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02-24-2004, 04:49 PM
Cubby went potty and he ran out into the living room licking his tail. I got up to see what was wrong with him and he had some poop stuck. I pulled it off of his tail but when I pulled it off I felt that there was one of my hairs attached to it. So I know that is more poop inside of him. I have wiped his bottom, he doesn't like it. He is doing everything normal. Has any ever had this happen to one of thie cats? I'm sure he will go potty again soon. I will keep an eye on him just to make sure. He isn't having a problem pooping I guess it's just this one that was attached to the inside of him by a hair. Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.


02-24-2004, 07:45 PM
Sigh, this is too familiar with my dog. She loves to eat tissues and other "soft" paper. This does not digest as well as one might hope, and she has problems on what we call "the back end." She will struggle to defacate, and usually I have to be with her and help things along. Ewww, gross. My nose is crinkled up in disgust as I type. What we won't do for our pets.

Chances are, he's still got a little blockage and is biding his time until the need is urgent.... at least this is what Nicki does. I feel so bad for her when this happens. We TRY to hide tissues, but she always gets them. She's master of pulling them out of closed trashcans and off tables. She doesn't seem to get the connection between the eating of tissues and passing of tissues:rolleyes:

I hope this is a one-time occurance for him. Please let us know if he is ok.

02-24-2004, 07:51 PM
Sometimes I think I shed more than my cats...with that said, I tend to find feces with my hairs in it when I clean the boxes. It's pretty gross and sometimes they are strung together by my hair...ewww.

My cats just love to eat anything they can find...hair, carpet, sock fuzzies...:o

02-24-2004, 08:01 PM
I have also found when I clean out his litter box from time to time I find the ones that are held together by my hair as well. Maybe he will figure out it's not a good thing to eat my hair? :confused: :rolleyes: Or maybe not.

02-24-2004, 08:38 PM
Any chance that Cubby has been "helping" you out with the shelter blankets? He might have eaten some thread or fabric scraps that are causing problems. Kuhio once ate about 6 inches of yarn from my crochet project. Poor girl was dragging this very nasty yarn all over the house. "Most" of it had passed but there were a couple of inches sticking out that were freaking her out so she was running around the house trying to get away from it. We finally trapped her. Hubby held her down, while I got the "fun" part (naturally) and sloooooowly pulled the yarn through. Yuck!

02-24-2004, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by kuhio98
a couple of inches sticking out that were freaking her out so she was running around the house trying to get away from it.

I'm sorry, but that made me laugh. i can only imagine what she looked like!:D

02-24-2004, 10:01 PM
All the blankets have been made over at my mom's house. I don't keep any string within his eye sight or within his reach. I know how he is with stuff that I don't want him to play with is always the most fun stuff to play with to him. Boys will be boys I guess. :rolleyes:

02-25-2004, 09:18 AM
The only Cat , that had problems was the Late Mr. Fluffy and he had such long fur that the poogot stuck , and I had to put him , in the basement LaundryTub. Then I had to make sure that I trimmed his posterior! PU! Poor Mr . Fluffy , such a Gentle Cat!

02-25-2004, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by kuhio98
Hubby held her down, while I got the "fun" part (naturally) and sloooooowly pulled the yarn through. Yuck!

You should never do this. Th eyarn could be trapped in a curve of the bowel and pulling it out could cause damage. If this ever happens, simply snip off the thread/yarn that's sticking out (gross, I know) and let the rest pass naturally. You may have to snip a few times, but eventually they should pass it all out.

I know this from personal experience. We pulled thread from a kitty's behind and it sliced open the bowel and he bled to death internally. :(

02-25-2004, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
I'm sorry, but that made me laugh. i can only imagine what she looked like!:D

Yes, Catnapper it was funny. I was laughing and crying all at the same time. Laughing because it was funny. :D Crying because she was in distress and because the yarn was covered with poo and she was flicking it all over when she ran. :( Yuck! She just knew that if she could run fast enough, that yucky string would quit following her.

Sigh, the things we do for our babies.

02-25-2004, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by micki76
You should never do this. Th eyarn could be trapped in a curve of the bowel and pulling it out could cause damage. If this ever happens, simply snip off the thread/yarn that's sticking out (gross, I know) and let the rest pass naturally. You may have to snip a few times, but eventually they should pass it all out.

I know this from personal experience. We pulled thread from a kitty's behind and it sliced open the bowel and he bled to death internally. :(

Oh, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I pulled the yarn very slowly because I was afraid it was looped around something and I had no idea how long it was. Kuhio didn't have any problems.