View Full Version : When did you 'move out'?

03-03-2004, 08:14 PM
When did you move out from your parent's (or whoever you grew up with) place? Or if you haven't, when do you think you will and where would you like to live?

I'm almost 20, I still live with my parents...which I don't find a problem with. I'd love to get my own place, but my main reasoning is just so that I could get another dog, my parents will not allow me to here. :o I really don't think I can afford it, however. I'd need a small house or part of a house with a fenced yard, and that's not exactly affordable, for me at least. Finding a place that would allow 2 med-large dogs isn't an easy task, so I think I'll be living here for a while!

03-03-2004, 08:17 PM
I moved away from my parents when I was 17, but I only started living on my own when I was 21, after my granmother died. I would likely still be living with my parents if they hadn't moved to the USA. I wanted to finish my school in Canada. I would still live with my parents because it's WAYYY cheaper :p

03-03-2004, 08:19 PM
I'm 22, almost 23 and I still live at home. It's great for me because it's cheap. I do pay my parents rent, but it's way less than I would be paying if I moved out.

I have to move out sometime this year though because I'm on a waiting list for a whippet puppy in 2005, and I'm not allowed another dog at home. But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it I suppose.

I would like to have a house with a yard. I doubt I could ever afford that. I really don't want to rent though.
I also don't want room mates.
*sigh* Oh well, again I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.....LOL

03-03-2004, 08:21 PM
I moved out when Mark & I got married. I was 20 & he was 27. I was totally ready and so were my parents. :p

03-03-2004, 08:23 PM
I'm 17 now and will be moving out this year for college. I'm hoping to find a place where they allow pets as I won't go anywhere with out my Seshy and Megan. :) I'm supposed to be getting my acceptance:D/rejection:( letters from colleges within this next month. Depending on which school I get into, I'm going to either Washington state or Cal Poly (San Luis OBisbo).

03-03-2004, 08:32 PM
I moved out when I was 18...but it was for college, so I don't really count that. The way I see it, moving out is when you actually get your own place [not a dorm, not a college apartment/college house]. So, I guess I will be officially moving out in May. :D:)

03-03-2004, 08:35 PM
I moved out of my parents house when I was 23, Rick (my hubby now) and I had already been together 5 years, and we saved up a lot of money both of us living with our parents, and we bought a house!

03-03-2004, 08:41 PM
i'm still with my parents :rolleyes: i am almost 24 and i am hoping to get freedom from them real soon :p i have a hard time mainly because i'm disabled and i'm on ssi (social security inssurance) and its hard to find a place under my budget:( BUT sooner or later i have to leave the nest so i'm thinking maybe 25 i'll leave i'm really hoping that hoping and praying :( take care:)


03-03-2004, 08:46 PM
I'm 19 too..and still live at home. In a way, I'd love to move out and be on my own..but I know I couldn't afford as good a place for the dogs as they have now. They have lots of comfy places to sleep, a fenced yard, and someone home all the time. I don't think it would be fair to them right now..hopefully I'll be able to get something good enough someday within a few years..lol O_O

03-03-2004, 08:55 PM
I moved out when i was 18 after I graduated.

03-03-2004, 09:05 PM
I moved out twice in highschool. Briefly my junior year, and then again when I was 17, my senior year. But the first time that I got my own place was at 18. Bought my first house at 23 years old.

03-03-2004, 09:06 PM
Well, I was out of the house when I was 17 and moved to 29 Palms with my boyfriend, who was 24 at the time. :eek: I lived there for a few months and then went back with my mom. It was hard doing things on my own, buying my own food, paying rent etc. Then I left the house with my bf, brother and his gf and we moved to Lake Isabella and lived off the lake for aproximately 2 months. I took my cats with me, my two hamsters, my toroise and my frogs. :D We took showers in the River, and got our food from the River. After that we packed up and moved to Vegas for a few weeks. We were pretty much just a traveling party and it was very fun! I loved living in Vegas and taking daily trips to the Coca Cola Factory. Then I moved back home, and ten days after I turned 18 I moved out and all four of us got our own apartment together. I've been on my own every since, thank god!

