View Full Version : Sasha And Sabeth

02-26-2004, 09:35 AM
hi everyone.....i didnt really know where to post this but i thought here would be ok. well Sasha went into heat a few weeks ago and i have been doing everything to keep sasha and Sabeth apart (neither is fixed, i know its bad but i had an appt. but she went in heat) anyways this morning we cought them. so not i know she is probably pregnant. I am really nervous i have never had a dog that has had puppies. i need advice PLEASE!!!!!!!
I dont really know what to expect or anything my mom is gonna help but i want to know what is going on too. thanks

02-26-2004, 10:11 AM
There is a chance that Sasha isn't pregnant - especially if neither of them has had pups before. It might be a while before you can tell though. Gestation in a dog is 2 months - but you might not even see signs until she goes into labor. Bring her to the vet in a few weeks and he may be able to tell you.

I suggest that you get a book on dog pregnancy from the library. (even if you don't think Sasha is pregnant - it doesn't hurt to be prepared!) It'll tell you all about taking care of the mom before pregnancy, during, and how to help mom take care of the pups after. You also should bring Sasha to the vet to make sure everything is okay. :)

And here's a good article I found if you want to check it out:
"A Little Preparation Can Help Labor Go Smoothly" (http://www.cvm.uiuc.edu/petcolumns/showarticle.cfm?id=297)

I hope everything goes well with Sasha. Get Sabeth fixed ASAP so if Sasha isn't pregnant she won't get pregnant. Good luck! Please let me know how it goes!

02-26-2004, 09:48 PM
Do you want her to have puppies?? Please get both of them altered. It's the responsible thing to do. They'll both be happier. It's less stressful for you, and the dogs.

02-27-2004, 12:19 AM
One breeding *can* result in pregnancy but not always. So you might not have a pregnant dog. Either way, get your male neutered as soon as possible so you don't have another accidental breeding. She's still in heat after all, so he could breed her again.

In case she is pregnant, write down the date of the breeding so you know when to expect puppies. Seek out the advice of a good vet and read as many resources as you can.

A vet can do a pregnancy test (like for people) but they can be unreliable. You can also do an ultrasound, but that can be expensive. One of the best things to do is to have a vet palpitate (feel for puppies). This is best done 26 - 32 days after the breeding.

Here are some signs to look for to help you determine if she is pregnant:
Week One (Day 1 - 7 from breeding)
+ Possible morning sickness (may stop eating or vomit)
+ Possible personality changes

Week Two (Days 8-14)
+ Possible morning sickness

Week Three (Days 15-21)
+ Possible morning sickness

Week Four (Days 22-28)
+ Possible clear vaginal discharge
+ Mammary development begins (she'll start to get milk)

Week Five (Days 29-35)
+ Swelling becomes noticeable
+ Loss of "tuck-up"
+ Weight will start to increase

Week Six (Days 36-42)
+ Nipples darken and enlarge
+ Abdomen continues to enlarge

Week Seven (Days 43-49)
+ Abdomen hair will start shedding
+ The female will start to look pregnant at this point

Week Eight (Days 50-57)
+ Fetal movement can be detected when female is at rest
+ Puppies can safely be born from now on
+ Milk may be squeezed from nipples
+ The female will be very large.

Week Nine (Days 58-65)
+ Nesting behavior may be seen
+ Female may become distressed (panting, pacing, acting uncomfortable)
+ Temperature should be around 100.2-100.8 degrees Farenheit
+ When temperature drops to around 98-99.4 degrees Farenheit,
puppies should be born within 24 hours
+ Appetite may disappear as whelping approaches

02-27-2004, 08:51 AM
i would like to thank you all for all your advice.I am going to get sabeth fixed asap. and i am going to get sasha fixed....after the puppies. I will keep one of the puppies and the rest will go to good homes. I am reading EVERYTHING i can on this, so that i can be ready for this.
thanks again everyone. if there is anymore advice i can have please let me know. oh another thing.....they "breeded" again last night. i thought they were sleeping and when i went in the bedroom there they were........... we had a doggie diper on her but they figured out how they can get it off bc it is velcrow :mad: anyways thanks

02-27-2004, 09:53 AM
Oh my :( They really should be kept totally separate until she is without a doubt out of heat. Male dogs will do ANYTHING to breed a female in heat.

When I was younger once, my Mom and I ran across a stray female in heat... Unfortunately it was a better than good chance she had already been mated, but we locked her up tight in the garage anyway before taking her to a local no-kill shelter (They said she would be fostered out until they knew for sure whether she was pregnant or not).

Anyway, the next morning, the rubber seal at the bottom of the garage door was completely ripped off, and the wood chewed and gnawed all along the bottom :eek: . Still too much for the male dog or dogs to get through, but they made an extremely determined effort.

Male dogs have been known to escape/climb out of high fenced areas or even go through electric fencing to get to a female in heat, so a cloth diaper would be nothing but an annoyance for the few seconds it would take to rip it off. Even if it was sewn shut around the dog, he'd chew it off.

Please separate them and keep them totally separate until she is out of heat.

02-27-2004, 12:18 PM
Her chances of being pregnant went up quite a bit with a second breeding. K9soul is right - I have seen dogs break out of crates, destroy doors and do all kinds of terrible things to get to a female.

Take your male to the vet today! If they can't get him in to be neutered, board him there so you don't have another breeding!