View Full Version : Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Thursday #43!

02-25-2004, 12:51 PM
Thursday #43.....

Not a religious holiday but close enough!!

Since there is no religious cocktail on the menu and the Mardi Gras is held in New Orleans...


3/4 oz. each: Rum, Dark Rum, Apricot Brandy, Splash Grenadine, Sour Mix

Shake with ice, Serve in a Hurricane glass, Garnish with a Flag

I tried.....


02-25-2004, 01:00 PM
I'd like a cold cherry root beer, please!!! oh, and some onion rings... hot and crispy.

I'll buy the first round in honor of Gini being back! :D

02-25-2004, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
I'd like a cold cherry root beer, please!!! oh, and some onion rings... hot and crispy.

I'll buy the first round in honor of Gini being back! :D


Hi Gini....:)

02-25-2004, 01:05 PM
Well, I can parteee today but not tomorrow. Our offices are moving and tomorrow morning all the servers come down so I won't have any internet connect until I get home Thurs night.


Pour me something tall and strong
Make it a hurricane before I go insane :) :)

Yes, it's good to have Gini back.

*waves* HI MOFF!!!!

02-25-2004, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by slick

Yes, it's good to have Gini back.

*waves* HI MOFF!!!!
*waves back*

02-25-2004, 01:17 PM
Richard a Hurricane , sounds good!

momoffuzzyfaces, Thank you for the drink!

So glad to have Gini back!

Slick, You know we will miss you tomorrow, can't you sneak away during the day and party some tomorrow?

02-25-2004, 01:36 PM
Due to past bad experiences with hurriances I will pass on the DOTD, but I would like to put in a request for one of Richard's famous Red Slushies (at least it is the same colour as a hurriance). :D

02-25-2004, 01:37 PM
I'll take one of Moff's cherry lime-aides (and I'll steal an onion ring off her plate when she's not looking ;) ).

Hi Gini! :D

02-25-2004, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by slick

Pour me something tall and strong
Make it a hurricane before I go insane :) :)


Hurricane for you!

You got it!!


02-25-2004, 01:45 PM
I'm going insane
Kill all the bosses
And pour me a hurricane.........

... what does she do, wake up in the middle of night and write inane lists? :mad: then come in to work the next morning and think they make sense? PAH

nevermind... vent vent

02-25-2004, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by amoore

momoffuzzyfaces, Thank you for the drink!

You are most welcome, amoore!

So, Zippy, it's you who has been snitching my onion rings. I thought it was Mario! Have as many as you want. They are soooooo good. I think I need another round!!!:D

02-25-2004, 02:07 PM
Cherry Limeade for the Zipster...

And if MOFF don't mind a SUPER SIZED platter of Onion Rings for the both of you...


Get her a night light so she can see what she is writing.....:D




02-25-2004, 02:16 PM
Deit coke please. I'm enjoying a SUNNY day The temp is in the 50's supoosed to snow tonight so I'm enjoying it now. moved my computer key board to front window ,I may fall asleep like the kitties.

02-25-2004, 02:24 PM
If I was Catholic - I'd have to think of something to give up for Lent. Since I am not, here's a present for everyone - **warning, this website does not remove profanity so there is an occasional swear word ** so children - stay away. Grown-ups - enjoy.


02-25-2004, 02:33 PM
LOL lbaker! And Richard, that's a perfect drink for today! It was pouring all night long and when I left for work this morning. And, it's been raining off and on all day. So, give me a strong one. And thankfully, I'm off tomorrow.

02-25-2004, 02:37 PM
Good idea Richard, knock her lights out *oops* just re-read message "get her a night light". oh drat.

02-25-2004, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by Corinna
I may fall asleep like the kitties.

Rub it in......

Diet Coke...DONE!


I'm giving up giving up things...

Great Site...Thanks...


Double for you....I try to accomodate everyone....



lololol-remember it is the boss.....


02-25-2004, 03:08 PM
Whoohoo! The bars open!! What a day, I am just so glad to be here!!(said in a minnie pearl voice)

Hurricane sounds great to me to!! Make it a doulbe, then give little Mario one too!

Hey to everybody!!

02-25-2004, 03:20 PM
Hello everyone! I feel almost cheerful today. The sun came out (finally!!) and it supposed to be 50ish tomorrow and Friday. There is hope spring will come.

I'll have slushie Richard. I've heard you're the best slushie maker around. Sorry I can't come to the CA PT picnic.