There was a brief time I had to move back in with my parents twice, once after my bf tried to kill me and I had to leave and go to a safe place, and just last year when Dan and I were having problems. Just one week is enough with my parents though, and I quickly left again. I just enjoy my freedom very much. ;)

Miss Meow
03-03-2004, 09:19 PM

I had an independent streak a mile wide, and I also fell in love with a boy and we moved in together. Didn't realise he was a huge dope head who also dealt drugs and became addicted to speed. Yeah, great choice Nicole! :o A whole lot of life lessons came out of that experience ;)

03-03-2004, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow

I had an independent streak a mile wide, and I also fell in love with a boy and we moved in together. Didn't realise he was a huge dope head who also dealt drugs and became addicted to speed. Yeah, great choice Nicole! :o A whole lot of life lessons came out of that experience ;)

LOL. It sounds like my first boyfriend. But the way I look at it, is it makes me appreciate my husband so much more. :D

03-03-2004, 09:32 PM
I was 19 and got married. Big mistake for me. So I moved back in at 22 and out again at 23. ;)

03-03-2004, 09:50 PM
I moved out when I was 18 (three months after graduating high school) to start college.

03-03-2004, 10:06 PM
Lived at home between semesters during college, and then out for good the summer I turned 22 and married Paul!

03-03-2004, 10:13 PM
I got married at 18, less then 2 months after graduating high school. We lived with Justin's parents for 3 months while we looked for and bought a house. This July will be our 4th anniversary. No babies yet, just our pets.

03-03-2004, 10:15 PM
Left home when I was 17 and married my husband Jimmy. Have been married ever since. I dropped out of High School to get married. But went back and got my GED, and then went to college for awhile.

03-03-2004, 10:31 PM
I moved out a month after my eighteenth birthday.

03-03-2004, 10:56 PM
I moved out when I was 17, to go to school. I returned home the following 2 summers for work, but after that, I was on my own.

03-03-2004, 11:02 PM
i am moving out in 2005.

03-03-2004, 11:22 PM
I'm 19 and still living with my parents. I plan to until Brian and I have enough to buy a house. (Probably three years)

03-03-2004, 11:27 PM
I won't be moving out for a very long time. I'm way too concerned with money cause I don't like living off of every penny and just hoping that I'll have enough to pay for rent. I'd like to pay back my student loan, have a sufficient amount of money saved up (emergency vet money especially), and pay off most of my car. I'll probably be 30 by the time I move out! :p

03-03-2004, 11:29 PM
I'd love to move out as soon as possible, but I don't see that happening. :p

03-03-2004, 11:36 PM
I won't be moving out for a long time........most likely, until I get married (which hopefully, won't be for quite a while). :p I will go to college close to home and stay home. I love living with my family, and have no reason to move out. They don't want to get rid of me either. ;) He he he.

03-03-2004, 11:51 PM
I have a question to those of you who moved out after high school.. How far away from home did you move? I'm planning on moving to Washington..which is two states away.. :p Do you think that's a bad idea? I'm just wondering...(like..how far is TOO far lol) I know lots of people in Washington though..oorr..should I live with my cousin for a year and find a job during that year to save money for college? (I don't want to stay home.. lol) I don't know what to do >.< :(

03-03-2004, 11:57 PM
i know that i am moving about an hour away when i do move out, and jordan will probably follow haha

03-04-2004, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by BCBlondie
I have a question to those of you who moved out after high school.. How far away from home did you move? I'm planning on moving to Washington..which is two states away.. :p Do you think that's a bad idea? I'm just wondering...(like..how far is TOO far lol) I know lots of people in Washington though..oorr..should I live with my cousin for a year and find a job during that year to save money for college? (I don't want to stay home.. lol) I don't know what to do >.< :(

*Cough*You'll be close enough for me to come visit*Cough*

*smiles innocently*

03-04-2004, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
*Cough*You'll be close enough for me to come visit*Cough*

*smiles innocently*

LOL!! I know! :D

03-04-2004, 12:15 AM
I went to a local tech school 20 min from my parents house so I lived at home thru college and after I had worked full time for 6 months. I also bought my first home in which I still live at 23. :) And that's when I moved out.

