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View Full Version : Dog Backpack Question

03-01-2004, 11:40 AM
Me and my husband do alot of short hiking and fishing. I was wondering if anyone here has a dog backpack? The one that the dog wears. If so how is it do you like it? I have a 86 pound boxer that we take with us fishing and I think this would be a good way for him to help us out carring the light stuff. He enjoys pulling kids on the skateboard and slead with his harness on and stuff like that. Any info you can give me would be great I have looked at a couple on the internet but dont see any I like, besides I would like to look inside them to see the pockets and try one on him. I am thinking the best place to go is petsmart.

03-01-2004, 12:14 PM
Drake has a doggy back pack that he wears when we go on long hikes, camping, and rock climbing. Andrew purchased it online a few years ago. Drake doesn't mind carrying it. We usually put his food in in if we are going camping and other stuff as well like light gear, etc...

We purchased Drake's without trying it on. It has buckles to adjust it around his chest so that it is a good fit. The sizes are according to weigh range. The pockets are huge and Drakes has pockets on the big side pockets as well.

Only downfall is when Drake sees something and takes off after it. One of us ends up having to go fetch the back pack!!

03-01-2004, 12:30 PM
We have a dog backpack for Daphne, and she's only 40lbs. :) But she can still carry a water bottle and treats. She usually carries the dog stuff when we're hiking, and we carry the people stuff. :) She doesn't mind it at all.

03-01-2004, 12:31 PM
Hey, FizzGiggs_Mommy, you're up to 100 posts!! :D Congratulations! ^_^

03-01-2004, 12:35 PM
Wow I am I am now a Citizen! Thanks for all the help on the packs I think I am going to go get Max ands off we go to petsmart to get one. I read a couple of articles on hor to get them use to it and where to place it on them I cant wait to try it out.

03-01-2004, 12:38 PM
I have a backpack for my two.
I bought it at a dog show so I got to try it on them before I bought it, although it does have adjustable straps. Neither mind it, although Emily doesn't like it that much when there is a water bottle in the pocket that runs along her back.

I believe the general rule is that you can work a dog up to carrying 10%-15% of their body weight.

It doesn't hinder my dogs at all, infact it doesn't even slow Clipse down, nor does it shift when Clipse is running (and if you've seen pics of him running you'll know how amazing that is).

Anyways here are a couple of pics of my dogs in the backpack.



03-01-2004, 12:41 PM
My mom and I used to hike a lot with the collies when I was younger. We got them each a backpack to carry a water bottle and a few other things like their leashes when they were off-leash. Cody never minded a single bit, but Willie always seemed a bit less chipper when he had his on so I got to where I put it on him less frequently. Most people thought it was cute when they saw us, but I had one lady confront us one time about Cody, saying it was cruel to make him carry stuff.. Meanwhile he's trotting around happily with his backback on, his tail up and sniffing around.

Maybe she was from Peta :p

03-01-2004, 01:36 PM
I've been wanting to get Kia a backpack. I want to get her this one:

Doggie BackPack (http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=84552444177 4841&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=2534374302023689&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302026199&bmUID=1078169954499)

I love Outward Hounds stuff.

03-01-2004, 01:48 PM
That is the one I am thinking of getting If I get it I will post some pictures of Max wearing it

03-01-2004, 01:50 PM
I love Outward Hounds stuff.

I do too! I bought an Outward Hounds hip pack that had two water bottles with holders on the side, and pockets for treats and whatever else you'd want to carry inside. It also came with a nylon collapsible water bowl that fits inside a different pocket (to keep other belongings dry when you repack it). Then I got one of those little red fire hydrant things with a roll of baggies that it dipsenses out, and clipped it onto the hip pack. I love it for hikes!

guster girl
03-02-2004, 12:23 AM
I also like Outward Hound. I just got one of the little pouches that you can hook on your pants or belt. I'm using it to carry Finn's training treats. It's perfect! :)

03-02-2004, 12:39 PM
I don't have one, but I'd like to get one some day. They are just so expensive. I'd probably get one off of Ebay. At the petstore next to me, the cheapest ones are $60! The moxt expensive ones are $90. I could make them myself for alot cheaper (they would just look really bad lol).

03-02-2004, 02:51 PM
I've got an Outward Hound for Oz. Haven't used it on an actual hike yet, but it seems to fit him good and he's walking in it okay. I got it at Petsmart. Here's a couple of pics of him in it:





03-02-2004, 03:00 PM
Nebo has a backpack like Oz has! :D I've used it a few times when hiking in the summer, it works out great! Nebo doesn't seem to mind it. It does kind of slide around though, especially if the weight in each side of the pack is not exactly the same. His is a size medium.


Sorry I can't get the pic to work right, I'm at school and I suck at using these computers...it works if you click it I think

03-02-2004, 03:03 PM
Here's a pic of him wearing it

03-02-2004, 03:10 PM
PetsMart usually carries Outward Hound stuff, but I don't know if there are PetsMarts in Canada? They seem to usually be fairly reasonably priced and decent quality.

Otherwise I would maybe look in catalogs, but then you can't really try it on before you buy it that way. Still, if it didn't fit you could return it.

03-02-2004, 03:51 PM
Ah I see you even got the same color for Nebo. He looks so cute in his. :) Medium for Nebo, huh? I'm pretty sure Oz's is a Large, but there's a lot of excess strap I need to trim off. He's approx. 65 lbs. So FizzGiggs_Mommy, since you're talking about getting it for a 86 lb Boxer, if you had to order it from a catalog, I'd go with a Large.