... what does she do, wake up in the middle of night and write inane lists? then come in to work the next morning and think they make sense? PAH

I think the bosses all do this!! I know mine does.

Miss Meow
02-25-2004, 03:35 PM
Hello everyone.

Richard, spin me a Hurricane down the bar - thank you! :)

02-25-2004, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
Hello everyone.

Richard, spin me a Hurricane down the bar - thank you! :)


One spinning Hurricane!!



One slushie for you....


Double and a single.....

Done...Hi Mario...

02-25-2004, 04:09 PM
OK, the sun's over the yard arm now.

I'll take a double BM please. Thanks Richard.

02-25-2004, 04:09 PM
One diet Lime Coke please....been a truly rough week at school....I hate it when kids are always right and adults are always wrong...

02-25-2004, 04:15 PM
Mugsy so glad someone else likes the new lime coke . I think it's better than the lemon.

02-25-2004, 04:16 PM
Mario, you little monkey you.........come on over and sit in Auntie Gini's lap. Let's put a diaper on you though, just in case.

What - you will do it only if I buy you a beer? What a guy!

MOFF thanks for the drinks..........my attitude will definitely improve immediately.

Hurricanes? Just a tad too sweet for me. How about a California mudslide. Never heard of it? Neither have I.

Doesn't it sound as though it should be made with some Bailey's and coffee ice cream? Hmmm, maybe I invented something.

I have allowed myself just 15 minutes on this computer and it is back to work for me. Laurie and Slick, hang in there - no not you Tray - you end up hanging from the ceiling fan.:D

Richard, hope things are better for you at your work too.
I am being inundated with report requests...........gotta go do them.

02-25-2004, 04:19 PM
Work has been so busy today! The rain makes people even crazier. Oh, I just tried the new lime coke today and I love it! The lemon one reminded me of dish washing liquid. It tasted like soap to me.

02-25-2004, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
The lemon one reminded me of dish washing liquid. It tasted like soap to me.


And how do YOU know what soap tastes like???;)

Lime Coke....DONE!



1 oz. each of: Kahlua, Vodka, Baileys, 2 Scoops Ice cream, Oreo Cookie

Break up cookie and blend well, Serve in a Large decorative glass, Garnish with Whipped cream and a diaper..


btw, Walked into mom's house and heard her talking about Huell Howser.....lolololol

Corrina and Mugs,

Lime Diet Coke....Mugs, It only happens once in a while-they are kids, for pete's sake....

Double BM....


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-25-2004, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Corinna
Mugsy so glad someone else likes the new lime coke . I think it's better than the lemon.

We've been meaning to try that....I gave up coke, and not just for Lent either - drat! So I was going to try that diet coke with lime.

You put de lime in de diet coke and drink it all up, you put de lime in de coconut..... I cannot get that song out of my head lately! :rolleyes:

As Homer Simpson would say, mmmmm....hurricanes. I'll take a nice tall one! I love hurricanes, I just hate having to pick myself up off the floor.....:rolleyes:

And MOFF, if you don't mind, I'll share those onion rings with you too. I'm starving!!! Has anyone had the onion rings at Burger King with their "onion ring sauce"? The onion rings themselves are horrid, but the saunce is yummy!

Sorry, but I gotta go home and get something to eat before I start nibbling on the monitor...

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-25-2004, 05:03 PM
Oh, and another thing about hurricanes, if anyone is bringing shrimp to the bar tomorrow or Friday, can you pleeeaaaassseee make sure they have their little legs and eyeballs already taken off?

I still get sick thinking about this meal I got the day after a hurricane night one year in Nawlins. I had to cover the little buggers up. They just kept looking at me! <shudders>

02-25-2004, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

I love hurricanes, I just hate having to pick myself up off the floor.....:rolleyes:

And MOFF, if you don't mind, I'll share those onion rings with you too. I'm starving!!! Has anyone had the onion rings at Burger King with their "onion ring sauce"? The onion rings themselves are horrid, but the saunce is yummy!


The Onion Ring sauce is killer......

I worked right up the street from a place that said, "the valley's best onion rings"......

The first time there I went in and bought two orders. I walked out with two paper sandwich bags with HUGE hot grease spots starting to form on the sides....the smell was incredible and I was afraid to put them inside the truck....the largest ring was about four inches in diameter and the smallest was six across;)....and they were darn good!!!

