View Full Version : Help!

02-21-2004, 09:03 PM
Layla went into heat before I could get her spayed. My problem now is she has figured out how to get everything off. I've tried the doggie kind, baby onesie things and now i'm on boys underwear but she's almost figured that out too. Any advice or ideas? Also if anyone has advice or info that might be helpful for this time it is much needed. I've never been through this with a dog. Thanks!

02-21-2004, 09:06 PM
Maybe you could try placing a cone around her neck? It helped Kai with his post-neutering irritations.

02-21-2004, 09:15 PM
You're trying to control the 'mess' right? The same thing happened to our dogs before they got spayed. We had confined them to the kitchen when we were gone, and put old sheets over their beds and where they lie down a lot (like the couch). If you have a crate that would be good for when you're away or sleeping and can't watch her. Oh, and watch her carefully when you take her out - male dogs will come from all over! Good luck. :)