View Full Version : Possibly getting a puppy...

02-20-2004, 10:26 PM
Hmmm, this is a hard hard decision. There is a breeder in Southern California (http://hometown.aol.com/pombredens/page1.html) that I've corresponded with for quite a while. I have been talking to her since before Teddy, but she was so expensive that I didn't get a dog from her last time.

Anyways...I have become good internet friends with her over the past few years. I am convinced that she is a good responsible breeder. She's a Christian woman in Southern California. Anyways, her and I have been talking about me getting a female merle pomeranian from her. I'm scared, but really thinking about it.

Just thought I'd give you a heads up on what I'm thinking about. I now we don't all agree with breeders. I'm not looking for opinions all that much. Just want you to know what I'm thinking so you aren't surprised.

guster girl
02-20-2004, 10:40 PM
When would you be getting a puppy if you did get one? Can you post a photo of what you would get, I don't think I've ever seen a Pomeranian that color.

02-21-2004, 12:42 PM
This is Smokey. He'd be the father. (I got her permission to post him.) It'll be a while, if I even go for it. It's just a thought I'm mulling over.



02-21-2004, 03:28 PM
I grew up with a female pom, named Muffin. And she was VERY snappy and yappy lol would growel if anyone touched her besides my mom, and barked alot, was a great pet for my mom lol but not for anyone else. She died when she was almost 13, she got really sick, I was also 13, I was 6 months old when we got her, she was 6 weeks.

She was standard color, lightish fawn ish color with a darker muzzle.

Another thing is, it took my parents WELL over a YEAR to train her :eek:!!!!

I dont mind breeders, Jasper came from a breeder.

Just wondering, how much is the breeder charging? Just wanting to see the difference since my mom bought one 16 years ago lol

02-21-2004, 04:10 PM
Yes, poms are known for being tough to potty train! I paid (I think) about $500 for Teddy from another breeder. This woman would charge about $900 for a sable pomeranian...and don't faint....about $1800 for a merle female.

02-21-2004, 06:28 PM
Why does she charge more for color?

That just sends red flags up to me. Just MHO.

Also it doesn't say what if any health testing she does on her dogs.

02-22-2004, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
Why does she charge more for color?

That just sends red flags up to me. Just MHO.

Also it doesn't say what if any health testing she does on her dogs.

I've been emailing back and forth for a while. Also, I've spoken with other breeders about her. She is very well known and does do health testing.

The Merles are very rare. Also, the few merles that I have found have flat coats. She's the first breeder that I've found that actually has fluffy Merles.

Regardless, that IS an arm and a leg. Like I said, I'm just tossing the idea in the air. It seems ridiculous to pay that much for a dog, especially when there are so many other pups out there. I really really want a merle though. Just want you all to know what I'm thinking, so there isn't to much shock if it happens. I can guarantee you all that if I do wind up buying another dog, there will be tons and tons of thought put into it first.

02-22-2004, 12:57 AM
I'm not trying to be rude but I'm a bit confused here....

I thought you said that you couldn't handle a small dog like that after all the problems you had with Teddy. It doesn't make sense to me at all that you are considering getting another pomeranian when you couldn't handle the first one. :confused:

02-22-2004, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
I'm not trying to be rude but I'm a bit confused here....

I thought you said that you couldn't handle a small dog like that after all the problems you had with Teddy. It doesn't make sense to me at all that you are considering getting another pomeranian when you couldn't handle the first one. :confused:

Very True. I am not offended at all. I'm thinking about the same thing. That is why I'm just mulling over the fact.

I look at all my friends that have small dogs and didn't have half the problems that I had with Teddy. I'm thinking, considering, hoping that Teddy was just an isolated problem; that it was just his personality. Just today, I saw my friend's pom, Indy. She got Indy around the same time I got Teddy. Indy's been potty trained for months, never runs off, etc... Kind of made me sad and jealous that I couldn't get Ted to be that way. I miss Ted so bad. Ted was older then Indy too. Ted's new owners have the same problems that I had and they are much more experienced with dogs, so I think Ted is just a hellian.

02-22-2004, 01:23 AM
Maybe some of the problems with Teddy were just his personality, but I do think a lot of small dogs have problems with potty-training.

My sister had a westie that she could never get potty-trained, and my Grandma's chihuahua is about 9 months old and he still potties in the house all the time. Sydney, the schnauzer my sister has now is living at my house. It was raining outside so she went out really fast then went into our basement and pooped. Reggie will do that sometimes too. :rolleyes:

Not saying that all small dogs are like that, but it seems they have a problem with it more often than larger dogs.

