View Full Version : Splice was not that woman's cat....

02-21-2004, 12:31 PM
I laid in bed thinking about this all night last night. She told me that Splice was lost on Friday the 13th, and that she uses Frontline on her cats. If she uses Frontline, why was Splice wearing a flea collar and why was she flea infested? I couldn't imagine a cat getting as flea infested as she did in just a week. Also, those guys said that she was there "for one or two weeks"...With that lady's story, she was only there a week. The cat didn't even come when she called her. This kitten was like a dog. She followed me everywhere. If she heard her mom's voice she'd come.

When the woman first talked to me, she was all excited. Then, when she saw Splice, she looked disappointed for about 10 seconds. Then the light bulb went on and she said "She's mine!"

I think that she really did lose a cat that was similar to Splice. And I think that she decided to take Splice as a replacement to make her kids feel better.

I'm trying to think of it as a good thing. I know that she'll love her and treat her well. But I am irked!

02-21-2004, 12:49 PM
:( I would be upset too!!! I just hope the kids don't realize that this kitty isn't their original kitty anddecide they don't want it! Do you have a way to contact this woman???

02-21-2004, 12:55 PM
I have her cell number, and she also said that she's getting in touch this weekend to give me a reward. :rolleyes: I normally would say "Oh, don't worry about it!" But my gut feeling had me weary, so I let her say that she's giving me a reward. I wanted to see if she'd come back with her kids.

It's not like I can call her a bold face liar though. She did describe the cat pretty wellover the phone.

She said that she's about 5 months old, a dirty cream color, with grey ears and tail, and she's half himalayan half siamese...Do you think that looks right? I don't know alot about cats, so I don't know.


02-21-2004, 12:57 PM
But even if Splice wasn't her cat, at least you know Splice has a good, loving home now. And that this means if another kitty comes your way, you will be able to help another cat. maybe some stranger saw the cat lose and put a flea collar on her, we'll never know.

What do we know fo sure?

We love you and know that, even if you heart is sore right now, it is a good heart and will heal.

Big hug from me.

02-21-2004, 12:58 PM
That is a pretty good description I guess.... though Himmies usually have longer fur, but maybe since it is a mix .... I don't know!? I was thinking that maybe you could just call her and tell her that if things don't "work out" with the kitty (since it's been away from home for a while ;) ) that you would gladly take her back?

02-21-2004, 01:01 PM
Oh Tonya what a dilemma this has turned out to be. From what you posted, I would definitely question if this is really the woman's cat or not.
Is there any way you can find out for sure if this is really her cat?
I don't blame you either for being upset.
Do you think that it was possible that someone else found the cat before you and put the flea collar on her cause of the fleas.
I'm just grasping at straws here to try and make headway of the truth.

02-21-2004, 01:02 PM
She may not be a bold faced liar, exactly. Splice may look enough like her kitty (Merle?) that she just told herself that he'd changed during the time he'd been gone. Or that her memory was playing tricks on her. Or something.

I do like to believe the best of people... :rolleyes:

I'm glad you might get a chance to see them again. It might give you some peace of mind to determine that they're going to be a good family for Splice...or, if they give you any reason to believe they won't be, you can give all the evidence that you have that Splice isn't Merle, and take your cat back!

I'm sorry this has been such a rough experience. I hope, if Splice ends up staying with his new family, that another stray that needs you finds you quickly!

02-21-2004, 01:14 PM
What makes it worse, is I've had about 5 other calls, all describing cats like Splice! Makes me feel horrible.

This is all my ad says:

FOUND KITTEN: White flea collar & blue eyes. (209) xxx-xxxx

02-21-2004, 01:22 PM
I agree with Kim, that the woman gave a pretty good description of the cat.
But the one thing that I question, is in your thread, "I got a new kitty", posted Feb 18th, you said that the construction workers said the cat has been hanging around for a few weeks, which would make it since the beginning of February and yet the woman said her cat has been missing since Feb. 13th. So this doesn't make sense to me.
Was her cat an outdoor or indoor cat?

02-21-2004, 01:44 PM
I would be doubtful too, but her description sounds spot on. Not so much about the Frontline/flea collar thing (Maybe she is one of those super-clean people who freak at the mention of fleas, and did both Frontline and a collar. Can Frontline be washed off in the rain? That might be another reason for the fleas) but all the other calls you have been getting. Did any of the other calls give as good of a description?

If she doesn't stop by, I would call her and ask if she is absolutely, positively sure that it is her cat Merle because you have been getting other calls and want to make sure the cat is with her rightful owners. If it isn't really her cat, or she has doubts, she might be willing to give her back to you. Then you could screen the other callers and make sure they aren't the real owners.

I want to add, Hanna is my baby, she follows me everywhere, sleeps with me, and even sits on the toity when I'm taking a shower. She comes when I call her *under normal circumstances*. But after the drain uncloggers came (my story I posted here from a week or two ago), I couldn't get her out from under my computer desk for love or money. She was very scared, and wouldn't come to me at all. She normally trusts me totally, so I can't explain that.

02-21-2004, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by boscibo
If she doesn't stop by, I would call her and ask if she is absolutely, positively sure that it is her cat Merle because you have been getting other calls and want to make sure the cat is with her rightful owners. If it isn't really her cat, or she has doubts, she might be willing to give her back to you. Then you could screen the other callers and make sure they aren't the real owners.
I think you should call around in person and say that....
'You are here for the cat, this cat is not hers as you have an owner with photo proving that Splice is their cat (Call her bluff)'

Watch her reaction carefully. See if she can generate any good proof for you.

Legally a found cat/kitten with no ID or microchip IS a stray.

I would return the cat if the 'owner' had proof of purchase or adoption or vet records or photo dated prior to you finding the cat.

But if she is going to lie to get a cat, that means she is not willing to pay for a cat. If she won't/can't pay for a cat, how will she treat it. What happens if Splice needs medical attention.

I'm sorry but I am hearing warning bells, I would get this cat back and rehome/keep to a better person who doesn't lie.

PS. If you used ffrontline does not wash off in the rain, it is placed on and absorbed though the skin after 5 minutes the treatment is complete, though the cat has a sticky patch for a day or two but that is better than fleas.

02-21-2004, 02:29 PM
Good ideas. I'm not going to accuse her of lying. I'll just nicely say that there is question because someone else provided a picture of a cat that looked just like hers. I think that she may have just convinced herself that it was her cat because she wanted one so bad. The part about her not wanting to pay for a cat baffles me. She was driving a $60,000 vehicle and had huge diamonds on her fingers. Confused...:(

02-21-2004, 02:31 PM
Yeah, this cat was heavily infested with fleas. The worst I'd ever seen. Even if she didn't have any flea medication on her, I couldn't imagine her getting that infested in one week.

One thing that did make sense though...the kitten loved riding in my work truck. She was not afraid at all. The woman told me that her kitty loves car rides.

02-21-2004, 11:23 PM
I've read the threads here re. Splice and I have to agree with what PayItForward says.

I think, I'd try and get the cat back, but if she really wanted Splice that bad, she probably won't be willing to.