02-25-2004, 06:20 PM
I think I'd like to have one of Gini's mudslides. Lets get Mario another beer - he's awfully quiet today.

02-25-2004, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by catland
I think I'd like to have one of Gini's mudslides. Lets get Mario another beer - he's awfully quiet today.

hopefully that will be the extent of the mudslides
we are scheduled to have later on tonight.

02-25-2004, 08:51 PM
I just saw the evening news and a California mudslide now seems in bad taste to name a drink.

When people are evacuating their homes in anticipation, it isn't fun or funny.

Hopefully no one loses their home or their life. The devastating fires that we had last year have set these areas up for even more disaster.

Tomorrow is Thursday, hopefully the news will be good for everyone.

02-25-2004, 09:06 PM
Is anybody around??? I just got home from a hard day's work packing boxes and PC's. I could really use a double BM!

I got a call today from a coworker and animal lover. Sadly she had to let her puppy Josh to go the RB last night and she is just devastated. I met Josh several times and have a picture of him on my wall of fame; he was a mixed breed but looked like a little white fluff-ball. Josh was 16 and had developed dementia and he was starting to self-mutilate. RIP Joshie baby.

Such horrible news about your mudslides CA. I'll be watching the news tonight and praying for you all.

02-25-2004, 09:13 PM
Come on over, Slick, sit by me near the fire.......it is cold and damp outside.

I was waiting for some dinner to cook in the oven and I will share and even make you your double BM.

I bet you ache tonight after packing up boxes. I hate moving.

02-25-2004, 09:16 PM
I think that Hurricane that Mario had kind of mellowed him out, a lot!

From now on Mario, you drink beer! Or maybe a Smirnoff, how do you spell that?? Come on, give me a spelling lesson!

I think I'd like another one of those Hurricanes Richard.

Glad to see you back Gini! You have been missed. As you can see Mario has really missed you.

Slick how you doing? No more shrimps sticking out of your ears??? Should we check, and see if you left any in there?

Where is Laurie?

On with the show!

02-25-2004, 09:16 PM
Poor Josh. Sorry he got so bad before he had to leave this world. That must have been a very hard decision. I pray my Duke will die peacefully in his sleep where he's secure and happy. Tell your friend we're thinking of her.

02-25-2004, 09:19 PM
Hi Gini: I hope you guys had fun today.

You should see the office: boxes, boxes, boxes, dismantled PC's everywhere. Tomorrow the "big guys" are coming to take down the servers.


Thanks for the drink Gini. Have I told you yet how good it is to have you back???:) :) I hope Laurie is doing OK.

God, I haven't evenl thought about dinner yet. Hmmm, no onion rings left; I guess Mario had the last of them.

Keep the fire burning; I'm going into the kitchen to see what's cookin'.

02-25-2004, 09:31 PM
Oh Slick I didn't see that about your friends little fluff ball Josh, I am sorry. RIP little Josh.:(

I am staving myself, I think I will just sneak off into the kitchen with slick and see whats cooking. I really am starving. Must have food!

02-25-2004, 09:40 PM
Hi everyone. :) I am home alone. :( Sorry I haven't been around much lately but I am going through some family dramas right now and haven't really been in a great mood.

For now, I would just like a tall glass of Dr. Pepper, easy on the ice. :D

02-25-2004, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Hi everyone. :) I am home alone. :( Sorry I haven't been around much lately but I am going through some family dramas right now and haven't really been in a great mood.

For now, I would just like a tall glass of Dr. Pepper, easy on the ice. :D
Hi Cass.
Leave your troubles at the door and come on in and sit by the fire with Gini and me. At Dick's Place we don't judge and you don't have to justify anything.

One DP coming up. DONE!

Willie: thanks for the wishes. Josh was sooooo sweet!!! I just wish I could say something that would ease my friend's pain. Now, how about we rustle up some chili fries??

02-25-2004, 10:03 PM
Yes yes! Chili fries sound sooo yummy! :D

Miss Meow
02-25-2004, 10:13 PM
Yum yum, do I smell chilli fries? :D

We don't have lime Diet Coke here, so I'd love to try one! I'm glad anything is possible in a virtual bar ;)

02-25-2004, 10:18 PM


02-25-2004, 10:21 PM
WhooHoo, Food! Come on girls lets get those chili fries going!!

I am so hungry!

