several pair later I love them.

3 weeks ago I went to Sears to pick up my new glasses, (only place my new ins. will let me go). I kept telling the lady this is not my prescription. She checked it, it was just as the tech had written. It was a Sunday afternoon so they couldn't call my Dr. to check, I had the card at home. The tech hadn’t taken a copy of it. When I called to repeat the prescription to her later from home, the tech had written 10 and it should have been 105, big difference. So they had made them wrong. Also I had paid $60 more to get the edges of the frameless glass ground shinny, they hadn’t done that either. So I still do not have them, at the end of the wk they say. Hopefully they will work. It is a different brand of lens and a new prescription.

Sorry for going on and on, once I got started I couldn't stop !!!

03-04-2004, 02:16 PM
I work for an ophthalmologist and we have a small optical shop within our office. When we send glasses to the lab we write the prescriptions on the lab slips ourselves. We check and double check and so far, knock on wood, we haven't made a mistake, but, being human, anything is possible. Next, when they come back from the lab we re-check them on the lensometer (an instrument which reads the prescription) to see if they were made according to the doctor's prescription before we call the patient.

If the patient should feel that something is "not right" the doctor encourages them to try the glasses for a week. There is usually a period of adjustment with new glasses, and this should be enough to "settle in" with a new prescription. If, at the end of that week, things are still not right we bring them in for another appointment. Sometimes it is as simple as making an adjustment on the nose piece (to raise or lower where they sit on your nose to make sure you are looking out of the correct "field.") You don't mention if your glasses contain a bifocal or are progressive lenses. Are they just for distance or do you have a bifocal in them?

If they are progressive lenses there are different types that labs make now. I know I have had trouble myself with a certain new type of progressive lens and prefer the old standard myself.

I would give the glasses a week and then certainly return to your eyecare professional. Let us know what happens!

03-04-2004, 02:23 PM
I agree with Pam. :) My glasses felt the exact same way as yours did! After about a week, however, I got used to it, and now my vision is perfectly straight.

03-04-2004, 02:33 PM
Thanks all of you so much! I'm better now than I was a few hours ago, but still have that "fishbowl" effect - great description of what I'm feeling by the way!:D

They are regular old glasses for those that are too blind to see far. No bi-focals or progressives yet (thank goodness!)

Funny thing I've noticed in the past few hours is that they are making me sleepy!:D I honestly feel like I could put my head on the pillow and pass out for a few hours. Are they making me old... like a little granny that needs several naps throughout the day?:eek:

Geesh, this getting older thing is too much. First my hair turns white, now my eyes needs coke bottle bottoms to see. What's next?

The scary thing? I'm only 31.:eek:

03-04-2004, 02:36 PM
I am glad you are feeling better. :) You could check with the doctor who gave you the prescription and ask him/her if there was a big change. If so, that might explain some of your difficulty.

Don't worry about the hair. :) There are lots of products on the market to take care of that! I use one myself! :p

03-04-2004, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Pam
I am glad you are feeling better. :) You could check with the doctor who gave you the prescription and ask him/her if there was a big change. If so, that might explain some of your difficulty.

Don't worry about the hair. :) There are lots of products on the market to take care of that! I use one myself! :p

My prescription isn't that big a change... I'm just so picky about my sight. the doctor mentioned that most people wouldn't have picked up on the difference. I guess I'm lucky (or obsessive compulsive, take your pick)

I have had grey hair since I was 20. I liked the idea of a white streak across my front and tried to grow it out and once a coworker told me that I was so attractive, but what did I ever intend to do with my hair? LOL - I admired her lack of sensitivity. So, I've been coloring my hair various shades throughout the years. Since I'm unemployed, I decided that there was no better time to try and grow it out and see whether or not salt and pepper works yet - I've always LOVED salt and pepper hair. What does my loving husband say to me the other night? "When are you doing your hair again... you're starting to look like Lily Munster." Hmmmmm. I dyed it the next day:D

03-04-2004, 05:39 PM
Catnapper, I have a lot of grey hair too. This last time I went home my aunts made so much fun of me because I'm only 22 and had more grey hair then them. So it's back to coloring my hair again.

03-05-2004, 12:03 AM
I've worm specs since I was 3 and then contacts for years. If your eyes are tugging, it's straining your vision. If you wait too long for a re-check or adjustment, you're going to wind up with a major headache. I can't see (no pun intended) that your prescription changed so dramactically to cause that reaction, and a frame adjustment ain't gonna help. Any reputable firm with gladly fix the problem at no charge. Yes, I have had lenses put in the wrong eye, also had my script read wrong too. Check into it ASAP!

Oh..,and I must add my 2c re; grey hair!! Unlike anyone else in my family, I also got grey in my 20s'. I could care less, but my then hairdresser insisted I dye it. After umpty-ump years, I became allergic to hair dye. Long story short..my last reaction was so severe my doctor wanted me to go to the hospital and have my head SHAVED to treat the reaction (I'll leave out the disgusting details). Anyhoo..here I am, years later, grey in front (dark in back and underneath) and after the skunk look grew in, all I get is compliments and questions about who colors my hair!!!!:D :eek: :rolleyes: :p

03-05-2004, 12:14 AM
When I get new glasses, I'm usually completely used to them in a day.

I got one pair, however, that had a place on one of the lenses that was not correct. (They told me what happened at the time, but I can't remember.) I kept them a week, and they never got better ... I still knew something was just "off". I took them back, they found the spot, and made me a new lens. Then everything was fine in about a day.