03-04-2004, 06:21 AM
I moved out at 19 to live with my boyfriend (hubby now!). We bought our house when I was 21. We just got married last year when I was 26.

03-04-2004, 08:08 AM
Moved away to college at 17. Lived at mom and dad's the summer after my freshman year and then not again.

03-04-2004, 08:15 AM
I lived with my parents till I was about 24. Then my boyfriend at the time wanted to get out of the dorms and convinced me to move in together.

We lived together for less than a year, then we broke up, he kicked me out, and Kia and I moved back in with my parents. After a couple of months, I found my own place which is where I currently reside.

I know lots of kids in HS that wanted so bad to move out but that wouldn't last long and they'd be back home.

I get along great with my parents and I'm glad they were not the type to say, "Well, your 18, out you go."

Edwina's Secretary
03-04-2004, 08:17 AM
I moved out when I went to college at 18. I left Illinois to go to school in Arizona -- a long distance. I lived with my parents for three months after I graduated.

My stepson, who is 26, has a Norwegian Elkhound. He is looking for a new apartment and the dog is making it difficult. Places that will allow dogs charge double security deposit and many places simply don't allow dogs.

03-04-2004, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
My stepson, who is 26, has a Norwegian Elkhound. He is looking for a new apartment and the dog is making it difficult. Places that will allow dogs charge double security deposit and many places simply don't allow dogs.
Tell him to keep up his hopes and to not give up!!

I know how he feels and had the same problems. Lots of places around here either said no to dogs or only allowed dogs that were 30 lbs. or less (even after their ad said they allowed big dogs :rolleyes: ). I finally found a place that was reasonably priced and in a good area. :) There is hope!

03-04-2004, 08:40 AM
I was too independent to stay at home, I wanted to make my own decisions (no matter how bad or good;)). I moved out at 17.

Rio and Me
03-04-2004, 08:49 AM
I'm 18 have a slight urge to move out but shesssh try finding a flat that will allow pets that is cheap enough IMPOSSIBLE, but when i think about it hard enough i dont want to just yet as i dont want to be counting every single penny i earn to go on bills etc.
and rio says she only wants to go if there is a garden and that i dont get another dog,lol
Ky and Rio

03-04-2004, 09:01 AM
I was one month away from 28. I lived with my parents, and was desperately looking for my own place, and my mom would come up with reason after reason to keep me home. Gosh was I a puppet on her guilt strings!:D

I met my husband in the fall and moved 50% of my stuff into his house within 3 months. I knew immediately that he was The One and was ready to make the move full-time when he proposed 5 months into our relationship... but my Mommy wouldn't let me. I was 27 for Pete's sake!!!! And :rolleyes: my mom wouldn't let me... I would have been <gasp> living in sin. Yeah, with my financee, whom I married that summer.:)

Kona & Oreo's mom
03-04-2004, 09:30 AM
I moved out when I was 18. Finances were tight, but it was well worth it to be independent.

03-04-2004, 09:55 AM
I moved out when I went to university at 17. I left Moldova to go to school in Romania - about 400 km away from home. I lived with my parents only for a week after I graduated - it was more like a vacation or a visit - I didn't even move my things in.