Slick, all your friend needs is to know that you are there and ready to cry with her. Thats the kind of support she needs. Man I remember when I lost my little Chihuahua, all I had was people coming up saying what are you crying about? Oh your dog, why, it was just a dog! :mad: So I was by myself with that one. Rather be alone than with people like that around.

02-25-2004, 10:29 PM

Willie, do you think we can persuade Mario to just sit alone and eat a banana????

02-25-2004, 10:39 PM
Well today I gave him one of the DOTD, Hurricane I think? Anyway, he became very quite. So what do you think? Give him another, and mellow that boy out some more?

02-25-2004, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Well today I gave him one of the DOTD, Hurricane I think? Anyway, he became very quiet. So what do you think? Give him another, and mellow that boy out some more?
No, no more booze for him. I think I'll just change his diaper and hang him up in the tree for now.

02-25-2004, 11:10 PM
I would like to have some chili fries too...........Slick, I am sorry that I didn't mention your friend's loss. It really is so hard to know what to say - but having been there myself, I usually say that I know your pain..........and it is awful.

I would like to order a DD. What's a DD? That would be a double diaper for Mario. With all of these Hurricanes he has been drinking, I think I want to (a) get out of here or (b) make sure he is wrapped up good.

Cass, come on in, bring your bad mood with you, we all understand. Sit by the fire for a while and just stare at it. It will warm you up and then talk whenever you feel like it. Or don't, we will understand that too.

It is raining here....very hard.

02-26-2004, 12:20 AM
Oh my God! Its snowing here!! Stubby the black cat just came in with snowflakes on him!!

Cass, the girl that just scored 5000 posts! Lets have a drink to Cass!

02-26-2004, 12:27 AM
SNOW?!!! Cool! All we have here is rain and a dumb thunderstorm. :p

Slick, I'm sorry about your friends loss. :(

Nicole, have you ever been to the Coca Cola factory by any chance? We had one right down the street when I lived in Vegas and we would go there all the time. It was 6 bucks to get in, and they had every kind of drink that company made. We would get Taco Bell, and then go inside for hours worths of free drinks. They had this really yummy pear flavored cola that was just awesome! :D

Also, I am really enjoying this fire. It's so nice and warm..............ahhhh. Oh did I mention my family might move here to Oregon? I am trying to convince them to buy a house with a jacuzzi LOL. :D

02-26-2004, 09:09 AM
Good morning!!! I can't believe I did it again. I fell asleep on the couch and woke up at midnight so I hauled my sorry a.. into bed. Missed the end of the Bachelorette. Who did she pick????

Going to be a busy day moving. My song of the day is:

We got to install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliverieeeees
We got to move these refridgerators
We got to move these colour TVeeeeeeees..

I think I'll start off with a Spanish Coffee. A toast to Cass, a toast to the snow and a piece of toast and peanut butter :)

Have a good day everyone. I won't be checking in until I get home tonight. Be good to Richard ;) (never bite the hand that feeds you :D )

02-26-2004, 10:09 AM
Money for nothing and the chicks for free...

weren't those the days, when MTV played music videos. My fave was when Weird Al would take over the airwaves on a holiday and show the really obscure videos.:D

Yikes - I wasn't paying attention to the news so I wasn't aware of any real mudslides. So I'll go for a Bloody Ceasar instead.

Don't try the cold chili-fries - they just aren't the same the next day - expecially if Mario's been playing with them.

02-26-2004, 11:04 AM
Chili fries this early in the morning! sounds like I better go get a ton of alkaselzer. I'll have a lime diet coke , and here is some cheese and bacon quiche.

02-26-2004, 11:15 AM
Corinna, hold the alkaselzer and give me the cheese and bacon quiche, really sounds good. I love cheese!

I'll take a Hot Buttered Rum, with that. And give Mario a beer to wash down those chili fries. Maybe he needs the alkaselzer too?

See you tonight Slick!

02-26-2004, 11:18 AM
Go Corrina go! Two more posts and you are a PILLAR!!!

02-26-2004, 11:21 AM
I hadn't noticed I guess I have been chatty latley . I love quiche hubby brought home a spinach one Why would any one spoil one with green glop in it? needless to say he got to eat the whole thing. ACK !

02-26-2004, 11:26 AM
I didn't notice last night, but amoore reached 2000 last night, so I think we should raise out glasses to Corinna, Cass and Ann!!

Congratulations to the three of you!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-26-2004, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Corinna
Chili fries this early in the morning! sounds like I better go get a ton of alkaselzer. I'll have a lime diet coke , and here is some cheese and bacon quiche.

