View Full Version : Do your pets keep you awake?

02-28-2004, 08:27 AM
Here's another interesting one from CNN. Does your cat/dog snore and keep you awake? Or have they more devious methods? Fister certainly knows how to keep me from sleeping if he wants to. From whiskers up my nostrils to trying to sit on my head! :mad:

If You're Dog Tired, Your Dog May Be Guilty

New House Rule: No Pets on the Bed

Got a cat that sleeps on your head? A dog you're letting out every night? Those needy beasts may be costing you more than they should - in terms of lost sleep, that is.

Dogs and cats, it turns out, are one of the biggest causes of humans' sleep problems. At the Mayo Clinic Sleep Disorders Center, 53% of patients said pets played a big role in their sleep problems; 22% had pets sleeping on the bed with them.

"That's a significant number," says John Shepard, MD, medical director of the Mayo Clinic Sleep Disorders Center.

All kinds of environmental things play havoc with the quality of our sleep - a ticking clock, too much light, high humidity, temperature too cold or too hot - but Shepard tuned into pets after one discussion with a patient. She got up in the middle of the night to let the dog out, waiting up to 15 minutes for the critter.

"After hearing that anecdote, I began to wonder how many of my patients were sleeping with pets and how much the pet interrupted sleep," he says.

In the course of regular checkups, Shepard questioned 300 patients about their pets - asking whether the animals shared the bed. He found that:

• 157 of patients (52%) had one or more pets, largely cats and dogs.
• Nearly 60% allowed pets to sleep in the bedroom.
• Cats were more likely than dogs to be allowed in the bedroom and on the bed.
• If they were allowed in the bedroom, dogs had 57% chance of being allowed onto the bed.
• Some of the pets snored: 21% of dogs and 7% of cats.
• Only 1% of patients felt their sleep was disrupted for more than 20 minutes per night on average.

Whether pet owners were really up-front about their pets' habits, he's not sure - but he says he suspects the problem may be far worse than owners admit. "Some people are very attached to their pets and will tolerate poorer sleep in order to be near them at night," he says.

But the problem may be not the animal's habits - but the animal itself, says Max Hirshkowitz, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry and medicine and director of the Sleep Disorder and Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and the Veterans Administration Hospital in Houston.

Very often, it's an allergic reaction to cat dander that's causing the human to wake up, he tells WebMD. "[The allergy] may be causing a breathing problem, but people don't realize it. Cats have lots of dander. People may not feel any reaction when the cat is just in the house, but when it's in the same bed, near you for hours and hours, that makes the reaction worse."

Animal allergies are indeed a big cause of humans' sleep problems, says Richard Castriotta, MD, a sleep disorders expert at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston. His study of 800 patients with sleep disorders found that 53% were suffering from allergies.

If allergies are the problem, "it's an easy thing to fix," he says. "Get the animal out of the room."

After all, allergy medication won't help you sleep any better if the pet is still on the bed, says Badar Syed, a neurologist and co-director of sleep disorders center at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. "If the pet continues sleeping with them, they're still going to wake up."

"I see it all the time in my clinic," Syed tells WebMD. "People describe sleep disturbance because of pets, but they don't realize exactly what's happening."

Nevertheless, if Fluffy or Fido continues to disrupt your sleep, you need to do something about it. "Chronic sleep deprivation is major problem in our society," says Syed. "It causes serious daytime sleepiness and increased risk of motor vehicle accidents. The latest data shows that more people die sleeping behind wheel than from drinking and driving."

Sleep disruption also affects memory, concentration, and work performance, he says. "It's a vicious cycle."

If you don't have pet allergies - if the animal is simply bugging you too much - "get a bigger bed," advises Castriotta. Many people just live with it. "Some people just adapt to the sleep disruptions and consider that to be totally normal."

Originally published Feb. 21, 2002.
By_Jeanie Lerche_Davis
© 2002 WebMD Inc. All rights reserved.

02-28-2004, 01:09 PM
Charlie sure doesn't! He's a peaceful sleeper.

Desert Arabian
02-28-2004, 02:07 PM
My rats keep me awake a lot. They love to fool around with eacth other, squeeking, and banging objects around the cage keeping me from falling asleep! Little stinkers. They don't snore though, but Sammy does- not that loud though.

02-28-2004, 11:54 PM
• Some of the pets snored: 21% of dogs and 7% of cats

This one just struck me as funny. I thought well the hubby snores, maybe I should throw him out of bed of a night!

I just don't think I could sleep without Grover in bed with me, or Buffy. They don't snore. Buffy will sometimes get off the bed and want me to put her back on the bed of a night.

