View Full Version : Olive

08-26-2001, 07:56 AM
Beautiful Olive...Is there anything lovlier than a torti kitty???? Oh, you are so gorgeous! That stunning, shiny coat, set off by those sparkling, pale green eyes! What a lucky day it was for your guardian; the day she found you! Thank goodness you are now pampered, loved and adored, as you should be! And no need to meow! You speak with your loving, precious heart, that look in your lovely eyes, and your soft, comforting purrrrrrrrrr!! :) Congratulations to you sweet, precious Olive, our most precious Sunday Cat of the Day!! I wish you lots of extra love, kisses and treats on your special day of honor!
P.S....My boy Olive-r nearly fainted when he saw your photo! I think he's in love! :)

Cougie Wechsler
08-26-2001, 01:44 PM
Oh what a sweeeeet face! Olive, you are a stunning young lady and I am glad you chose your human well! You are now in a home where you are loved and honored and I am thankful for that! God Bless you on this wonderful August Sunday Olive, our most derserving Cat of the Day!

08-26-2001, 02:04 PM
Olive, you are beautiful, I love your coloring. I think you picked a pretty nice family to live with. Congradulations on being the prettiest, sweetest, most loving Cat of the Day.

08-26-2001, 02:25 PM
Bless your sweet heart...I think you are absolutely lovely and a wonderful selection for our Sunday, Cat of the Day!!! :D Congratulations, sweet Olive!

08-26-2001, 03:25 PM
What a pretty kitty you are Olive!


08-26-2001, 03:33 PM
I think you are sooooo cute Olive! You did a good job picking your owner too. Congratulations sweet girl on being our Sunday cat of the day!

08-26-2001, 04:57 PM
Olive, you are gorgeous! We also have a tortie named Bunny (http://catoftheday.com/archive/2001/February/22.html) and we adopted her in December 1999, too. Little did we know about the Tortie Temperament: they are girls who know what they want, and it's usually the center of attention. Me-time!

Congratulations on your special day and for finding a wonderful home.

08-26-2001, 07:25 PM
OH OLIVE, what are gorgeous kitty You are!!
Tortie's are my particular favorite.Your
coloring & those beautiful green eyes. I'm
so glad you were chosen as today's
CAT OF THE DAY sweet Olive...