View Full Version : Movie-goer dies of apparent heart attack watching ''Passion'' film

02-26-2004, 09:59 AM
How very sad. :(


Movie-goer dies of apparent heart attack watching ''Passion'' film (Feb 26 - 8:14 am)

Wichita, Kansas (dpa) - A 57-year-old woman died Wednesday after collapsing at a movie theatre during a screening of Mel Gibson's ''The Passion of the Christ,'' a graphic movie about the last 12 hours of the life of Christ.

Peggy Scott was attending a morning showing of the movie in the Midwestern city of Wichita, Kansas, when she collapsed about 20 minutes before the movie was to end, the Wichita Eagle reported.

The movie was stopped and two physicians who also were watching the movie tried to revive Scott, Ken Crockett, general manager of the theatre, told the newspaper. She was taken to a hospital by ambulance where she was pronounced dead. An autopsy has been ordered to determine the exact cause of death.

Doctors declined to say whether the apparent heart attack was caused by her emotional reaction to the film or whether other factors were involved. Kansas television station KAKE said Scott collapsed at the film's emotional high point.

Critics are calling Gibson's film, filled with the graphic torture and death of Christ, extremely violent and gory. The movie is expected to become the biggest box-office Bible film ever.

PJ's Mom
02-26-2004, 10:07 AM
Geez, how awful!! :eek:

Have any of you seen the movie yet? I'm interested in going to see it.

02-26-2004, 10:16 AM
Haven't seen it and I'm not interested in seeing it but will go with Andy if he wants me too.

02-26-2004, 11:32 AM
How sad. :( I hope to see it this weekend.

02-26-2004, 12:39 PM
Scott is going tonight, by himself, as he is out of town and he told me that he will go again, with me, next week. We have all 3 kids this weekend so we can't see it together over the weekend. I have heard nothing but positive comments from those who have already seen it.

I hate it about that lady dying like that. I heard it on the radio this morning. :(

02-26-2004, 03:00 PM
My husband and I are not even remotely interested in seeing this movie.

4 Dog Mother
02-26-2004, 04:56 PM
I went to see this movie this afternoon. It is very graphic and very violent but what else could a cruxificion be? Sometimes we gloss over what Christ endured for us but it would be a little hard to not know what he endured after seeing that movie. I personally am glad I saw it.

I am very sorry that the woman died while watching it.

02-26-2004, 05:24 PM
It just makes me wonder how many other people have heart attacks at the movies every year that we never hear about. Sad for the woman and her family.

02-26-2004, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Karen
It just makes me wonder how many other people have heart attacks at the movies every year that we never hear about. Sad for the woman and her family.

Good point Karen and I agree 100%. As for the violence, well how could one portray a crucifixion and the beating that went on before without showing any violence? It was a horrible way to die and there is nothing that one could do in portraying such a thing to "tone it down" and yet still do justice to what actually happened. I am amazed that with all of the meaningless violence that Hollywood spews out constantly that this would even be an issue. I do plan to see if after the crowds dissipate a bit.

02-26-2004, 05:57 PM
what a drag....

I think that because there is a religious 'message' in the movie, it strikes closer to the heart.

You could have Rambo nailing a drug lord to a 2x4, or JC Van Damme flogging a murderer or Bruce Willis threading a crown of thorns onto the head of a terrorist...No one would flinch at that ..

What was the movie with the Saturday Night Dancing guy in it- a few years ago???

Or the "Natural Born Killers" flick??

I guess senseless violence is the norm....and aside from the Easter Crucifixions in the Phillipines (those are done for a reason:confused: x1000) Beating the stuffing outta people is O.k.,
just don't attach a religion to it.

That's what make me scratch my head...
Another things that make me squirm....


the 'Jesus Nail' necklaces that are being sold...

A) I had to take my JN necklace off at the airport.....I want religious freedom..

B) My JNN was ripped from my neck and I was stabbed with it.

C) People made fun of my JNN.

D) I stabbed myself with my JNN....

Choose the lawsuit.

My heart hurts when I see the prices at the snack bar.

02-26-2004, 06:18 PM
How very sad. :( I wanted to see the movie, but if its graphic, I don't think I want to. Graphic movies scare me.

02-26-2004, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
I think that because there is a religious 'message' in the movie, it strikes closer to the heart.

You could have Rambo nailing a drug lord to a 2x4, or JC Van Damme flogging a murderer or Bruce Willis threading a crown of thorns onto the head of a terrorist...No one would flinch at that ..

What was the movie with the Saturday Night Dancing guy in it- a few years ago???

Or the "Natural Born Killers" flick??

I guess senseless violence is the norm....and aside from the Easter Crucifixions in the Phillipines (those are done for a reason:confused: x1000) Beating the stuffing outta people is O.k.,
just don't attach a religion to it.

I agree. I haven't seen it yet. I intend to. I have heard from many people that, yes, it is violent and disturbing and graphic. Ummmmm .... what else would you expect? Several people also told me that they have certainly seen movies that were MORE graphic, violent and disturbing ... but no one made a fuss over the violence in them.

If it's half as good as Jesus Christ Superstar, I'm there!

About the woman who had a heart attack ... very sad indeed. She could have probably had that heart attack at Walmart or in her own living room, too.

02-26-2004, 08:53 PM
That's really terrible. :( Poor lady.

It's probably really graphic because it's true. I think any movie that's true strikes closer to the heart, personally, cuz It really happened. Just like the movie "Saving Private Ryan." It's really graphic and gory because that's what really happened, and it made me stop and think that WWII was so terrible and all these guys fought for us and I took it for granted before. I can't even believe what kind of trauma these poor soldiers have to go through. :( Probably is same for true for "Passion."

