View Full Version : My baby girl fell down the...

Rio and Me
02-22-2004, 04:09 PM
Sometimes when i'm downstairs and Rio wants a toy I tell her "go upsatirs and find a toy" so she runs as fast as she can upstairs (so she doesnt mess any "action" downstairs),we have thin floorboards so you can hear her thumping around up there,lol.
while she's up there i shout "what have you got" (my room is directly ubove the lounge) and then you here her thumping her way down the hall, this time she was going quick and carry a large teddy and about half way down our steep stairs she must have triped on the teddy and all i saw and herd was tumbling sound and a crash at the bottom and a loud yelp and my precious in a heap, obviously i rushed over and carryed her the short distance to the lounge (she was whinning) and made a huge fuss of her rubing her paws gently, she stopped whining for a belly rub.
so i got her to walk to see if she was lame, she was a little, but then she remembered why this all happened and ran upsatirs (rejecting the teddy dead at the bottom of the stairs), to fetch a more suitable toy a ball, came down and all was fine.
pointless thread but i felt so bad at asking her to do these thing which she does willingly and seeing my baby in pain.
Ky and Rio
PS no broken paws

02-22-2004, 04:28 PM
awww rio I am glad your okay. you need to be more careful next time you are carring a big bear lol:p ;) some extra hugs and kisses for your paw from me and the furkids who do the same thing but they just run to the bed rooms no stairs here lol:D

02-22-2004, 04:28 PM
Oh, poor Rio:( What a fright you must have had. Labs do aim to please, but please don't blame yourself. She was doing what all dogs love to do, have fun; it was an accident. Thankfully she wasn't seriously hurt. Give Rio a big hug for me, ok???:)

02-22-2004, 06:17 PM
Oh Poor Rio.....Silly Girl!!!
The Bear was bigger than you!!!
Be Careful Next time Sweet Rio!!!
Don't scare Mummy like that!!!!

02-22-2004, 06:46 PM
So glad she is OK ................ poor baby :(

02-22-2004, 07:29 PM
I'm glad she's not hurt! Poor girl. :(

02-22-2004, 09:28 PM
Glad she is ok.