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02-20-2004, 03:57 PM
I miss my girls... :(

02-20-2004, 03:58 PM
Aww, thats an awesome sig :):(

02-20-2004, 04:11 PM
There's a story behind them all.

Willow (taking up most of the pic) was MY cat. Like I told you, she was the one most attached to me. I got her when we had to give our dog away (he was too big and not properly trained from his previous owners, he was a handful). She was MY cat, only my cat. I love her to death. She got spayed after she had her kittens.

Popeye (with one eye) is Willow's daughter. Willow snuck out and had been outside for days... I don't know how long, I was a WRECK. Well, she came back, and two months later, *POP* six baby kittens, Popeye was one of them. And yes, Popeye is a girl! We couldn't tell the sex of the kittens very well, so we called HER Popeye (her one eye never opened) thinking she was a boy! Well, go figure, she wasn't. She was the one we kept of the six.

Well, when Popeye turned 1, *bam* she sneaks out too. Well, one thing leads to another, and she's pregnant. My parents never got her spayed, and I would have, if I had money. Popeye and I had a small bond... I could tell things about her. The NIGHT before she had her kittens I knew something was wrong... and BINGO, baby kittens the next morning under my bed. *Thank you, Popeye! Good LOCATION!* She had 4, the cutest kittens on the face of the earth. Two gray/whites and 2 all gray. I had a bond with one little girl, whom was named Jenny by her owner... I had her in bed with me one night and she fell asleep on my pillow and for the first time I heard a 4 week old kitten purr... It was so sweet.

Whiskers- She was a mean old cat. Hated everyone except us. She was there since I was born, and she got real fat when I was around 6 up until I was 13 maybe. She was a HUGE cat, weighed in at 13 pounds once. But she recently lost ALL of her weight, weighing maybe 4 or 5 pounds. She was skin and bones...so old, no one knew what happened to make her lose it all. She sure ate!

As you can see, I loved my kitties very much. I hope they are okay.

02-20-2004, 04:16 PM
That's an awesome sig:)

I'm still sorry that you had to give them all away:(...have you ever visited them?

02-20-2004, 04:20 PM
Nope. My dad took them to a friend's of his... I wish I could but I don't think I'd be able to without breaking down and crying. :(

02-20-2004, 06:20 PM
I love your signature, It is great that there such a story behind h it. Hope You get to see them again.:(

02-20-2004, 07:16 PM
Thanks. I would love to see them, but only if I got to take them home with me again. :(

02-20-2004, 09:44 PM
That is a beautiful signature.

I am sorry that you had to get rid of your cats. I hope you will get to see them again.