View Full Version : Rat Cages

02-28-2004, 09:14 AM

Hello everyone!
I am looking to "adopt" a pair of male rats and have been looking for a rather *large* cage, but I do not know if there is really such thing as too large of a cage? I want enough room for PLENTY of excersize and lots and lots of toys ;) This is this cage that has perked my intrest:
(Now I know this is HUGE but I really like it!)


And here is the information on it:
30" x 18" x 60"
Seven levels
Six ramps
Four balconies
Two full floors
One full solid bottom floor (pan is bottom floor of cage)
Drop-in 3½" deep black plastic pan

Maybe I should go with a third male? Hmm sounds good to me :p

Also about food: I would like to make a home-made diet for them, but I don't know where to start for that. If I could have any information that would be wonderful! If I do not get enough information on that though, I would love to know of the food brands you recomend. I have heard of "Suebee's" But the website link I tried to access didn't work. Anyways, any information would be greatly apprieciated!

I will hopefully be looking for my two (or three ;) ) around summer time, by then I hope to have found all the information and a vet AND have their home "perfect" by then :D

02-28-2004, 09:21 AM
Oh yes, I forgot to ask:

Which is better for the ratties-or which do you prefer?
The Galvanized or Powder-coated cage?

Thank you! :)

02-28-2004, 09:35 AM
9.375 rats can live in that cage :eek:

Check out this link, you plug in the measurements and it'll tell you how many rats can live comfortably in a cage.

Rat Cage Calculator (http://www.kristinewickstrom.homestead.com/files/PanelApplet.html)

02-28-2004, 09:43 AM
Yes- I relize it is huge, but I have school during the day (and I relise others have work and school too, and not this big of a cage) And they will be spending atleast 6 hours during the day in it, and not counting when I go out with friends and such. And I would prefer a large cage.

02-28-2004, 09:45 AM
There's no need to get defensive. I was just stating them quite a few rats can fit in that cage. And I posted that link incase you look at other cages and want to know how big your family can expand to.

02-28-2004, 09:49 AM
Sorry if I became defense, I guess that was just a spur of the moment thing :o :)

02-28-2004, 09:50 AM
Don't get the galvanized! The pee soaks in to the wire, and you will pretty soon have a very stinky cage that you cannot get the smell off of.

The powder coated is a little more expensive, but it's well worth the extra money.

Martins cages are really good cages, and your boys will have so much fun in that cage! :)

BTW, I notice your in Texas too, where in Texas are you located? :) It's nice to meet fellow people from Texas that are rattie lovers.

02-28-2004, 09:53 AM
Thank you so much !
So Powder-Coated it is, I guess ;)

I am located in Lake Dallas, about 30 minutes from Dallas :)

Desert Arabian
02-28-2004, 10:14 AM
That cage is perfect. Be sure to get powder coated!!

02-28-2004, 10:18 AM
Thank you YellowLabLover:)

02-28-2004, 04:53 PM

02-28-2004, 04:57 PM
that cage is awsome!!!!!! if i had a credit card i would buy it for my boys!!!! :D

02-28-2004, 06:20 PM
Thank you :)

This is the breeder I am looking at: (putting the link to her "brag book" because those faces are just TOO adorable!)


02-28-2004, 10:23 PM
I personally dislike Martins cages very much. They stink (especially the plastic bottom) as well as their feces tend to stick to the bars more than other cages, and getting into those tiney crevices in such a big cage is a hard job. Unless you have somewhere you can fit the cage for cleaning like outside with a waterhose or a tall shower, I would suggest getting something smaller. Plus, the boys shoot the urine out the side. I had an R695 and it was so not worth the money I paid for it. The wire is flemsy and can easily be shaped with ones hand.

I highly recommend Quality Cages. www.qualitycage.com They have QUALITY cages LOL, not cheap flimsy things. They last years! But of course, go with either a powder coated or PVC coated cage to protect the cage from soaking up the urine and getting stinky.

If you want more information on what to feed your rats you can visit my feeding article at:


I HIGHLY recommend Sarah of Lone Star Rats if you want to adopt some ratties. She takes in rescues a lot too, so perhaps adopting a rescue ratty in need of a home would be a good way to go as well. :)

02-28-2004, 10:33 PM
OK well apparently my site is not working right now! If anyone else can get to it, please let me know.