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03-04-2004, 11:26 AM
Yesterday I was trying to take a nap while Dylan was down for his. Cheetah was sleeping in the bed with me. Houdini KNOWS that the closet and inside the dresser drawers are strictly off limits, as well as laying on my freshly cleaned laundry. Well what does she do while I'm trying to take a nap? First she claws and meows at the door so long I need to get up. So I get up and let her in, then crawl back in bed. I hear a noise coming from the closet and find Houdini hanging on with her claws on Dan's good shirt! :eek: Then she jumps off and heads to the back of the closet which is full as she knows I will have a hard time getting her out. I try but can't reach her so I say forget it. I crawl back in bed and attempt to fall asleep yet again. :rolleyes:

About two minutes later she is digging through boxes. So I had to get up and get the broom to scare her out of the closet. I take her and throw her out of the room and crawl back into bed with Cheetah, who too shouldn't be in the bed either but darnet I just give in! So then she starts meowing and crying at the door so I get up to let her in. 25 minutes has passed and my time for nap is almost over. It takes me a long time to fall asleep so I only have a certain amout of time to fall asleep if I want to take a nap. So I let her back in and what does she do? Yep, crawls right into my dresser drawer to sleep on the clothes. :eek: Geez! She knows better than to do that. So I had to get her out. Finally I was so awake I just layed there. Ten minutes later Dan got home and I got to take my nap without distractions.

Do your cats do this to you when you are trying to sleep? At night Cheetah will meow for hours if we don't let her in to sleep with us. Even though I protest Dan hears nothing of it and lets her in bed anyway. :rolleyes:

03-04-2004, 11:29 AM
Oh and I forgot to mention that she woke me up as soon as I was drifting off to bed. I had like one more second to fall peacefully alseep and she'd come wake me up!

Another thing they do that drives me INSANE is going inside the kitchen cabinets. They use their claws to open up the doors and they sleep with the pots and pans LOL. :D I wonder what they find so appealing about sleeping with cold metal? LOL We have to make sure everything is rinsed before we use it or else our food has cat hair in it. :p

03-04-2004, 11:43 AM
I keep my closet doors closed and the dresser drawers closed. They KNOW they're not allowed in there.

Mitzi has taken to sleeping on top of her covered litter box :rolleyes: I know .... very strange and not at all comfortable looking, but she likes it. I'm planning to make her a little fluffy mat/pillow to make it more comfy. Of course, once I do that she'll probably find another strange and uncomfortable looking place to sleep -- ah kids! :)

03-04-2004, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by RedHedd
I keep my closet doors closed and the dresser drawers closed. They KNOW they're not allowed in there.

Yep mine know too, but do they listen? LOL Most of the time they are kept shut but it just so happened that this time they weren't and she had to get in there while I was trying to nap. It gets so frustrating when you are just about ready to fall sleep, and then BANG! :p

03-04-2004, 11:48 AM
LOL, Cass that is so funny! Ummmm, sounds yummy! Cat hair!

Grover is the only cat allowed to sleep with us, and she usually just curls up at my neck and goes to sleep, this morning she was stuck to my back like a lump. But she doesn't keep me awake, although I know she does like to explore until she thinks it is time to go to sleep.


03-04-2004, 11:48 AM
This reminds me of a story my mom told me the other night, about my cat Baby. My mom and family have their own ceramics shop and their whole house is full of ceramic pieces, some worth thousands of dollars......all ones they made. Well my mom was asleep and it was nightime, when she awoke after a big crash. My mom came running out thinking my brother or sister had slipped and fallen down, but soon found out that Baby had crawled inside one of the ceramic pieces and it fell off the shelf tumbling to the ground with Baby still in it and of course it broke. LOL Silly cat! You should have seen her when she was a kitten. She was the most hyper kitten I have ever owned in my whole life. :D

She's just strange all around. If you scratch her back she'll stick out her tongue. :D

03-04-2004, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by trayi52
LOL, Cass that is so funny! Ummmm, sounds yummy! Cat hair!

I can't tell you how many times I have hair in my food. Almost everything I eat has hair in it. I am CURSED by hair! Really I am. Even if I go to a restraunt, it never fails. There is always hair in my food! :eek: :confused:

I am glad the cats don't shed as much. Ewok leaves fur balls around but thank goodness he doesn't have the urge to sleep with pots and pans! I tell Dan to rinse everything out before he uses it. Sometimes he won't do it, and if I ask he lies and says he did. Sure enough I check and there is hair floating around in the water. :rolleyes: How hard is it to just rinse something out before you use it? Geez, only takes one second.

I am thinking of putting our baby latches on so the cats can't get in the cubbards. (sp?) What's funny is that we know when they do it. We will be sleeping and keep hearing this thud, thud, thud, thud. That is all the times Cheetah isn't successful in opening it far enough to stick her head in. :p

03-04-2004, 11:57 AM
Cass, she sounds so adorable. Sticking her little tongue out when you scratch her back, just too cute!


