View Full Version : worst summer ever in NZ history......

02-26-2004, 03:39 PM
I cannot believe what awful weather we have been having, Feb is usually our hottest month, and it has been chilly to say the least, especially in the mornings and evenings, I have even put on winter clothing some days,In March we often expect those cooler mornings and evenings, but we still get hot days.

Feb has been a month of continous Rain, heavy too, wind, gail force at times, we have had a cyclone and lots of bad flooding causing millions of dollars of damage(luckily where I live has not been affected), and the worst part is more is heading its way this weekend, I don't really like the heat, but geez this is depressing , it looks like summer is over for us, well it never really even began, I think we would have had maybe three weeks of hot weather this whole summer . I guess this is all down to global warming.

So folks keep your fingers crossed we get some sun , so we can have some fun.:)

02-26-2004, 06:49 PM

I did read about the terrible weather that your country has
been having. The rain, storms and awful flooding. There were
even pictures in the news about cattle being stranded on bits
of land to escape the waters. :(

I am glad that you & your family escaped the worst of it. Hope
the weather gets better for you all.:)

Miss Meow
02-26-2004, 07:28 PM
Carole, my office buddy just got back from the Great New Zealand Bike Ride (on the south island). It rained nearly the whole time, they had to camp on flooded ground, all their clothes and tents and belongings were covered in mud and many people pulled out because of hypothermia! :(

They rode the final two stages in one day, so they could spend the last night in a B&B, washing their dirty clothes and sleeping in a dry bed :) One day they rode more than 100km to Fox Glacier as they had booked a helicopter ride to the top, but 10 minutes after being prepared to go, a cloud came in and the trip was cancelled. It sounded like they had a dreadful time.

02-26-2004, 08:02 PM
Yep it sure has not been good, its cool again today and windy, my hayfever does not like this wind, blowing all the pollens everywhere, and its going to rain, i am sure, I have relatives here from Scotland, they came to escape the cold winter, to this unfortunately, at least my uncle has been here three times before and knows NZ can be nice and sunny.

A south Island bike ride sounds absolutely disasterous at the moment, pity they will have bad vibes about NZ now, but this is very unusual, well at least the lakes should be full, and we should not have a power shortage hopefully this winter.:)

My sister is heading off to the Gold Coast, Australia tomorrow, wish I was going with her, just to feel some sun rays again would be nice.!!!