View Full Version : You know you're a dog lover when..

03-03-2004, 02:16 AM
I thought it'd be fun to gather everyone's past experiences where it was obvious that they were a dog lover. Here are a couple of mine (since I'm horrible at explaining):

You know you're a dog lover when..

-You somehow find three dog leashes in your backpack instead of that socials book (odd, as I only have two dogs.) :p

-You look for something in your pockets to play catch with at lunch, and happen to find a bunch of milkbones and Old Mother Hubbard treats

03-03-2004, 06:24 AM
....you have several plastic bags in your jacket pockets, fanny pack, car doors and purse....
....strange dogs come up to you and sniff the treat pocket, there are always crumbs in the seams....
...you know all the dogs names at the park, and might know the 3 or 4 of the humans names....

4 Dog Mother
03-03-2004, 06:44 AM
....everything you wear is covered in various colors of dog hair

....your furniture and car seats are covered to keep dog hair and dog's muddy feet from dirtying up everything you own.

....dog kennels are part of the decor in your family room

....you have as many pictures of your dogs as your do your children

03-03-2004, 08:26 AM
.... you have more dog treats, leashes, water bowls & jugs & toys in your car than you do actual car supplies (even worse if you have more items than dogs, ex. 5 leashes, 2 dogs)

03-03-2004, 08:36 AM
... the color of the clothing you buy depends on what dog hair won't show up as much on

... you think about painting muddy paw prints on your kitchen floor so no one will ever know which ones are real.

.... all of the pictures you carry around are of the dogs, and none of your husband.

... your dog and your husband don't get along... and you'd rather leave your husband than find a new home for your dog.:o

03-03-2004, 09:12 AM
...You get together with your friends and while they talk about their children, you talk about your dogs.

...You have more pictures of your dogs on the walls then your family.

...You look at new clothes and wonder if the dog hair will show, but then again you really don't care:p

03-03-2004, 09:19 AM
- You sometimes pick doghairs out of your coffee or food and think nothing of it.

- You find yourself spelling words like "G-O" and "O-U-T" while talking to other people.

- You hear people talking about experiences with their kids and relate it with experiences with your dog.

- You unthinkingly call yourself Mom or Dad to your dog(s) and when you meet other dogs, refer to their owners as their Mom or Dad.

- You change careers partly so you are able to be around your dogs more! :D

03-03-2004, 10:05 AM
...You call your siblings by your dog's name by accident :o

...Yellow pee spots in the yard are what makes your yard colorful

03-03-2004, 10:13 AM
... you don't know the names of the human neighbours who moved in 4 months ago, but you do know the name of their dog (Meg! :D :D).

03-03-2004, 10:50 AM
... your dog and your husband don't get along... and you'd rather leave your husband than find a new home for your dog:o


...You get together with your friends and while they talk about their children, you talk about your dogs.

Hahah Anna I don't have children, but I can still relate when talking to people who DO have children, I tend to bring up how my dog acts the same as their children:o

- You find yourself spelling words like "G-O" and "O-U-T" while talking to other people.

Haha that reminds me of one time when we weren't even at home, and there were no dogs, and my mom asked me and my aunt if we wanted to go for a W-A-L-K :o

Ok here are some of mine

....When you feel so bad about forgetting dog treats at the grocery store, you get someone to distract the dogs as you put an opened, older pack of treats into the just bought bag of groceries :o (We do that often)

....When the store clerk adds 3-4 hot/pepperoni sticks to your things at the check-out.

....When people stop you on the street--who don't know you, but they know/have seen your dog(s).

03-03-2004, 11:36 AM
When you spend all your money on dog food, toys, treats, etc. and you eat Romane (sp?) noodles.

When your dog runs away and your neighbor calls to say they found her and you don't know who she is till she says her dogs name.

When you have enough leashes and collars for each month of the year...and you've only had the dog 6 months.

When your boss beggs you not to talk about your dog.

My Peanuts
03-03-2004, 03:25 PM
...when your dogs get excited every time grocery bags are brought into the house because there is ALWAYS something in there for them.

...your parent’s friends buy favors and treats for your dog’s birthday party (Sylvia's party is friday:rolleyes: )

...When walking one dog at a time neighbors that you don't know ask where the other dog is.

...when the # 1 website you visit is Pet Talk :D

03-03-2004, 03:30 PM
LOL, these are all so true! ^_^

this one especially reminds me of myself:

You sometimes pick doghairs out of your coffee or food and think nothing of it.

03-03-2004, 04:33 PM
.. When you spend much more money on your dog than yourself, when you go shopping

.. When you go to school, and you back pack is black, yet there is a feeling of comfort, when you see little hairs on your bookbag..

.. When you worry more about how your dog looks when you go out somewhere with them, and you forget that you still have your old blue jeans, and a torn up t-shirt

.. When you kiss your dog at least 70 times a day, yet you are grouchy to everyone else..

