View Full Version : Dog kennel/run Question????

Byakko's Mom
02-23-2004, 02:02 PM
Hi everyone,
I have a question for you all.I have a 6 foot wood fenced yard but my 2 little dogs Byakko and Martini Shen could get out underneath if they wanted.Byakko my Shiba Inu is the most likely as they are little escape artists.A little while ago she hurt her foot and had stitches the vet and we think it was from her lead as she was on a tie out and I had gone in for about a 1/2 as I was sick.I am dissabled.I never leave the dogs outside when I leave or for long periods if I am not with them and that will continue.She was not tangled in the lead when I got out but the vet suggested a kennel/run instead of a tie out or trolley.My vet isn't fond of either for that very reason of injuries she has seen. So I bought a kennel to put in the fenced yard for the little dogs,now I don't want them to dig out of the kennel and want them to play and have lots of fun but hadn't planned on cementing the bottom.Does anyone have any suggestions to put in as a floor on the ground?Someone suggested 4-5 inches of mulch.What do you think?What about easy clean up? What will keep them in?They will never be left out in it for long periods of time.They are family members but love to play outside too.Thanks for any help.
Laurie :confused:

02-23-2004, 02:19 PM
I agree with you and your vet. A tie out or trolley is way to dangerous, especially if your pups are young and active and if they'll be left outdoors unsupervised, even if only for a short time. My friend's Lab was strangled to death by a tie out. It happened only minutes after my friend went indoors:(

Just wondering...won't the pups be able to dig out of the kennel too unless the "floor" is cemented? I'm sure this is something you'd rather not do. Maybe you were asking what to put on top of the cement? I'm not sure what good several inches of mulch alone would do re: keeping them from digging out, though I'm sure they'd love rolling in it!:D My girls LOVE to dig and "throw around" mulch that I lay in my flower beds! Actually, I think it makes them want to dig more!:rolleyes: If the kennel is chain link, you could try counter sinking it 5-6" into the ground. That would be a lot of digging for a little guy to do to escape!

Byakko's Mom
02-23-2004, 02:26 PM
That is what I was afraid of too was them playing in the mulch .I know my bigger two would play in it.I was looking for suggestions other than cementing for the ground.The fence is a vertical windgate so it is easier for the little ones to get out then the kennel will be.They aren't big diggers but I am extra cautious.I was wondering if there was other options to cementing the kennel.Thanks for responding to my question and tryig to help.

02-23-2004, 03:12 PM
I know about digging out! Eventually they'll try and it can be just as dangerous as a tie-out.

The rescue/shelter where I volunteer solved the problem by laying chain link on the floor, making sure it was all connected and not sticking up anywhere. Then they wired it to the sides with the wire meant for chain link. Over the wire, they packed dirt so the dogs feet wouldn't hurt. It works for their biggest escape artists and is long term. You could use a thinner wire, but in time it could rust, break and end up being painful to step on.

At home I put cement blocks around the edges of the fence where they dig a lot. When they try to dig under, the block falls into the hole, further annoying them. With this method, you have to keep an eye on the blocks and reposition them occasionally.


02-23-2004, 07:34 PM
I understand your predicament well! I have 2 escape artists myself and I've tried everything!! cement blocks all along the bottom of the fence, laying cement into the ground, all sorts of stuff. Couple of options, if the fence is chainlink, it's a good idea to sink it 6 or so inches into the ground. Another alternative is to buy extra fencing (something durable!) and put it around the bottom of the fence, possibly sinking it into the ground. Since they're fairly little, big, heavy duty cement blocks might do the trick. I'll have to agree with the consensus on tie-outs. Extremely dangerous, even illegal in some states. :) Good luck and I hope it works out!