It was financially tough for a while to pay for rent and other stuff, but I managed - it was a good incentive for paying a lot of attention to my job, career, etc. I was NEVER tempted to go back to my parents :). I live with my sister and brother (still) and pay for the most of the expenses, but I am happy with this situation - we get along VERY well. I hope, though, to have some changes in the not so far future ;)

03-04-2004, 10:13 AM
I was kind of forced to move out the first time when I was 13 moved back in & out, in & out (father problems), until I was about 16-17 then stayed out for good, then my parents split up & I was moving back home from Oregon 6 years ago, stayed w/ my mom for a few months until I had enough saved to be on my own again. Bought a trailer in a park & then moved back to oregon then moved back again 2 years ago. Stayed w/ my mom again for a couple months until I could afford yet another place. Here I am 28 & still on my own, I own a trailer in a park (hate it but its cheaper than a house & allows pets unlike most apartments).
Still broke though!

I wish things were different for me & my father when I was younger, I would of probably been a lot better off now, financially, mentally & socially. But we get along good now.

03-04-2004, 10:35 AM
I moved out when I was 18 to live with my husband(boyfriend then) no one thought we'd stay together more then a few months. We got married 4 months after I moved in with him. We will be married for 5 years in September.

03-04-2004, 10:41 AM
i moved out when i was 19. i had been dating jim for about a year or so and we moved in with friends after a HUGE fight with my grandmother. That was a disaster !!!!(moving in with friends) we are no longer friends! then my and jim got a tiny apartment 1 bed 1 bath. and now we are in a 2 bed 1 bath house and about to buy it soon (we hope) so i have been on my own for 4 years. I havent ever gone further than 5-10 miles from my family.

03-04-2004, 10:55 AM
Well, I'm an "old lady" compared to most of you :o, but I left home when I was 17 to attend college, but I lived in the dorm for 4 years until I graduated, so my parent's home was still my home. I only lived at home one summer while I was in college, though, and took advantage of some fun things that came my way. The summer after my sophomore year at Clemson, I did a summer internship at Disney World in Florida. That was fun, plus my boyfriend (and later husband) was there too (we lived in a trailer park, full of double wide trailers) that Disney had rented out and had assigned roommates. The summer after my junior year in college, I worked at a Textile Mill in Columbus, GA. It wasn't all the "fun", but it did give me good training for the time when I started looking for full time work. As soon as I graduated from college, I moved into an apartment in NC to start my first job. I was married about six months after that.

The only other time that I "moved back in" was when I was 30, and my husband and I split up. It just made sense for my 2 year old daughter and me to have a little "settling down" time, before I found my own place. We were there for six weeks or so, and drove back and forth every day for me to go to work. It was about 1 hour each way, but very worth it to have my parents to help me in the evenings. I don't know what I would have done without them! :)

03-04-2004, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by Logan

The only other time that I "moved back in" was when I was 30, and my husband and I split up. It just made sense for my 2 year old daughter and me to have a little "settling down" time, before I found my own place. We were there for six weeks or so, and drove back and forth every day for me to go to work. It was about 1 hour each way, but very worth it to have my parents to help me in the evenings. I don't know what I would have done without them! :)

That's exactly how I felt when Dan and I split and Dylan was 8 months old. I needed my parents then, after losing a child and losing a boyfriend all in one month. It was a very hard time for me and I don't know how I could have managed alone. But I realized Dylan needed his father and I came back and worked things out. :)

03-04-2004, 12:04 PM
I'm an oldster....I lived with my parents until I was 33 because I was still subbing and couldn't afford to move out....and I get along well with my parents and it was a lot cheaper. I get a lot of grief for it, but, I don't really care. I have a friend who shares the house with her mother and they share expenses and she's 43.

03-04-2004, 12:10 PM
I left at 18 for college but still lived at home in the summer and of course all my belongings were still home, and it still was "home" to me. I suppose around 22 when I totally moved out, moved with my fiance to MN, but then we had to live with his mom until we both got jobs and got money to rent an apartment. We married about 4 years ago, and bought our first home about 3 years ago. :)

It's tougher nowdays to make it on your own when you're younger because everything is so expensive, and minimum wage jobs just don't cut it. If you're still going to school it's almost impossible unless you're with some roommates or something to split costs.