No need for alkaseltzer here Corinna. You can drink anything and eat anything and do anything and it won't affect your health at all. ;) :D Gotta love this place.

I'll have another one of those hurricanes whoever is bartending today!

I forgot to say "Welcome Back Gini!" We missed you!

Hope everyone in CA is ok, no mudslides today please.

I'm hungry for a big ol' greasy bacon cheeseburger - hold the bun. ;)

My head hurts this morning from all the hurricanes last night, so I'll also take two tylenol please. :)

Oops, congrats to everybody on their new poster status!

02-26-2004, 12:04 PM
Corinna??? Where are you?? You have one more and then your a pillar! ANSWER Me!!!!!

02-26-2004, 12:15 PM
Oh, could I have a lime coke with a dash of cherry? I would love a taco salad too!!!

I brought a platter of fresh baked cookies too! Everyone help yourselves! There's chocolate chips, peanut butter, and sugar cookies! Oh, and some rocky road bars too! enjoy!:D

02-26-2004, 12:17 PM
Hey sissy :) How are you today?

Cass, congrats on 5000 post!

Corinna congrats to you! You are a pillar!

Hey, Tubby & Peanut's Mom! How are you today?

How about some hot coffee for me and a bug for sipoweitz?


02-26-2004, 12:23 PM
momoffuzzyfaces, I didn't see you come in! I love Rocky road bars! Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!


02-26-2004, 12:27 PM
did someone say cookies?

02-26-2004, 12:28 PM
I figured Ann would come buzzing in when she heard the name Rocky road bars!! She is crazy bout them!!

Lets see, I want a chocolate chip cookie and a peanut butter cookie.

Be careful, you know Mario is a cookie thief!

Well I think I am supposed to get my free man today! But I don't think he wants to stay after he get the hard drive back into my computer! So all I get is the hard drive.

So I may be gone awhile, so I can start rebuilding the operating system. That is when he gets here!

02-26-2004, 12:43 PM

I am as busy as a one legged man in a contest trying to put out fires in a room full of rocking chairs and long tailed cats because why buy the cow when I can get the milk for free....

or something like that....

I'll be in and out...:rolleyes:

02-26-2004, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
I figured Ann would come buzzing in when she heard the name Rocky road bars!! She is crazy bout them!!

Lets see, I want a chocolate chip cookie and a peanut butter cookie.

Be careful, you know Mario is a cookie thief!

To quote our bar keep: Done!

Mario, you can have some too. What kind goes with beer?:D

02-26-2004, 12:57 PM
You know I don't think Mario cares what goes with beer, he thinks everything goes with beer! Even bananas.

Ummm, I wonder what the heck Richard is doing, when he said something about ' why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free' brought back an old saying.......

02-26-2004, 01:01 PM
sorry missed the mail lady and had to run to the post office.
lets see something great for the 1000. hummm.
"Time was invented to keep everything from happening all at once" is that profound or what?
Ok I'm haveing weird day. It'ds one of those days aafter a horriable night. As the diabetics here know the leg juming and cramping. feels like I hiked 100 miles last night.
cookies quiche and chili fries we do eat well here.
I think Ill just have an ice tea to celebrate.

02-26-2004, 01:06 PM
Alright! Corinna, you done it!! Lets celebrate! I take one of those Hurricanes to celebrate!!

To Corinna!

02-26-2004, 01:17 PM
OKKKKK.... who put their dirty socks on my bunny?! :rolleyes:

Gini? Slick? Laurie? You guys are the trouble makers... ;)

PLEASE tell me they didn't come from the L&F!:eek:

02-26-2004, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

btw, Walked into mom's house and heard her talking about Huell Howser.....lolololol

Did I tell you that I saw Huell Howser in a department store? He was buying socks.:D :D

02-26-2004, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
OKKKKK.... who did this to my bunny?! :rolleyes:

Gini? Slick? Laurie? You guys are the trouble makers... ;)

MOI??? Trouble maker - along with Slick and Laurie???? We would never do anything quite as adorable as place a bow on Piper. However, we might paint his toenails.

OOOPPPs.........had to do some quick editing..........He said.

02-26-2004, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by gini
However, we might paint her toenails.

I don't think HE'D appreciate it but ya never know. ;)

02-26-2004, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
I don't think HE'D appreciate it but ya never know. ;)

Sorry 'bout that, I see some California mud on my face.