02-29-2004, 01:50 AM
Sleep??? Whats that???

Yes my guys keep me up, 2 of the dogs snore and 1 has puppy deams, so I listen to that most of the night. :rolleyes:

But I'd lose more sleep if the where not in the room with us. That crying at the door to get in can REALLY keep you up.

So I take the little bit of sleep I get over no sleep at all. Any how it's fun to get up in the middle of the night and play the hop over puppy game. :D

03-02-2004, 03:25 AM
OMG Nutmeg is the WORST for keeping me awake. She goes into the corner of the room and cries into the corner and up at the ceiling. I call her to come onto the bed, she just howls in response. I go pick her up, pet her, she purrs for five minutes and then goes back to howl at the ceiling. When it does get to the point where I just get up, she crawls onto the bed and falls asleep! :eek: So if I climb in with her, she gets down and howls at the ceiling again. She does this several times a night, for about half hour at a time. It's SO frustrating, and I really wish I knew how to make her stop.


Kona & Oreo's mom
03-02-2004, 09:33 AM
Oreo is a very loud dreamer--her growling and yipping wakes me up almost every night. But I certainly can't blame her or be mad at that. She can't help it.

Kona tends to pester my husband during the night more than she bothers me. I think he is warmer, and she loves to snuggle under the covers with him. :)

I'll suffer with the sleep deprivation for my girls!

03-02-2004, 10:18 AM
"Hee Hee, look Emma, Mom is going to bed. Now do what I told you and cuddle up by her right leg. I will take her other leg."

"Like this, Annie?" "Yes, Emma, cuddle in real tight so she can't move her legs." "See, isn't it nice and warm here?"

"Rascal always takes the position by Mom's side, so stay out of his way. He must think he is King around here."


"Geeze, I wish Mom would settle down. Why is she tossing and turning like this?"

"I don't know, Emma, but she just threw off the covers and they are all over me."

"Hey, what's with the scissors kick here Mom......you threw me on the floor."

"ANNIE, EMMA, RASCAL..........you can have THIS half of the bed, the other half is MINE. Now go back to sleep and stay on your side."

"I am so hot, I could just die.......zzzzzzzz, snore...snore."

03-02-2004, 10:30 AM
I don't know who's worse, Hubby or Buttercup!!! :eek: Can't blame the dogs unless one of them barks (and I'm always grateful that they at least do that to let me know he/she needs to go outside). But Butter is terrible about banging on the blinds to go out, and climing the screen door to come in (and he knows that the door leading in and out is in our bedroom!)!! Hubby is a terrible snorer, so I am awakened by him as well!!!!

Gotta love them, though, and I wouldn't have it any other way!!! :)

03-02-2004, 10:34 AM
My rats run around, crunch on things, just generally make pests of themselves! Silly girls! Oh well, I'd rather be sleepy than without ratties!

03-02-2004, 10:41 AM
Chipper sleeps with us and hogs the bed, a kind size bed...Whenever you go to move he's right there so you have no room to sprawl out, I don't get a good nights sleep most nights...but you gotta love him!!

03-02-2004, 12:27 PM
My rats always keep my awake, which is why at night I take them into the hall so we don't have any animals in our room at night. The hammies go in the bathroom, the hedgies and everything else in the hall. Cheetah is CONSTANTLY meowing at our door, and I hate the cats on the bed for the most part, but Dan spoils her rotten and always takes her to bed with us. :rolleyes:

I have a hard enough time sleeping as is. If I didn't have an area to take the pets are night, I wouldn't have them.

03-02-2004, 01:10 PM
Tibby keeps me awake. She tries to play with me all night long. She likes to paw at my face when I'm trying to fall asleep then when I turn around she walks on my head and continutes to paw at my face.

03-02-2004, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by jonza
"Some people are very attached to their pets and will tolerate poorer sleep in order to be near them at night," he says.

Well, yeah.

We have myself (no small person, here), my husband (6'1, 109) a shih tzu, a TFT, and JRT in a king size bed. We're thinking of taking a couple of queens and smashing them together, but the dogs would still plaster themselves against us and there'd just be a huge empty space! :D

03-02-2004, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
My rats always keep my awake, which is why at night I take them into the hall so we don't have any animals in our room at night. The hammies go in the bathroom, the hedgies and everything else in the hall. Cheetah is CONSTANTLY meowing at our door, and I hate the cats on the bed for the most part, but Dan spoils her rotten and always takes her to bed with us. :rolleyes:

I have a hard enough time sleeping as is. If I didn't have an area to take the pets are night, I wouldn't have them.

you shuld be resting peacfully everynight with all that moving before bed LOL:D