View Full Version : Has anyone watched the Oscars tonight?

03-01-2004, 03:02 AM
I only saw the end of it, because due to the time difference, it's been aired in Germany during the night, but I woke up at 5:30 and watched the rest.

And wow! my favorite movie, The Lord of the Rings , won 11 Oscars!!!!!

11 Oscars out of 11 nominations, that's just wonderful!!!

Finally the acadamy has honored Peter Jackson's phantastic job!!! :)


03-01-2004, 09:49 AM
Wow! I didn't see the Oscars either, but I'm happy to see LOTR did so well. Peter Jackson sure deserved it.

03-01-2004, 11:07 AM
Wow, that's cool! I didn't watch the awards, but I do love Lord of the Rings, I'm very happy it won. :)

03-01-2004, 09:41 PM
Being a New Zealander I am estatic LORD OF THE RINGS won, this is a very proud moment for all of us down under,the country is on a high and now planning a big celebration for Peter Jackson and crew's return, this will certainly put NZ on the map, for those americans who never knew where we are , they sure will now, apparently the oscars had the biggest audience ever, it was so funny to hear New Zealand mentioned so many times,and to hear the kiwi accent, when it is almost never heard of usually.

Peter will now be filming KING KONG in NZ too, I hope everyone enjoys seeing some of our scenery, the Last Samurai was also filmed here, this is bound to bring lots more tourist and bring in a nice revenue for our country.

I think Peter should be knighted SIR Peter , he sure deserves it, maybe it will happen.

I knew Kirsten you would be so pleased to see your fav movie get so many oscars.

A great day here for all New Zealanders, YAHOO!!!!(Excuse me while I indulge myself in the euphoria of it all, but its so darn exciting for us all here)

03-01-2004, 10:50 PM
Gosh, I heard "Africa" mentioned, and "Long Island" - did someone really mention New Zealand last night at the Oscars?

:D :D :D

Seriously, CONGRATULATIONS to everyone in New Zealand.

But, please, oh please, don't start building those huge hotels and widen the two lane roads and invite hoards of people to visit New Zealand.

For my taste, it is JUST PERFECT the way it is now.

03-02-2004, 01:12 AM
Oh Carole!!!!
Go you Kiwis!!!

I was so happy he was finally honoured for LOTR!!! I think the academy was just waiting for him to finish them all, to give him the awards all at once!!

AND YES - keep NZ just the was it is THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!


Please could I mention South Africas own Charlize Theron!!!! Fantastic!!

03-02-2004, 12:23 PM
Thanks guys, hey I just wanted to mention I was thrilled to Sean Penn get his oscar, long over-due in MO, I only ever knew him as Madonna's ex husband until I saw him in I am sam, and he is the best, have yet to see Mystic River, but I will get it on video.

It was a pity Keisha did not get her oscar, but Charlize deserved it for sure, she had tough competition, well gotta go and party, party party,JK.:) :D :cool:

guster girl
03-02-2004, 06:38 PM
I wasn't all up in the tv screen during the show, but, I had the tv on. Lord of the rings deserved all of the awards they received, IMO. But, I was mostly happy to see Sofia Coppola win for her writing "Lost in Translation." That was my favorite movie of the year. Scarlett Johansson is so beautiful. If you haven't seen the film, you should. And, did anyone else see how sweet and sincere Johnny Depp was when that announcer guy introduced him to Keisha Castle Hughes? I love Johnny Depp, and, seeing him clean-shaven like that was a treat. But, he was so sweet to that young girl, she was in awe! I'd be the same way, though, and, I'm 27! Billy Crystal did a good job, I thought. And, I liked Julia Roberts' tribute to Katherine Hepburn. ("Yes, I have one skirt. And, I'll wear it to your funeral." Hepburn to Barbara Walters. Gotta love that woman! :)

03-02-2004, 08:04 PM
I know what a thrill for Keisha, wished I had been in her shoes, I mean my 11 yr old loves him to death as well, when A guy nearly my age can get all the young ones to love him, he has gotta be good. He was alway's my favourite in 21 Jump Street.

Thanks for the review on that movie, have been wondering whether it was worth seeing, yes it was good to see all who deserved their awards get them. I loved that comment about Katherine Hepburn too lol.

guster girl
03-05-2004, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by carole
I know what a thrill for Keisha, wished I had been in her shoes, I mean my 11 yr old loves him to death as well, when A guy nearly my age can get all the young ones to love him, he has gotta be good. He was alway's my favourite in 21 Jump Street.

Thanks for the review on that movie, have been wondering whether it was worth seeing, yes it was good to see all who deserved their awards get them. I loved that comment about Katherine Hepburn too lol.

I've also liked Johnny Depp since 21 Jump Street. And, Peter delouise. I used to love that show. :) But, what sealed the deal for me was "Edward Scissorhands." That has to be one of my top five favorite films. And, definitely check out Lost in Translation. It's wonderful. :)

03-06-2004, 03:05 AM
Oh gosh yes Peter Delouise, I had forgotten about that cutie, I wonder what happened to him, he was big Dom's son right?

Have you seen Johnny Depp In pirates of the Caribbean, thats when my 11 year old fell in love with him, she say's he is sooo...cute!!! lol
must say this is one we do agree on!!!

If I don't see that movie I will be sure to get it out on Video when it comes.