02-26-2004, 01:31 PM
What you don't like the ear warmers.? thanks guys it took me long enough . I guess I just don't compent to much cuz I don't like to start aruguements . I like thursdays cuz every one knows its not to be taken seriously.
Hey I have a terrific purple nail color.........

02-26-2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
You know I don't think Mario cares what goes with beer, he thinks everything goes with beer! Even bananas.
Oh my gosh! Bananas and beer! I'd think that would give the little guy enough gas to shoot him to the moon!

Zipp those aren't socks! Those are ear warmers!;) :D

02-26-2004, 01:39 PM
Ah Ha! So it was YOU Corinna............glad you can join me along with Slick and Laurie..........gotta keep these reputations going!

02-26-2004, 01:39 PM
momoffuzzyfaces, thanks for the Rocky Road bar..Yummy,Yummy!

Willie tell Mario to give me back my Rocky Road bar..:(

Richard what are you up to today?

Corinna, I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I have heard from Andy's sister about diabeties. Sounds like a hard thing to put up with. I hope you get to feeling better.
Let us celabrate your 1000 post!

zippy-kat, I thought your Bunny was just trying to dress like the incrowd! LOL! Cute!

Gini, so glad you are back!

:D :D

02-26-2004, 01:47 PM
I' m feeling better now but it's one of the days I just sit with my feet up above my heart. Try typeing in a semi reclined postion. Man it's hard!!
Mario please be good boy and bring me a cookie.

02-26-2004, 01:55 PM
Okay, I seen Mario putting something on your bunny. I think Mario has grown quite attached to your bunny, Zippy. We will have to watch those two.

I think I seen Mario bribeing bunny with a beer! Does your bunny drink beer??

Well I don't know but it look like bunny was enjoying the attention from Mario, after he gave bunny beer, he groomed bunny and made bunny sleepy and then he put those ear thingys on bunny's ears. Sorry.....;)

02-26-2004, 02:34 PM
I guess you'll never know who did it. too many suspects to choose from. Bad thing about us here.
I'll take another slice of quiche and a glass of cold milk.
Well after it I have to get a couple things done. I'll check in later to night.

02-26-2004, 02:46 PM
hmm a strong coffee will do just fine for me right now. I have too much work to do to drink any alki-hol. :o

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-26-2004, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Oh my gosh! Bananas and beer! I'd think that would give the little guy enough gas to shoot him to the moon!
;) :D

Eeeewwwww, now my monitor is all sticy! Had I been in the beginning of the drink instead of the end of it, I might just have spewed from the nose - like Laurie did last week. :p ;) :D

I'll have another hurricane but nothing to eat though, thanks. Hurricanes work better on an empty stomach. ;)

I think Piper is adorable with his ear warmers, but I really hope they didn't come from L&F. Things are toxic in there, you know.

02-26-2004, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

I think Piper is adorable with his ear warmers, but I really hope they didn't come from L&F. Things are toxic in there, you know. Yeah, if they came from there, they probably jumped on Piper all by themselves.
(sorry about the sticky monitor):D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-26-2004, 03:04 PM
Quick! Zippy! Get those socks off Piper!! They're rabid socks for the L&F and are trying to gobble him up!!!!! :eek: :eek:

02-26-2004, 03:13 PM
lemme git this straight... i'm late getting here today. Tray has a free man with a hard drive and she's complaning :confused: Mario is bribing Piper with banana flavored beer about three of you wonderful Talkers have something special to celebrate Slick Gini Corinna & I all have bad reps and someone *i won't mention who* is threatening to show pictures of me spewing out the nose and Richard is up to who knows what with strange old tunes running around his brain. This old lady is too old to jump through hoops the boss lady gave me and drink at the same time so I think I'll just jump around the corner where she can't see me. Can someone sneak me something long and cool. If he has two legs and a slight western accent that would work too :rolleyes:

02-26-2004, 04:03 PM
I'm drinking a beer with Mario.......


I was missing my favorite watch......I tore my desk apart looking for it.....I could hear it, but didn't see it.......

It has an alarm that goes off every 30 minutes, for about 10 seconds.....SO......I turned off the radio, jumped out of my chair and moved it over to the side so I could go to the area where the chime was coming from.....

It was directly under the chair.....THAT"S the kind of day I a m having......:rolleyes:

Not only that, I have to babysit a co-worker.........sheesh.......

