View Full Version : Pouncer for Sale

02-25-2004, 06:53 PM
He's currently ticketed at $6.99.

No... I'm not selling my boy. I picked him up a bit ago and he has a price tag on his belly:D Said $6.99. Thats a pretty good price for a naw-tee kitty! Who do I write the check to? Does that include sales tax?

And if we are charging by the pound, what price will I find on Allen's tummy? $15????

02-25-2004, 06:57 PM
That is so cute ...........:)

Ruby had a sticker on her once from sticking her nose in my shopping - 99c!! Cheap at the price!

Steffi N
02-25-2004, 07:18 PM
Wonder where he picked the tag up from. Were you poking around in the grocery bag, Pouncer? :D :D

02-25-2004, 07:22 PM
Catnapper, you can make the check out to me, me, me. No sales tax. We'll just make it an even $7.00.
I heard though, that those naw-tee kitties are priceless.

02-25-2004, 07:29 PM
I almost worried when I first saw the title! Silly Pouncer!

02-25-2004, 08:42 PM
Awwww, too bad you didn't take a picture of that! Silly kitty .... mommy would never try to sell you!!! :D

02-25-2004, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
Awwww, too bad you didn't take a picture of that! Silly kitty .... mommy would never try to sell you!!! :D
I couldn't take a picture since my camera is in a box waiting to be shipped back to Nikon for repairs... yep, its been on my front seat since monday waiting to make its way to the post office:D

Let me tell you, Pouncer was not a happy kitty to have the sticker removed from his tummy fur. He's currently sulking somewhere downstairs.

02-25-2004, 09:02 PM
Pouncer was just trying to be funny! He didn't think it could be so painful to pull a funny on mom! :D :eek:

02-25-2004, 10:49 PM
Oh I was worried that Pouncer had been a nawtee boy again. Glad to hear it was nothing that serious.

That's really funny but I hardly think $6.99 would even be a tiny down payment on that sweetheart.

02-25-2004, 11:59 PM
Sunny gets those little price stickers on him. I think he is trying teach me a lesson for not petting him enough!:D

He is not so happy about the painful removal of those stickers.

Pouncer is always doing something cute! :)

02-26-2004, 08:02 AM
What a bargain! I'd pay $6.99 for a Pouncer-cuddle. Or to rent him for an afternoon to play with Rizzo! I think Rizz could use a good game of chase.

Tell silly Pouncer that if anyone bought him for $6.99, they wouldn't give him any more food than you do!

02-26-2004, 08:14 AM
Is that an auction?

I go in with 7,99$. I am very experienced with nawtee-kats:D :D :D

02-26-2004, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by Barbara
Is that an auction?

I go in with 7,99$. I am very experienced with nawtee-kats:D :D :D

LOL! No, Pouncer's no longer for sale, as I have removed the price sticker.:D

Funny thing is that last night my husband pulled a price tag off the bottom of my sock... I was a clearance item going for $3.99. I'm so disappointed that I'm not worth more:p BTW: The price tags are from some vases that I bought to do more flower arrangments. I peeled the stickers off in my office yesterday and since I didn't have a trash can, I put them in a empty plastic shopping bag... apparently it was a perfect kitty hideout.

02-26-2004, 08:21 AM
If this is an auction then I want to put in my bid!!!!

$1,000,000 for that ADORABLY CUTE NAWTEE KITTY!!!!:D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

02-26-2004, 09:03 AM
I will go 1,500,000 in Cat Dollars , as it would be nice to have a Pouncer , back in my life. My Pouncer went 11 years ago , April 30th. and I still miss her!

02-26-2004, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
If this is an auction then I want to put in my bid!!!!

$1,000,000 for that ADORABLY CUTE NAWTEE KITTY!!!!:D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Wow! We wouldn't have any money troubles any more! But I coudn't part with my young man. How could I ever replace my naw-tee kitty?

02-26-2004, 10:14 AM
Silly Pouncer :)

02-26-2004, 10:52 AM
LOL, Pouncer, you're such a funny boy! :)

BTW, now that I've seen this thread, I know why Lily has asked me for $6.99 earlier this day... ;)


02-26-2004, 12:09 PM
Catnapper, when you was younger don't you remember sneaking upon a friend, or a sibling and sticking a price tag on them without them knowing it? Do you think maybe Allen done that to Pouncer? LOL!;)

02-26-2004, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Catnapper, when you was younger don't you remember sneaking upon a friend, or a sibling and sticking a price tag on them without them knowing it? Do you think maybe Allen done that to Pouncer? LOL!;)
Allen wouldn't do that... it would require him getting up from his cozy nap. Allen never gets up from his cozy nap unless Pouncer's calling him... do you know the call I mean? Its a pathetic cry/meow that sounds as if he's hurt. Pouncer's not hurt, he just wants a playmate!;)

Now, if Allen had the sticker, I would definately believe Pouncer put it there!:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-26-2004, 02:12 PM
:D :D :D

02-26-2004, 07:31 PM
What a nawteee kitty little pouncer is.:)

However, 6.99 is not bad for the little guy. I would go ahead and buy him.:D