Plus another EXTREMELY SAD movie, probably the saddest is "THE GREEN MILE." Man, that was brutal.

4 Dog Mother
02-26-2004, 10:17 PM
Several people also told me that they have certainly seen movies that were MORE graphic, violent and disturbing ... but no one made a fuss over the violence in them.

That's the one thing I don't understand. I don't like violent movies per se. I avoid them as a matter of fact. I did not go to this movie to see if it was as violent as it has been said to be. I went because as a Christian I felt a need to see and understand what God and his Son have done for us. I really don't want to turn this into a "God" issue but that is the reason I went. All the violent movies that are out there and have been out there are not as publicized as this one has been. I guess I don't understand why there is so much talk about the violence in this movie when we know that if it is going to be anywhere near authentic it would have to be violent and graphic. Sourging and cruxificion is violent. So much of the violence in movies today is pointless and yet countless number of people go to see these movies and see nothing wrong with those story lines and in fact enjoy these kind of movies. Doesn't really make much sense that there are objections to the violence in this movie.

02-26-2004, 11:46 PM
That's awful. :(

I really can't wait to see that movie, though. I was skeptical at first, but the more I hear about it and the more my friends gush over it, the more I want to see it. Josh and I are going this weekend, and I'm so excited. :)

02-27-2004, 06:04 AM
Originally posted by Denyce
My husband and I are not even remotely interested in seeing this movie.

Same here.

02-27-2004, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by Karen
It just makes me wonder how many other people have heart attacks at the movies every year that we never hear about. Sad for the woman and her family.
I thought the same thing Karen. I wondered how many times someone may have died during a comedy and such and it probably would never make the news.

The violence in it doesn't bother me, I just chose not to see it for other reasons. :)

02-27-2004, 05:47 PM
that is sad :( I dont plan to see the movie but it has been getting a TON of raving reveiws over here. they even had a booth set up just for the movie at the galaxy, and people who want to see it have to book tickets fast in advance because its selling out fast. :eek:

02-27-2004, 06:19 PM
I am wondering why people are so surprised and angry... did they think crucifixion was a cake walk? It was bloody, gory, painful, absolutely cruel. I don't know when or why the Catholic/Christian faith decided to turn the image of the cross into an icon, as for hundreds of years, people viewed the image of a cross as a horror - the way we'd think about the electric chair... will people be walking around with little gold chairs in two thousand years? (Ok, so electric chair isn't the perfect similie, but you get the point.)

I also agree with Richard, we see so much gratuitous violence in movies today... why does everyone get dso enraged when we attach that violence to an actual fact? Take Save Private Ryan - people walked out of the theater in droves and demanded their money back "because it was too violent" Well, folks, what did you think war was? Did you think they sat on the beach and played patty-cake? Its the same thing with this movie, and I applaud Mel Gibson for being brave enough to portray it in a realistic light instead of the "watered down" version people prefer to live with.

As for the woman who died of a heart attack, it truly is a sad story. I hope that she is in a happy place, walking hand in hand with those she loved and lost.

02-27-2004, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
I don't know when or why the Catholic/Christian faith decided to turn the image of the cross into an icon, as for hundreds of years, people viewed the image of a cross as a horror - the way we'd think about the electric chair... will people be walking around with little gold chairs in two thousand years? (Ok, so electric chair isn't the perfect similie, but you get the point.)

Not to turn this into a slam against religion....

The local talk show tossed that around.
What if Jesus had been run over by a cart? or was hung?
Drown or ????

Something about suffering and catholocism that people can't separate..

02-27-2004, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

Something about suffering and catholocism that people can't separate..
Ahhh, don't forget the guilt! :D

02-29-2004, 03:43 PM


Funny I always thought you were given a shot for that when you were born..

03-01-2004, 07:46 PM
Thats so weird! So many people are dieing at movies! I heard at the silver city near my house they found a dead guy on the roof who watched the movie!:eek: :(

03-02-2004, 04:03 PM
She probably had a lot of risk factors to have a heart attack, and it happened to come on her when she was particularly emotionally involved in the movie. It is sad, but when you think of the millions of people going to millions of theaters every day, I'm sure it does happen elsewhere. This is only in the press because of the subject content, I'm pretty sure.

As for myself, I won't be going to see it.. I'm way too sensitive and upset by such things. Braveheart was also a great movie, but I felt physically ill after watching it and disturbed for days after seeing it. I think I understand how horrible it is without a Hollywood depiction to traumatize over. That's just how I am though.

03-06-2004, 12:25 AM
I was warned by my boss that it was "gory" and it was extremely graphic. If anything, I think it still toned it down a little, for one thing, he wasn't wearing any clothes on the cross (correct me if I am wrong, I am a bit rusty on the final details).

But, it's not just the explicit violence of this movie that would offend sensitivities, but for the non-relgious they would object to the glaringly obvious religions overtones and for the religious who object it would because its a) the wrong religion b) they don't want to be reminded that Jesus is the point of it all, not money and power or c) they would like to forget about the true extent of Jesus' suffering. Point c) is not necessarily a bad thing, by the way, all the Christians I saw the movie with were openly weeping and I myself will admit to tears in my eyes (its hard not to - I was raised a Christian and knew who Jesus was before anyone told me - though I used to call him "Cheesus!").

Religious or not, it was a movie with a clear message. Here is what Jesus did. Take it or leave it.

Those of you with children should definitely leave them at home for this one unless they are old enough to understand the film without letting it terrify or disgust them.