02-26-2004, 04:14 PM
lbaker, I see you are haveing a great day too!

I got a terrible email today! Some weird name! For some nutty reason I opened it! I have got three since I put some spybot destroyer in my computer that my internet provider gave me yesterday. I opened the last one they said it had a virus removed before it got to me. But the note said: I have your pass word: Then I read on , You have a beautiful body: I freaked! I changed my pass word every place I have one. Then I thought ...How can they see me ? How stupid am I? They don't know what I look like! They must not know Im 52 years old either! So why did I freak out?! I am still glad I changed all my passwords though.

Richard, sounds like you are haveing a great day too.

Slick, how is your day going?

Miss Meow
02-26-2004, 04:51 PM
I think I need a drink, a big drink, any drink, really :confused:

I just did a very simple thing for someone, and now the Air Force and Army want me to work my magic on their numbers. All I did was sort a list of numbers by date and make a total :confused: Thank goodness they're not responsible for our country's safety or anything important like that! ;)

02-26-2004, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
All I did was sort a list of numbers by date and make a total :confused:

One plus one equals a DOUBLE SLUSHIE!!!

lol. I love math...;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-26-2004, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
lol. I love math...;)

Must be why you posted that twice, hmmm??? ;) :p :D

02-26-2004, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Must be why you posted that twice, hmmm??? ;) :p :D


I was trying to up my post count:rolleyes:

I am the typical male....If you push the button once and nothing happens, push the sucker 50 times.....that will fix it!!

Hurricane for you!!!


02-26-2004, 05:25 PM
speaking of a fun day at work....

I'm decending into one of the circles of hell - occupied by pencil pushers and bureaucrats. My "managerial" position now includes keeping track of the spreadsheet for employee bus passes (which had a cheesy excel macro that I've already repaired that's been broken for who knows how long) and the OSHA paperwork for the "safety committee"

Richard - you can choose the drink - just make it a double!

02-26-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by catland
speaking of a fun day at work....

I'm decending into one of the circles of hell - occupied by pencil pushers and bureaucrats. My "managerial" position now includes keeping track of the spreadsheet for employee bus passes (which had a cheesy excel macro that I've already repaired that's been broken for who knows how long) and the OSHA paperwork for the "safety committee"

Richard - you can choose the drink - just make it a double!


It's like knowing a ancient language....when you fix it people come knocking at your door, worshipping at your temple:D

=SUM(A1:A2)............DOUBLE SLUSHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just don't let them poke you with a pencil....

02-26-2004, 05:46 PM
While your choosing a drink for catland, just give me whatever you give her. My free man still hasn't arrived, think I scared him off when he called? I asked him if I get to keep him...

Osha is a pain in the butt, back when my hubby ran a furniture manufacturing company, they were always around. Little place like that, only had like a 100 employees.

Sorry for you having such a ruff day, catland.

02-26-2004, 05:59 PM
double slushie....


02-26-2004, 06:01 PM
oh, its not that bad Tray - but thanks anyway. Richard - I love the way you cipher (and your slushies aren't bad either).

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-26-2004, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
I am the typical male....If you push the button once and nothing happens, push the sucker 50 times.....that will fix it!!

Aaaahhh...so that's why Terry does that and continues to lock up his machine. I keep telling him that if it's going slow for whatever reason that clicking a million times is only going to slow it down more. Do you think that makes him stop though? No, he just locks up the computer and then complains when I tell him it's time for a new one anyway. :rolleyes:

I think I'll have another one of those hurricanes, please.

And don't you think we should have a drink set up and waiting for Slick? I think she's going to need it after moving an entire office today. And if I know Slick, she'll probably want a double BM. ;)

Catland, I hate OSHA paperwork, and thanks for reminding me. I don't think I've finalized last years forms yet....hmmmm...have to check that tomorrow when I get back to work.

02-26-2004, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
I keep telling him that if it's going slow for whatever reason that clicking a million times is only going to slow it down more.
I think I'll have another one of those hurricanes, please.

And if I know Slick, she'll probably want a double BM. ;)

Don't tell your husband that I ratted him out...LOLOLOLOL

If you want MORE insight to the male psyche let me know....

19.95.......but I will give you another freebie......Show him a shiny tool and you'll captivate him for hours......that or electronics...


Double BM, on the counter for the slickster!!!