03-04-2004, 11:57 AM
Well, mine don't like for me to take a nap either but what they do is a little different. For instance, Abner and Mystic will run up and down the stairs and then run under the bed. This sounds like I have a herd of elephants running around the house....not to mention that when they run under the bed they actually shake me because the are so rough.

Tigger on the other hand feels that nap time is the right time to get lovings. She comes up into bed and will nudge you with her face until you give her some attention. If you should have your back turned on her she will take her paws and give you a little "claw" on the back of your head.

Smokey will continue to jump up and down on the bed and Tucker will come upstairs to see what is going on and in so doing, she gets very upset at the other kitties so she hisses and spits at them making me get up and calm her down.

Needless to say....I don't usually get to take a nap.

03-04-2004, 12:07 PM
My cats don't do that because they all sleep in bed with me. As soon as I lay down, I am joined by almost all of them, even fosters.

03-04-2004, 12:07 PM
Willie, she is so funny when she does that! She'll just stick her tongue out like she's lapping up water or something LOL. It's one of the funniest things to see and it makes me laugh so hard!

catlover4ever, I just had to laugh when I read about the stampede. Cheetah does this to Houdini. All of a sudden she just gets super hyper and starts chasing everyone with her tail flared and her eyes all lit up and big. It's so funny. When Cheetah was a kitten she used to run around our room. She would run to the bed, spring off, jump onto the dresser then jump off and actually run up the wall until she got to the very top and then bounce off. I cannot believe she just climbed right up those walls, and then BOING! It was amazing! She doesn't do this anymore simply because she has nothing to really spring off of to get to climb the walls and bounce off. Sometimes she'll just jump straight up into the air for no reason LOL. I tell you, my cats are crazy!

One thing I don't like about Cheetah sleeping with us, is that she is very vocal. She never shuts up, ever. You can just look at her and she'll open her mouth. I am not kidding. :p Then she'll start kneading on you with her claws out as if nothing effects us. And she'll knead in the strangest places, like your neck or forehead. LOL

Ewok just likes to cuddle, too much. He was a bottle baby and is also one of those wool suckers, but not to the point where he ingests, but he does suck. He will start sucking on your ear, anywhere on your body. If I am wearing my fleace sweater he will come up and just start sucking and kneading and just drool so bad he'll leave a puddle. Plus he constantly terrorizes Cheetah, so Dan won't let him in the room with us at night or else all we hear is growling and spitting. He just wants to play for the most part, but sometimes he does it just to make the other cats mad. :rolleyes:

On rare occasions you will find Cheetah and Ewok sleeping together. They did the other day but before I could get a pic Dylan woke them up and Ewok jumped off the bed. :(

03-04-2004, 12:16 PM
My cats, all of them, have full run of the house. They are up on counters, on tables, in drawers, closets, tubs, sinks, mantles, fridges....I find it easier to 'deal with it' then I do chasing them all over.

Plus, who else would sit with me while I ate dinner everynight?:D

03-04-2004, 12:38 PM
Here are some rare photos of the cats together. Cheetah and Houdini cuddle all the time, but Ewok always starts stuff so it's rare to see all three of them together at one time. The bed pics I took in January. Shortly after these pics Ewok started "attacking" everyone. I had pics of them but unfortunately erased them as I didn't think I would ever post them. I kept these two because of Cheetah's belly spots. :D



Here's one of Cheetah and Ewok under the futon. Look at Ewok's eyes! :eek: Anyway, Cheetah wasn't too thrilled that her photo session was ruined by Ewok.


03-04-2004, 12:50 PM
Here's a picture of Baby, my weird tongue kitty. :D


03-04-2004, 01:35 PM
I forgot to mention that my kitties also like to play their version of "Tag Team Wrestling". It really is not tag team, but what they like to do is go to the top of the castle (see picture below) and they sit on the highest perch, wait until I am comfortable in bed, then when the time is right....down they come onto ME!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: Now this is OK if it is Tigger, after all she only weight 6.5 lbs, but when Smokey (17 lbs) or Mystic (12 lbs) does this...well, lets just say that the bed shakes and I am usually breathless. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


03-04-2004, 03:27 PM
Ludkies4 me I guess you will have to "cat proof" your house! Your kitties look like they are too pretty to cause that much trouble!


Sometimes if I am trying to sleep Hallie will knock things off the bureau because she wants to play! Not to mention toilet flushing in the middle of the night....

03-04-2004, 04:06 PM
I have to say my cats are very well behaved when I am alseep at night anyhow, lexie will come up and smooch, now and then, probably wants out to explore that big thing called night-time, but she knows the rules, no night time escapades for my kittys.:)

leslie flenner
03-04-2004, 08:21 PM
My friend put bungie cords on her cupboard's handles so the dog can't get to things- works for cats too!