View Full Version : Holiday Pics

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-03-2004, 03:14 PM
I just wanted to show you a few pictures of Oman - is is one of the most beautiful places I have EVER been!

The beach in front of the hotel:

Inside the old Souq (Market Place):

Gorgeous Scenery on a mountain road!


Me with some camels (I think I'll stick to cats)!!!!:

Desert Arabian
03-03-2004, 03:22 PM
Wow, what a beautiful place and pictures! I especially love the scenery shot!! Very pretty!!

03-03-2004, 03:29 PM
Wow that looks great! But these are baby camels aren't they?

03-03-2004, 05:20 PM
WOW! :eek: I always imagined Oman to be nothing but sand and desert. :o Guess we should add that to our list of places to visit next time we go to the Middle East! Maybe next time we visit Dubai, we can drive across the border. Thanks for sharing! Do you have more?

Ps. How was the weather there? Was it hot?

03-03-2004, 06:50 PM
W-O-W! That is beautiful! Tell us more!

03-03-2004, 07:29 PM
Oh wow!!! The scenery is breathtaking!:eek:

Its absolutely gorgeous:D

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-05-2004, 09:56 AM
POPS - you DEFINATELY have to go to Oman next time you are in Dubai - you can drive from there - to Muscat (where we stayed) it is about 4 hours by car, or 45 minutes by plane.
It was around 30 degrees celcius - hot enough to lie on the beach and go snorkelling!

I was totally overwhelmed by the beauty of the country - ubfortunataly Bahrain is a stereotypical Mid East landscape - dry, sandy and flat!

We flew via Dubai, and we met up with 3 other families (my husband's colleagues and their wives and kids). The others all drove from Saudi, via UAE. My husband's bosses wife is CRAZY about cats - she has 4 - so we had fun talking about our "babies" and sharing photos etc (whilst everyone else looked at us like we were nuts). She is staying in Dubai at the moment, and I got to visit her cats on the way back to Bahrain. 3 of them are regular DSH, and she has one pure white Angora - so gorgeous!!! She also feeds a load of cats in the garden - the "local" street cats there - very similar to Ally and the Dilmuns around here, and also similar to the cats in the pics Lut posted of her trip to Egypt.

Barbara, you are right - they are juveniles! We have a camel farmer who lives near up, and every once in a while he herds his camels right past my house, and blocks all the traffic! I have to try get a photo of it. (We also have a camel crossing on the highway!!!)

The pic of the camels was taken during an excursion. We went out into a desert camp close to the hotel, and had traditional Omani food served in tents (you sit and eat on the floor). They had traditional singing and dancing, and all the ladies had henna painted on their hands. POPS - let me know when you will be in the region and I will PM you all the details - where to go etc.

Oman is famous for its silver, and I bought an antique Omani silver necklace and a silver dagger, which I have had framed.

It was such a great holiday. We have resolved to try and see as much of the region as we possibly can whilst we are here, as it's not really convenient to come back on vacation! Next on the list is Petra - in Jordan!

Killearn Kitties
03-05-2004, 10:36 AM
These are beautiful pictures. Those jagged hills behind the beach are just amazing. It's such a good idea to see as much as you can while you are there, and I am very jealous! I have wanted to see Petra for SUCH a long time.

03-05-2004, 12:12 PM
WOW!!!! awesome photos... I just love them, expecially that one with water and mountains...thanx for sharing:)

03-05-2004, 01:26 PM
Beautiful pictures! I loved the scenery shot - so interesting the way the water has worn away the rocks.

Thanks for sharing these - it gives the rest of us a chance to learn new things and see other parts of the world we otherwise would know nothing about.

03-05-2004, 01:33 PM
Tell us more about the Al Bustan Palace. It's one of my dream luxury hotels.

03-05-2004, 02:05 PM
Awesome pictures!