View Full Version : needing advise on Chinchillas

02-26-2004, 05:10 PM
In April I will be getting 2 chinchillas. My friend had bought 2 "female" chinchillas from a petshop, one was actually a male, in which before he was neutered the female became pregnant. She had 3 babies. They are 11 days old today, and went to the vet for their first check-up. They are all healthy, and right now they all appear to be female, but the vet said we'll know better as they get older. I'm naming my girls Daphne and Lola. I've red a few books and red things on the internet, but would love to have some advise and imput from any of you.

02-26-2004, 08:18 PM
I had a chinchilla for a little while. They are quite easy to keep. Chinchilla food, water, fresh veggie and fruit - that's about it. And they must take dust baths, which they naturally do. They sell chinchilla dust and bath houses at pet stores.

Handle them all the time, so they will be tame. Mine was very sweet. He loved me, tolerated my son and did NOT like anyone else. They seem to know who their owners are.

They are FAST if they get out, and they can jump like crazy. So be careful.

02-26-2004, 09:51 PM
www.chins-n-quills.com :)

There's even a forum for new chinny owners.

02-26-2004, 10:56 PM
I can't add much more except I hope you seperated the male cuz with in 6 hours they rebred. They are so entertaining !

02-26-2004, 11:28 PM
Not necessarily true. Female chins go into heat every thirty days, and you can check them for it. (Or so my chin breeder friend informs me)

02-27-2004, 11:50 AM
Thank you all, I have gotten their cage, bath house, dust bath, and some other things. My friend did seperate the male from the momma and babies, however he has since been neutered, so no chances of any more.