View Full Version : Two New Poems

02-24-2004, 09:18 PM
I just wrote these, and they are really dumb, but if you like either, I would like to know. :)

I walk down the empty parking lot,
looking at my feet as I walk alone.
The slush splashes at the bottom of my jeans
as I stomp away my grief.
These are the days that give me time to think,
time to meditate,
time to enjoy my life.
You may not live the perfect life,
but stop and smell the roses,
look at the little things.
The wag of your precious dog’s tail,
the purring meow from your cat,
the delightful singing of your bird,
the cry of your child.
These are the little things that make life worth living.
Without them I may as well not be here.
With the love from the people around us,
we are pushed further and further,
doing things we never thought we could,
meeting people we’ve never thought we would meet,
understanding someone’s true feelings.
When the world gets you down,
let the rain wash it all away.
Let the anger flow,
but leave it out there,
washed away by the rain forever.


Pulsing music flows through my brain
washing away all my depressing thoughts.
Without realizing it,
your head starts to move with the beat,
slowly at first,
your fingers tap on the table,
sixteenth notes forming from mid air,
keeping the beat.
A smile appears on your face, the beat getting faster.
The smile grows larger and larger,
your head beating faster.
You start humming the familiar tune,
singing a few words.
It’s the music that controls your feelings.
One minute your happy,
the next you are singing your heart out to the radio.
Music is my life,
keeps my brain working,
never slowing,
the song is ending,
fading to a stop.
It’s everything.