02-26-2004, 07:18 PM
Tray,...Send me that free hard drive man when you're done with him. Uh....I mean when he gets done with your computer. My computer needs him too.:)

02-26-2004, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Double BM, on the counter for the slickster!!!:D
**sticks head in **

Hey, anybody here??????

O-o-o-o look at that double BM just sitting there staring at me in the face.:) :) I don't see anyone around so I guess I'll just put it out of it's misery......

**slurp** **slams empty glass on counter**

Ahhh that was good.

Sounds like you guys have had a blast today. So, I hear I'm labelled a trouble-maker again. ;) ;) Now why would I put L&F socks on a bunny????

Gini and Laurie: how did we come to have such a reputation???:confused:

Seriously thanks for thinking of me today. The servers and racks have all been moved over and the switches in place. Tomorrow we just have to mount the servers and test it all out. With any luck we will have internet connect by mid-day. Yipee. The movers are moving all the workstations etc on Saturday.

Richard: LOL What is it about men and shiny objects????:D :D

02-26-2004, 11:06 PM
Willie I wouldn't talk about Freemen around here in Montana They have a whole other meaning. Remember a stand off several years ago? It was about 50 miles from here . Now we have Randy Weaver and his remaining kids living about 10 miles. Guess thats why I'm such a rebel I live in the hot spot of rebellion.

Richard use my hubbys theory use a bigger hammer.

Did we get the ear warmers off bunny before Mario decided he needed them?

02-26-2004, 11:33 PM
Freemen? Who's Freemen? and Who's Randy Weaver? :confused:

I am a very confused person! Give me a beer!

02-27-2004, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by trayi52
Freemen? Who's Freemen? and Who's Randy Weaver? :confused:

I am a very confused person! Give me a beer!


Randy Weaver was a survivalist that had the FBI and ATF surround his house......I don't remember the exact reason they went to his house, but I do remember that the Feds shot his wife .......

02-27-2004, 11:39 AM
Now tell me who Freemen is? I am still confused about that one.:confused:

Well I heard today my hard drive won't be here until Monday, so I am still stuck on this computer. I won't be getting my good one fixed until Monday. Supposed to get here between 3 and 7 in the evening. Now I am depressed! Dern if they are going to send me a free man, why can't I keep him, and why can't he come with the hard drive when I want him to.

The computer I'm on is so stupid, if it decides to shut down, it just shuts down. Old dinasaur is what it is!

I think I want to get drunk, and pass out! Give me enough beer to just pass out! Or maybe something strong enough to make me pass out.

02-27-2004, 12:24 PM
Hi Richard, do you have any coffee in the house?

Hi Catland, Corinna, Slick.

Willie I know what you are going through. :(

02-27-2004, 12:27 PM


02-27-2004, 12:43 PM
Thanks Richard!:) when are you going to bring beautiful Eddie here?

02-27-2004, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by amoore
Thanks Richard!:) when are you going to bring beautiful Eddie here? I bet Eddie and Mario would be great pals.

Can I have a cherry slushie thingy? Sunny and in the 60s here today! My achey old bones love it!!!

02-27-2004, 12:53 PM
Eddie jumped on Richard's full bladder - Eddie might be in the "doghouse":D

Yeah, just coffee this morning for me too.

02-27-2004, 01:00 PM
Weavers son was also shot. Suppositly he had an illeagl gun at his home. The freemen were a group that thought they could print their own money and run their own county her in Montana. They had a couple week stand off.

02-27-2004, 02:05 PM
Gini you are probably right!:D

momoffuzzyfaces, I agree about Eddie and Mario, haveing fun here! LOL!

I remember that stuff about the weavers. Wild !

02-27-2004, 03:03 PM
Hey our network is up and running again......so what's the first thing I test out????? Pet Talk!!!!!!

Any chance of getting a BM?? Just a single this time; got a long afternoon ahead of me.

I hope you guys are all having a good week.

02-27-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by slick
Hey our network is up and running again......so what's the first thing I test out????? Pet Talk!!!!!!

Any chance of getting a BM?? Just a single this time; got a long afternoon ahead of me.

I hope you guys are all having a good week.

Good idea to test with PT!:D

Can't have a good week without slick! we need our party girl here!

02-27-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by amoore
Thanks Richard!:) when are you going to bring beautiful Eddie here?


Cherry slushie...DONE!


Coffee, DONE!



02-27-2004, 03:34 PM
Richard, you've only got 35 more posts to go and you reach 4000!!!!