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02-27-2004, 11:26 AM
Hobo, the little dog who almost lost his tail, is acting like he's not even injured today. Tail wagging, jumping up to greet me! Full of energy and prancing around outside. I'm keeping him confined as much as possible--don't want him to reinjure himself or make things worse by doing too much. I cut back his metacam dose today too--I think he's feeling a little too good! He's not impressed with being locked in the house though--he has a very pretty howl!!

Diesel is a little more subdued, but is doing very well. Their owner tells me that he has a pretty relaxed personality all the time, while Hobo is generally more hyper. So this may just be Diesel's real temperment.

Yesterday I went to visit their owner who told me that Hobo is 7 years old! I told the vet he was two!!! He acts like a puppy! Diesel is actually two, so at least I got one of them right. Jim also mentioned that he has been looking for a recreational home for Hobo to "retire" to...so he just might be staying! Jim and the healthy dogs are leaving tomorrow morning for their real home. He has friends coming to drive him back. Diesel and Hobo can't travel yet so they are staying for at least a couple more weeks for sure.

02-27-2004, 12:17 PM
You have done SUCH a wonderful job!!

I'm sure Jim feels better knowing they are in great hands and will be back to normal in no time staying with you while they keep on healing!

02-27-2004, 01:01 PM
That's great to hear that they are doing so well, Glacier! Of courese we all knew they would be, in your loving hands!:) What a relief for Jim. And I'll bet you're happy to have them both for a few more weeks too! I know that Hobo and Diesel will enjoy their stay at Camp Glacier!:)

02-27-2004, 01:01 PM
That's just wonderful news! Every time I come here and see another positive update, it lightens my heart and cheers my day! :)

02-27-2004, 01:47 PM
Wonderful news! :D

Kona & Oreo's mom
02-27-2004, 03:21 PM
I am so glad to hear that all three (Jim included) are doing so well!

02-27-2004, 06:44 PM
That is Wonderful News!!!!!!
Yeah Hobo & Diesel!!!!!!!
My Hobo is 7 too!!!

Retirement home,Eh???
Timing is Everything!!!!

02-27-2004, 06:47 PM
Thats great news. I'm glad to hear that they se acting normal already. Hobo sounds like a darling!

02-27-2004, 07:54 PM
Your friend is very lucky to have you to help him! I'm glad the dogs are doing well and that Hobo may have a great future home! Maybe we can see some more pics of them? Glad they're recovering nicely.

02-28-2004, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Glacier
Jim also mentioned that he has been looking for a recreational home for Hobo to "retire" to...so he just might be staying!
Hmmmm, staying you say....I'm surprised;)

I'm glad that everyone is feeling good today!

02-28-2004, 11:16 AM
OOHHH!! Another good update!! I'm so glad to hear that they are both doing so much better. I'm with Anna...such a shock that Hobo may be staying!! You're an angel!