View Full Version : I just don't get it.

02-25-2004, 02:49 PM
Dear Fellow PT Kitties:

Finally, Mom left the computer on while she's away, so that I can get a moment to type in peace!

I think my humans are losing it. When Mommy gives me "treats" that I don't like the smell of (thanks a lot, Mom, by the way! Sheesh.), or if she gives me my normal food when I'm not hungry, I very sensibly set about to bury it. And every time, my humans burst out laughing. What's so funny? Aren't we cats *supposed* to bury smelly stuff? Also, what's up with the fuzzy sort of stuff on the ground? It's good enough for sharpening my claws on, I guess, but it's pretty worthless at covering my smelly food.

Anyway, what's with all the laughing? Is this normal human behavior? Should I be concerned?

I'd better go. If they find out that I can type, they'll have me on Letterman. And if they figure out that I understand English, they'll expect me to LISTEN to them. As if.

Purriest regards,

02-25-2004, 03:28 PM
Rizzo..... just go along with the humans..... you know, keep them entertained, and don't ask yourself too many questions!!! :rolleyes:


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-25-2004, 04:14 PM
:D :D

02-25-2004, 04:20 PM
I'll let you in on a secret. They're just not as evolved as you are. It's not their fault and they try really hard to please you. I just think you can teach them some things. Just be patient. You do know that you 'own them', don't you?

02-25-2004, 04:35 PM
Rizzo, Pouncer here.
I just wanted to let you know that I eat everything put in front of me, because if I didn't, they'd STARVE me. I try telling them that I'm hungry and they shoo me away. I have to resort to eating *dog* food!

So take the smelly treats and cherish them as the extra food that they are. If you want, I'll stop by once a day and eat the food you can't hide. I don't get enough food here... did I mention that?

02-25-2004, 04:42 PM
Rizzo - Halo here. I'm sorry, I do not know the answers to your questions. I find humans very puzzling also.

My humans keep my litter box in the unused downstairs bathtub. They laugh when I jump out of the box and scratch the sides of the bathtub. Don't they understand that I need to cover my poo? So far it isn't working very well, but I know if I keep at it, it's bound to work someday. Dontcha think? :confused:

02-25-2004, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by kuhio98
They laugh when I jump out of the box and scratch the sides of the bathtub. Don't they understand that I need to cover my poo? So far it isn't working very well, but I know if I keep at it, it's bound to work someday. Dontcha think? :confused:
Mishi here: You too? I keep trying the same thing and mom keeps laughing at me too! I'm with you - it's bound to work if I just keep scratching at it!

Humans are strange!

02-25-2004, 06:17 PM
I agree. My mom always laughs at me for stuff that us cats do daily. So she says I'm weird when I lick a box so what. It's my box and if I want to lick it I will I don't need to be laughed at. With the litter box thing, well I have one in the hallways as well I always scratch at the carpet which when I do mommy turns and looks at me just to make sure I didn't use the carpet as my personal toilet.


02-25-2004, 07:24 PM
Well, We can top that. We're 5 gorgeous tabbies who love our mommy more than anything. But we love to torture her by pooping in our box in the bathroom and not covering it and then when she sniffs something she has to run in real fast so she can dump it in the toilet. We've just begun to do this as we're indoor/outdoor but a bully moved next door so now we've decided to just stay indoors most of the time and do our business in the box instead of going outside and making mommy's life easier.

She forgives us cuz we're old (between 12-15) and we give her lots of love.

02-25-2004, 09:10 PM
Too funny! LOL! Sunny says who can figure humans?:D

02-26-2004, 12:15 PM
Kuhio here (from across the Rainbow Bridge). I found it irritating when my humans laughed at me when I scratched up photographs of Teddy. Teddy was a little boy who was a thorn in my side. So, every time I found a photo of him lying around, I scratched his face out. What's so funny about that? Just because I don't recognize myself in the mirror, doesn't mean I don't recognize Teddy in a photo. :confused:

Since I've crossed the Rainbow Bridge, Teddy has grown up to be a fine young man. But there were times.....

02-26-2004, 07:01 PM
Hi Rizzo,

Joey here, I finally figured out a way to 'bury' my food. Get your humand to set it on the small fuzzys. If they do that you can drag them up and over the food.

I caught Joey answering this post. So I thought that I would explain. She will take the throw rugs and 'bury' her food. It is funny to watch.:)

02-27-2004, 10:35 AM

You mean, you carry towels around the same way that I do with my seal AND you have the good sense to try to bury your food? And you found a way to do it that works? You're a woman after my own heart!! *purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*


02-27-2004, 10:45 AM

I'm sorry your people starve you. Isn't that such a human thing to do? Just because they're tall and have thumbs and can open all of the doors and containers of food, they think they have all the power! I once considered leading the Great Tuna Revolt, but then I realized it was time for my nap, so I didn't.

Halo and Mishi,

I scratch the sides of the box, too. Mom tells me that I don't have this burying concept down very well, but that just shows what she knows!! As a matter of fact, I usually manage to get that nice, white plastic pulled down over the top of the litter. Mom doesn't like it when I do that. But I think she's just mad that I proved that I am so a good bury-er.


That's right! Your parents are probably just jealous that you have something so fun to do as lick your box. Personally, I like to chew on the laundry basket. Sometimes when I do that when it's dark, Mom shuts me out of the bedroom, saying something about "noise." :eek: The indignity! They just don't like us to have any fun.

But hey, we love them despite their oddities, right?