Sorry, but all these floating/flashing crosses, angels, etc. is overwhelming and giving me a headache. Does having 300 thousand signs that you are Christian make you a better breeder or something? ;)

02-22-2004, 01:35 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Sorry, but all these floating/flashing crosses, angels, etc. is overwhelming and giving me a headache. Does having 300 thousand signs that you are Christian make you a better breeder or something? ;)

Haha, her emails are about as overwhelming too. I'd rather deal with a person who is to Godly though, then not enough.

All I know is that my heart and my home isn't at full capacity yet. I have more then enough room for one more pet. Rather if I wind up getting a Savannah cat, a purebred pup, or a rescue, I know it'll be a thought out decision. I just don't feel that my family is complete yet, and I want to make the perfect decision this time around since *hopefully* this will be my last animal.

02-22-2004, 01:42 AM
Well, it is of course your decision and I'm sure it will be made with yours and your current pets best interests in mind. Just take some time and think everything over and you'll come to the conclusion of what other pet is really right for you.

I'm not one to talk, as Nebo wasn't from the best breeder, but some things just don't sit well with me about this breeder. Such as this

Meet Maggie. Amazingly it is some of our oldsters that are producing these exceptional merles. Pombreden's KandyKiss was 10 when she produced Maggie. Kandy Kiss is straight Pombredens.
I noticed several times she mentioned breeding older dogs. Is that safe or healthy for a dog that age?

She also has an awful lot of puppies for sale and a nice sign about credit cards...:/

02-22-2004, 01:42 AM
Ehh.. just from looking at her website she doesn't seem too great.

Most good, responsible, professional breeders have NICE websites, not AOL homepages with a bunch of annoying flashing things. Just MOP (hehe.. mop:p )

Have you seen all of the sweeties in Cali on Pet Finder?:p

02-22-2004, 01:46 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Ehh.. just from looking at her website she doesn't seem too great.

Most good, responsible, professional breeders have NICE websites, not AOL homepages with a bunch of annoying flashing things. Just MOP (hehe.. mop:p )

Have you seen all of the sweeties in Cali on Pet Finder?:p

Yeah, I agree with that! I don't think she's all that computer literate. I've had to explain to her more then once on how to attach pics to emails. lol.

Yes, Kayann...I have seen the sweeties! I want them all! I was just telling Mike that I need a big fat farm so that I don't have to be so selective. I'd just take all the doggies. lol.

All though a merle pomeranian is my dream dog, I just *might* survive without one. lol. Knowing me, when I go with Jessica to the pounds next Friday to help her find a dog, I'll wind up having a pound puppy steal my heart. :p I just want another something to love, dang it!

02-22-2004, 01:49 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Well, it is of course your decision and I'm sure it will be made with yours and your current pets best interests in mind. Just take some time and think everything over and you'll come to the conclusion of what other pet is really right for you.

I'm not one to talk, as Nebo wasn't from the best breeder, but some things just don't sit well with me about this breeder. Such as this

I noticed several times she mentioned breeding older dogs. Is that safe or healthy for a dog that age?

She also has an awful lot of puppies for sale and a nice sign about credit cards...:/

It'd caught my eye that she'd bred a few males at older ages, which doesn't concern me. I'll have to look into breeding females at that age. Her site is a little hard to navigate through, so most of the dogs that I've heard about and/or seen are ones she's emailed directly to me.

02-22-2004, 01:54 AM
What I quoted about the older female was on this page


02-22-2004, 01:56 AM
Yeah, I see that. Anyone here experienced with breeding know about that? It seems old to me. Perhaps if they aren't bred as often, it isn't to much wear and tear? I don't know. :confused:

02-22-2004, 02:13 AM
Normally you don't want to breed a dog after it's around 6 years old.

02-22-2004, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
Yeah, I see that. Anyone here experienced with breeding know about that? It seems old to me. Perhaps if they aren't bred as often, it isn't to much wear and tear? I don't know. :confused:
Let me preface this by saying that I know very little about breeding. I did a quick search and the general range seems to be 2-6 years for females and 1-12 years for males. 10 years is quite a bit older than 6! :(
Here is one of the links: http://www.washburncounty.com/humanesociety/breedreasons.htm

02-22-2004, 12:37 PM
Enough said! I'm glad that I thought out loud with you all. ;) Sometimes, ideas sound good in your head until you say them out loud. I'm getting another animal. I know that much for sure. But, not a dog from her if she's breeding senior dogs.