03-03-2004, 04:49 PM
You know you're a dog lover when you are walking around the grocery store, put your hand in your pocket, and find a plastic squeaker that your pooch pulled out of stuffie earlier in the day. :rolleyes: :D

03-03-2004, 09:10 PM
These are great!!!

...When considering buying a new vehicle, you make sure it is one that will suit the dogs

...Every time the UPS man comes to the door, the dogs go crazy, because it is always something for them

...Every time you come home from the store, they are just waiting for you to open the bag with something for them in it

...You leave your TV on animal planet all day when you aren't home

...You take the dog hair factor into consideration when buying furniture, carpet, clothes, etc....

...You don't know half of your neighbor's names, but you know all of the dogs (Mitch, Max, Dakota, etc.)

...Some of your friends may have Super Bowl parties--you have a party for the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

...Picking up poop doesn't bother you

...There are more cupboards and drawers in your house with dog stuff in them than actual food or utensils or dishes

...You don't take vacations because there's no one to watch the dog

03-03-2004, 09:17 PM
...You tend to ask your co-workers how their dogs are doing more often then their family.

...You know your co-worker's dog names and breeds, yet you don't have a clue about his family.

...When you meet someone, one of your first questions is "Do you have any pets? Which follows with "What are their names?"

...You automatically judge that a person is cold hearted and evil because they dislike dogs.

This one doesn't apply to everyone...

The other day, I was driving with Sarah and I really wanted a cigarette bad. I didn't smoke because I didn't want her to breath the second hand smoke.

I kind of laughed to myself...that I was more concerned about my little baby's lungs then my own.

03-03-2004, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by ChrisH
... you don't know the names of the human neighbours who moved in 4 months ago, but you do know the name of their dog (Meg! :D :D).

Hehe, I know my neighbor's gazillion cats and her dog's name, but can't remember her kids.

Also, another neighbor caught me saying the other morning "Hi Patches, hey Ashes." to my evil neighbor's cats. He started laughing and said "You never say hi to me, and I hear you call that out every morning!" (He has a bush that blocks him from view, so although I hear him, I can't see him, so I normally don't say hello.)

03-03-2004, 11:15 PM
Yuo know your a dog lover when..

-The highlite of your day is discribing your dog, and showing pics to everyone at school.

-You find more dog hair on your clothing then anything eles.

03-03-2004, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by primabella
...Yellow pee spots in the yard are what makes your yard colorful

LOL!! Our yard is like a huge mosaic. :p

:D I love these! A couple more I thought of:
-You demand that everyone must eat chocolate outside of the house

-cooked chicken bones are zip locked, thrown in a bag, and thrown in a garbage can OUTSIDE of the house

-When people go through your photo albums, they find more photos of your dogs than anything else

-When you have hundreds of photos of your dogs on your computer yet, you have none of yourself

-When you go grocery shopping, you forget the milk you went to the store for..yet, you somehow manage to buy a months worth of dog treats

-When you write stories for english assignments and somehow incorporate your dogs' names into the story

03-03-2004, 11:48 PM
...you have more dog beds, chew toys, collars, leashes, harnesses, and dog crates than you have dogs.

...you meet other people with dogs, and remember their dog's name within 30 seconds, but don't get the owner's name until you've met them 2 or 3 times.

...you don't think twice about trading licks of an ice cream cone with your dog.

That's all I can think of right now..:D

03-04-2004, 02:01 AM
...People ask you why you don't want kids and you honestly answer (among other things) that you'd rather spend the time/money on your dog!

...You don't think twice about missing a final to take your dog to the vet when they split a dewclaw. >.<

...You always carry a leash and treats with you in case of wandering pups. (This has come in VERY handy)

...You have the local dog rescue's number memorized because you being them so many wandering doggies.

03-04-2004, 07:25 PM
When you have every one of your school books autographed by a dog, either a muddy paw print or teeth marks

When you say no to a date with the cutest guy in school because you promised your dog a long walk at the park

When you make your friends sit at the table in the other room because the dog took the last seat at the table

03-04-2004, 09:21 PM
I can relate to almost all of these.

I'd go on forever and forever if I listed everything!

03-04-2004, 10:46 PM
When you see somthing at a store you really want and something for your dog but you only have enough money for one... you buy for your dog.

When re-modeling or re-decorating your home, it's done to suit the needs of our dogs, over your needs.

When you give up your dirty clothes basket and just leave them piled on the floor because you know your baby loves to curl up in the pile.

When your husband mows the yard and cuts as many piles of dog dropings as grass, you know you are a dog lover. :cool: ;)

When you quit your job because your boss wont let you take off because your puppies are sick, the puppies are more important then any silly job.

When you will only go to your uncle's wedding, out of town, if you found a hotel that takes pets and they can go with you.

03-04-2004, 11:33 PM
Almost forget one.....
When you put in a fake fire hydrant just to make your dogs happy. :)


03-05-2004, 08:48 AM
LOL that picture is so cute lol