View Full Version : Emmett

11-18-2001, 09:49 AM
Hi Emmett - what a handsome boy you are! Your turn for the better health wise was such an important event in your furry life! You are so loved by your human family and seem to repay them ten fold! Emmett, Congratulations for being the CAT OF THE DAY! You dearly deserve the title. I hope your day and the rest of your life is a happy and healthy one! Enjoy!

P. S. You remind me of my second cat ever owned by me, (humans think they own cats..hehehehehe) a cat I called Mr. Ted - as in Teddy Bear. Mr. Ted lived to be 18 years old. :D ;)

11-18-2001, 10:26 AM
Look at you Mr. Snuggle Pup!!! What a wonderful story to start out a Sunday morning.

You just knew didn't you - that a loving family wanted you to recover so badly. And what a great job you are doing giving them so much love and fun each day.

What a special boy - and please, enjoy every minute of this day - that we honor YOU!

11-18-2001, 10:53 AM
Dear Emmett. You are indeed a very special "miracle" kitty. Despite their best efforts, when all were almost ready to give up hope that you would ever recover, you showed them, didn't you?? What inspirational determination and incredible courage you showed that day you got up and walked!! :) And as has been said, I think it was that special sense that someone, just a paws' length away, was waiting to share with your their healing love and ever faithful devotion, that gave you the courage to survive. I am so happy to congratulate you Emmett on being honored as our beautiful, courageous, loving and inspirational Sunday Cat of the Day! And Emmett, you especially tugged at my heart when I read you lived in Ridgewood, just a stone's throw away from my home in Demarest! Have a most wonderful, joyful and treat filled day of celebration dear boy!

11-18-2001, 11:03 AM
One of my cats is an Emmitt as well, and what a fine, dear boy he is :p good mouser too :D He is a real lap-cat and has a purrbox that doesn't stop :D

11-18-2001, 12:43 PM
What a purr-fectly handsome gentleman you are!

Congrats on your special day!

11-18-2001, 05:15 PM
Emmett is certainly a beautiful pet, and what a story! He looks so peaceful in that pix and supposing that he is that way all day long also. I have known cats to show appreciation when you step in to help them overcome a physical problem (like Emmett) or when you rescue them from attackers, or if they have been attacked and hurt, and you take the time to help them, they do not forget the favor. Like Emmett, he is more than rewarding his new oweners for their "troubles" with affection. My Snow-cat actually gave me some extra affection after I brought him home from the vet, because he knew that what was done was for his benefit.


11-18-2001, 05:39 PM
Dear Sweet Emmett,
What a beautiful story your loving family
tells of your rescue and recoverey !!!
I'll bet you must have 'overheard' the vet
people discussing your options ...
Congratulations for being today's smartest,
bravest,and sweetest CAT OF THE DAY !!!You
can't keep a good man down,right Emmett? !!

Cougie Wechsler
11-18-2001, 06:19 PM
Sniff sniff...oh Sweet, brave, and beautiful Emmett, your story has truly touched me! How smart and brave of you to prove everyone wrong and recovered in order to be taken home and loved. You must have known that there would be a loving family waiting for you and your determination was rewarded with a good home. You truly deserve to be our cat of the day. Yes, I have always heard that resuced pets seem to know it and are greatful. God Bless you and your kind and loving family Emmett! I know we have talked about memorable Cats of the Day on here before and you have just made my list!

11-18-2001, 06:24 PM
Emmett I loved reading about you and was at first afraid your story wasn't going to have a happy ending, but what a tremendous recovery you made and now you have turned into such a wonderful companion to your people who saved you. I live in New Jersey too and it was wonderful to see one of Jersey's own take today's honors. My cat, Andy, loves to hide just like you and many people who visit have to just take my word for it that he exists. But that's OK Emmett because you make yourself known to those who love you and that's what matters most!

11-18-2001, 07:50 PM
God Bless you, Emmett (although I think you and your humans already are! ;)) for your fortitude in overcoming adversity, and the resulting love you continue to bestow upon those who rescued you. :)

'Jersey cats are so . . . divine! :cool:

11-19-2001, 09:47 AM
Wow, a day late, but we had to say hi and congrats to Emmett for being Cat of the Day. There's a 3-year old kitty named Emmett in our house too. Our Emmett was rescued from a woodpile at just a few weeks of age and fostered for awhile; he came to our house when he was about 5 months old. And I think he's really happy to have a real home now, because even though he's an indoor kitty, he "protects" our house from any outdoor kitties who dare to come in the yard!

Purrs and meows to you, Emmett, from Cindy, Stump, and Emmett in Virginia!