View Full Version : I comitted a so called serious crime today...

Rio and Me
03-01-2004, 05:57 PM
Well I went off to town to do some shopping for Rio, she came along too.
When i parked I realised that i had forgoten Rio's lead so i used a bit of bailer twine.
I tied her up outside of the buchter shop and went in to get a piece of bone.
The shop has huge glass windows so i could just see Rio around the corner, when i looked back I was shocked to see 2 teenage (19ish) boys terrorising my baby she was so scared she broke the string and ran into the busy road and almost got hit, they laughed, as i pushed my way out of the shop i graped Rio and said to them (one was walking off) "what the f*** do you think you are doing" with no reply but a laugh i got so angry i thumped him in the face with all my force (this is the first EVER time i had hit anyone) and his nose bleed and his eyes watered.
He left with his friend with a bruised face and ego that he had been hit by a girl, i apoligised to the stoped traffic and left.
Why would they do that in the first place, i'm not sorry and would do it again if need be.
Rio is ok by the way.
Sorry for the long post but annoyed at these useless waste of space humans.
Ky and Rio

03-01-2004, 06:08 PM
:eek: Im glad Rio didn't get hurt!!! :mad:

:o I bet he won't mess with a dog anymore :p Good job!

03-01-2004, 06:23 PM
You did what any Mom would do, you protected your baby!!! Nasty boys! Poor Rio:( I wonder if I wouldn't have done the same thing! I'm just glad first, that Rio is ok!!! Secondly, I'm glad that the police were not involved and that you weren't charged with assault! I can see than being an issue here:( Please give Rio a big hug for me. Thank goodness she's ok!!!

Rio and Me
03-01-2004, 06:43 PM
Well Rio was my first concern.
But I know the poilce in town because my goats were allways getting out and they know how i feel about my animals, i'm sure i would have gotten only a warning but if they tried any thing else i would have gone for a self defence rontine thing.
Ky and Rio

03-01-2004, 06:43 PM
I'm so sorry! :( Poor Rio, good thing she wasn't hurt! What kind of idiots would do that to a dog! He deserved it. :mad:

03-01-2004, 06:54 PM
I am completely on your side. I don't see what you did as a crime, what THEY did was a crime. You did the right thing as a mom. I would have done exactly the same in your place. Jerks. They totally deserved it! Hopefully the loser learned his lesson. :mad: I'm very proud of what you did.. took a lot of guts, and I'm very glad that Rio is safe and doing okay. :)

03-01-2004, 07:03 PM
You go girl! They had no business touching or bothering Rio! You just done what any mother would do defending their child. I am very proud of you!


03-01-2004, 08:36 PM
you only did what a good mom would ;) oh those guys would have been hurtin if it was me! lol see I have this little habit of when people annoy me I whup them upside the head. now I normally dont wack hard, but if someone did that to one of my pets they would get a HARD whup upside the head, and I know I can hit pretty darned hard(I have slapped just a little to hard by accident before lol) I dont know were I got my slapping upside the head thing from lol but 3 guys in my history class deserved it today! they got lucky though, they were on the opposite end of the room from me!;)

03-01-2004, 08:38 PM
Poor Rio! I'm so glad she's ok. I don't think anyone here could blame you for hitting that cruel person.

Reminds me of one time when I was younger, about 13 or 14, when I was working with Cody (one of my RB collies) out in my front yard. I was working on "come" and kids on the neighborhood street took delight out of trying to distract him and get him to not listen to me. One day a girl from down the road had a bone from somewhere and she held it out and called him and of course he went running up there. Then she took a stick from behind her back and smacked him over the head with it! OMG you wouldn't believe how enraged I got! I yanked the stick from her hand, and smacked her over the back with it so hard that it broke the stick and it was a fairly thick one. She started wailing and ran off crying saying she was going to tell her Dad.

I never heard anything else from her or her parents though. She had a huge aging golden retriever named Sandy at home. Poor old guy :(

03-01-2004, 08:41 PM
I probably would not have hit the guy, but I can be pretty intimidating without having to use physical violence. (Honest! I'm only 5' 6" but I project 6' tall - inherited Dad's attitude, just not the height to accompany it.) Hope you don't get charged with assault, which you might in the lawsuit-happy U.S.A. Good for you, though, for protecting your dogs. THEY deserve punishment, what awful awful people.

03-01-2004, 10:16 PM
Luckily so far I have never been faced with a similar situation, but God help anyone who messes with my kitty"s.

I don't blame you for doing what you did, but I am glad you did not end up with an assault charge, PHEW close call, let's hope those Smart-Asses will think twice before choosing a defenceless animal to pick on again.

03-01-2004, 10:24 PM
how terrible! I hope you don't run into people like that anymore. Sadie often waits outside for me and people always stop to talk to her and pet her - never anything mean. While hitting may be wrong it certainly sounds like the right thing for that situation. You had to defend Rio! Rio I'm glad you're ok :) .

03-01-2004, 10:27 PM
Good for you! I'm glad you thumped those brats! Good thing nothing happened to Rio.

Rio and Me
03-02-2004, 04:41 AM
Thanks for all the kinds words, I too am not normally violent and this is the first time anything like that had happened so i did the first thing i thought of when they got me sooooo mad.
It hurt my hand too,lol
the town is quiet rough, but i never expected that, in my village that wouldnt of happened because i know of most people and know where they live, so if any of they did that my god they would get a shock.lol
Ky and Rio

03-02-2004, 05:49 AM
Sorry to hear that Rio was harrassed. I probably wouldn't have had to hit the guy though since Drake would have already ripped his arm off!!

03-02-2004, 08:11 AM
Poor Rio! I hope she's not too traumatized. Nasty nasty people. grrrr... So glad you gave them what they deserved!!! :D

Hope your hand feels better.

Rio and Me
03-02-2004, 08:27 AM
Thansk you is fine becaus ei managed to get a proper meaty bone while i was in the buchters, but when i got home she didnt quite know how to eat it, so i put it in the fridge till later then it was gone in seconds,lol it was a shoulder piece of pork.
Ky and Rio

03-02-2004, 12:23 PM
lmao ONLY at the bloody nose & brusied face part & a girl beat him up. GOOD FOR YOU! I woulda done the same thing, maybe even worse. too bad ther are tons of stupid people out there.

03-02-2004, 12:49 PM
in BC Canada it is illegal to tie your dogs outside a store and leave it even for a min. I think you did good for giving that guy what he deserved for scaring Rio. Poor Rio.

03-02-2004, 02:16 PM
Next time don't hit the guy with your fist....

use the heel of your hand.;)

That way you won't break your fingers.

My Peanuts
03-02-2004, 02:21 PM
This supports my theory that most people are idiots! I would have done the same thing. I'm glad that Rio is ok.

03-02-2004, 02:54 PM
good for you, i am glad you both are ok! i wouldhave done the same thing i think if i had to. kids are SO mean!!!! i dont know what these kids are thinking being mean to a helpless animal! good for you!

Rio and Me
03-03-2004, 03:11 AM
Thanks for the soport, i only take rio to town with me when i'm visiting the petshop, but next time the buthcer (he saw all this) said i can bring her in the shop.
Its not illegal over here to tie them up but i wont be doing it again, I wish that rio had bitten them which might have taught them that she may look like an easy target but is not.
We allso picked up a squeek toy (plush type) and is squeeking that like mad,lol
Ky and Rio

03-03-2004, 06:20 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Next time don't hit the guy with your fist....

use the heel of your hand.;)

That way you won't break your fingers.
richard, i will keep that in mind, thanks for the advice!:D