View Full Version : Lily is eating plastic! :(

03-01-2004, 12:14 PM
I know that many cats love to do that, so I'm always careful, but Lily has found out how to remove these little plastic pins that you use to cover scews on furnitures (know what I mean?), and today I found one on the floor, or - to be exact - I found the REST of one. The missing parts have been chewed off, and I don't like the thought that Lily has eaten them.

Doesn't she know some kinds of plastics can cause brain damage? :(


03-01-2004, 12:17 PM
Lily is being a Naw Tee little girl, but I must say she is o ne of the cutest little Naw Tee girls around. Lily reminds me of my Abner.....he is also into everything. The two of them would make a good couple. ;)

03-01-2004, 06:40 PM
I know what you mean. I just found a "hairball" that contained a rubber band and a blue piece of plastic from a milk gallon top. :( And I try to be so careful about those things.

03-01-2004, 11:17 PM
My brats have done the same here, Kirsten. All the little plactic thingys are GONE, lol.

AND yesterday Boomer stole a piece of liquerice and ate it. I tried pulling it out of his mouth, but he wouldn't let me...he likes liquerice, but this is the first time he managed to steal it outta the bag. I have to be careful from now on, as I very much doubt it's healthy for little cat tummys.

I had these visions of having to bring him to the emergency vet with an obstruction or something similar, but phew, it went through his system without any problems.

03-01-2004, 11:39 PM
That Lily girl...always keeping you on your toes, huh?

03-02-2004, 08:30 AM
Lily, what will you do next? Please stop being such a naw-tee kitty, or your mommy will start ripping her hair out. Has Pouncer been a bad influence on you?

Pouncer hasn't quite started chewing plastic. He just performs daily sweeps of the house looking for bugs. I never knew how many we had until he came along!

03-02-2004, 09:00 AM
I try to keep those things away , but Elizabeth has a positive fetish about plastic , especially the Bread ties , and the Garbage Bag Ties. Curiousity , thy name is CATS!

03-02-2004, 09:26 AM
It's really strange how many cats like plastic! And yes, Lily always keeps me busy! :)

Jen, how scary about that rubber band! Well, luckily it's found its way out! :rolleyes: +######################fcx (LOL; this is Luna's comment :))

Viking, I'm the same. Remember how Lily got x-rayed when I thought she had swallowed a little screw!? :eek: But yuck - liquerice!!! I hate it, so my girls will never have the change to eat it! :)

catnapper, I seriously doubt it required much influence from Pouncer for Lily to become like this. She has it all in her genes! LOL