03-04-2004, 12:11 PM
More and more people are staying at "home" with their parents for longer. I don't know if this is always a good thing, but it certainly sounds like it was in your case, Molly. My husband lived with his mother for about 9 months, after his divorce. He was traveling during the week and spent weekends at her house, and had his kids there every other weekend too. I think that in the case of my daughter, and my husband's kids, it has made them even closer than normal with their grandparents, and that is definitely a positive outcome to a horrible situation (divorce). :)

03-04-2004, 01:52 PM
I'm moving out next year. I'll be 17. :) I'll be moving to Salmon Arm until I graduate CWCC in October (I think Ashley (binka_nugget) and Jynnelle (tikeyas_mom) might live with me then?). Then I'll be moving out of there, and moving in with Jynnelle in her new place. And then in Spring 2006, I'll be getting my catahoula puppy! I can't wait! :D

My Peanuts
03-04-2004, 01:59 PM
I'm 23 and I graduated from a University that is close to my house. I have never been on my own in dorms or otherwise. I like my house and I get along with my family so I have no plans of leaving. I do know that it will be in the next few years though, probably when I get married :rolleyes:

03-04-2004, 02:43 PM
I'm 15 and I'm living with my parents lol:D and I'm not going to move out so soon.... he he he...

03-04-2004, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
And :rolleyes: my mom wouldn't let me... I would have been <gasp> living in sin.

Well technically, Brian and I were "living in sin" for 6 years!! Our parents didn't care because we were engaged for that whole time.

03-04-2004, 03:22 PM
I was allowed to move out when I was 21. Got that, ALLOWED.
Those were very strict times in my life. I turned 21 in April and got married in May. It wasn't soon enough for me.

03-04-2004, 03:22 PM
I craved living on my own. Couldn't wait to do it. But I know people who didn't. It just wasn't something they were rushing to do. no big deal.

For my girlfriends, that is. I have a really silly double standard opinion about this when it comes to men. I know, this is just me being crazy, but it is an opinion born of experience and it has never failed me.

I would not, will not, shall not ever date or marry a man who has never lived completely on his own. That is with no mommy and daddy and no roomates. The guys I've tried this with have all turned out to be completely incapable of taking care of themselves. So, that's my rule for myself. :cool: I despise momma's boys. I'm feircly independant and just can't mesh with a man dependent on another person for basics.

03-04-2004, 06:04 PM
I moved out at 20, when I married Jason. I left for college for a year at 18.

03-04-2004, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by neko1
Well technically, Brian and I were "living in sin" for 6 years!! Our parents didn't care because we were engaged for that whole time.

He He! I was surprised my mom felt that way. My grandmom lived with my "Uncle" Doug for nearly twenty years before she died. Did mom think I hadn't figured out that he was more than a roomate to share the bills?:D

03-04-2004, 06:47 PM
I am 20 and I just moved out in Jan. into a one bedroom apartment. One reason, to take a job at a great vet clinic and two so my dogs could live inside where they are supposed to be. Rebel used to have to live outside and Claire lived inside but she lived at my boyfriends. I had to get out of my moms for that reason too. I just love my two babies. Niki now has to live with my dad though, so that was a bad thing that happend. But he has so much more room for her and the ability to take good care of her too so that makes me feel better.

03-04-2004, 07:49 PM
I went 2 hours away to college when I as 18, but still lived at home summers. When I was 20, I spent six months in Arizona, butlived with my aunt and uncle out there. I lived alone for one year after college,at 23, until Ralph and I got married when I was 24.

03-04-2004, 10:46 PM
Yay!! I found a bunch of (affordable) apartments in Washington near or next to the college I want to go to that allow pets so I'd be able to bring Megan with me. :D Hopefully Sesh isn't too big and he can come with me too... :confused: