View Full Version : I need your help please! Sister Poem

Aspen and Misty
02-27-2004, 07:34 PM
Can soemone either find me or write me a poem about sisters? My sister just broke up with her Fiancee and is moving back home from South Carolina. I want my peom to say she is welcome to cry with me and/or that she is welcome home.

Thanx for your help,

02-27-2004, 07:43 PM
I'll post one tonight. What's her name?

02-27-2004, 07:48 PM
OH! My mom has a whole book that her sister gave her with poems about sisters and so on... I'll go look!

Aspen and Misty
02-27-2004, 08:42 PM
Her name is Abbey. If this helps at all, I used to call her Addy. I dunno, maybe you could put that in there :confused: but you don't have to lol!

Thanx Kay!! :D


02-27-2004, 09:16 PM
What Is A Sister?

A sister is someone
Who's been where you've been,
Who knows you
And what you're about...

Someone you know
You can call if you need to
When something's
Just not working out...

A sister is someone
Who's more than just family
Her friendship is
One of a kind...

And the closeness you've shared
Through life's laughter and tears
Is the deepest
That you'll ever find...

I'm fortunate to have
A sister like you.
I wouldn't trade our special relationship
For anything in the world...

Nothing is more comfortable
Or more reassuring
Than knowing that
You're always there...

And you make life so enjoyable
Just by being yourself
You've always been the best kind of sister.
I just thought I'd say "Thanks".

Aspen and Misty
02-27-2004, 09:23 PM
WOW, thank you! Thats wonderful!

I'm going to collect a few of them and then make like a poster board type thing.

Ash :D

02-27-2004, 09:42 PM
You are my sister
Part of my heart.
We share more than friends would ever know
But I count you as my friend as well.

You are my sister
The one to whom I would literally look up to
Before I knew about the figurative sense
My big sister my whole life
And always will be.

I love you.
You will always have a place in my heart
And wherever my home is
There you are welcome always

And though I drove you crazy sometimes
(That's my job as a kid sister, you know)
Addy, Abby, you know who you are to me
You are my sister, blood of my blood

Come home, dear one,
Let me hug you tight
And while I cannot mend your battered heart
I can tell you I love you
And anyone who doesn't is just nuts.

Cry on my shoulder if you want
Remember silly times if you want
But know, just know
You are my sister

And nothing's ever gonna change that.

I love you

And nothing's ever gonna change that, either.

Aspen and Misty
02-27-2004, 09:43 PM
O gee, I'm in a room with 3 guys and tears in my eyes. ::wipes face quickly::

Thank you, they both are so nice :) I just love them!


02-27-2004, 09:54 PM
Can you tell I've got a big sister of my own? ;)

If the boys make fun of you for snifflin' just say "Huh, boys. Wadda you know, anyway!" and act superior.

02-27-2004, 10:02 PM
Here's one I wrote:

We've been best friends,
through thick and thin,
and I know everything you know,
because I love you.

You helped me through life,
you picked me up when I fell,
and all I can say,
is I love you.

People may think I'm crazy
that I can love this you this much,
but they don't know how much
you really mean to me.

I help you,
and you help me,
we shall always be together
because of love.

I'm here for you,
and I want you to know
words cannot express how much
I love you.

I will always have a shoulder to cry on for you,
I will always be here for you,
and I will always be your friend.
No matter what.

You're my sister,
my companion,
my teacher,
my leader,
my guide,
and my role model.
But the only thing that matters,
is that you're part of me.

Aspen and Misty
02-27-2004, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Can you tell I've got a big sister of my own? ;)

If the boys make fun of you for snifflin' just say "Huh, boys. Wadda you know, anyway!" and act superior.

:p Crazy boys :rolleyes: No, they didn't say anything, thankfully!

I love both of them! All three of them! They are sooo good!
