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02-19-2004, 10:18 PM
The weekend of May 7th(Fri.) - May 9th(Sun.)

This is the weekend which mostly everyone agreed on.
If you'd not able to make it, we'll always have more, i'm sure.
Or, you can suggest other dates or times you'd be able to attend.

I'd really like some more people to come, as it's only been Valerie, Lauren, and I at the most.
Not that I don't mind Valerie or Lauren's company, along with Duke and Honey, but I'd like to meet more of you! :)

Ok, So .. these are suggestions from experience.

The dog park and dog beach are much more enjoyable at sunrise and sunset.
The dog beach especially at sunset. It's gorgeous.
The beach is much more enjoyable after going to the dog park, when the dogs are worn out.
So we can just sit, chat, and watch the sunset, enyoing ourselves.
*The dog beach is 4 dollars per car for entrance*
*The dog park is off-leash but they must have up-to-date tags.*
*You must have your dog on leash at the Dog Beach*
*There is a small dogs side, and a large dogs side at the dog park*
*There are pavilions, grills, and picnic tables that are available upon reservation at the dog park*

I need everyone who plans on, or would wish to attend (with high intentions on doing so)
To answer the following questions:

1. Would you rather go to the beach, park, or both?
If both, please let me know if you'd like to make it 2 days, or into 1 day.

2.Would you rather: eat-out for lunch, Have a BBQ with everyone bringing a dish of choice, or do lunch on your own?

3.How many dogs or people are you brining along with you?

4.Do you need any suggestions on where to stay while in the area?

5.Do you want to meet up somewhere before going, so you can follow us? Or would you rather just get directions

5. Which day do you prefer? Friday the 7th, Saturday the 8th, or Sunday the 9th.

If anything else you think needs to be added, let me know.

I will offer my phone number to anyone who may need it when the time comes near.

Please, please, respond ASAP so I can let my parents know what's going on ahead of time.

Thanks!! :)

02-19-2004, 10:44 PM
I think I might..if I can still go without a pup that is lol. I'd still like to meet you guys and your pups...

02-19-2004, 11:36 PM
I def wanna go :) I am closing on my new house on May 3rd...so things might be tight. I'm up for any of the days though. I will have to play it by ear and see how things are going at that time. But due to the circumstances, I'd only wanna do one day. Since it's about a 5 hour drive, i'd just leave super early, spend the day, then drive home.

1. Would you rather go to the beach, park, or both?
If the beach says you must have a leash...i'd rather the park. i hate leashes! and i want the pups to be able to run free. our beach doesn't have that rule.

2.Would you rather: eat-out for lunch, Have a BBQ with everyone bringing a dish of choice, or do lunch on your own? whatever the consensus is. i can easily bring something.

3.How many dogs or people are you brining along with you? one person (me) and 2 dogs

4.Do you need any suggestions on where to stay while in the area? i'll just be there for the day (or can i stay with you kay? lol jk)

5.Do you want to meet up somewhere before going, so you can follow us? Or would you rather just get directions? directions are fine...

5. Which day do you prefer? Friday the 7th, Saturday the 8th, or Sunday the 9th? i will have to play it by ear...

super cutes siggy kay!!

02-20-2004, 10:44 AM
I'm working the 8th-10th. But, we can always do something before then. I might see if I could get the weekend off if it's a definate go. But, we do need to do something before then, anyway. And, you know I love the dog beach the best and so does Duke but we're flexible.

02-20-2004, 11:12 AM
Hey, this is Josh speaking on behalf of Moose and co. :p

1. Would you rather go to the beach, park, or both?
If both, please let me know if you'd like to make it 2 days, or into 1 day.
No preference here, whatever works out with everyone else. If we do both, we'd like to do 2 days since we will be staying overnight no matter what.

2.Would you rather: eat-out for lunch, Have a BBQ with everyone bringing a dish of choice, or do lunch on your own?
Again, whatever works out best for everyone else. We are pretty flexible over here. If we do a BBQ, we'd have no problem bringing something.

3.How many dogs or people are you brining along with you?
Brooke, Moose, Zoey, and I are coming...2 dogs, 2 people. :p

4.Do you need any suggestions on where to stay while in the area?
Yes, any suggestions are more than welcome. Preferably something close to everything. :)

5.Do you want to meet up somewhere before going, so you can follow us? Or would you rather just get directions
Just directions are cool...

5. Which day do you prefer? Friday the 7th, Saturday the 8th, or Sunday the 9th.
Saturday and/or Sunday...we will be driving out on Friday night, aand probably driving back late Sunday night or Monday morning.

We can't wait to meet all of you, Moose and Zoey are excited to meet some new pups too. :p;)

02-20-2004, 04:31 PM
Ok, I've got it off unless something comes up. Nothing is written in stone around here. We'll just have to see how it goes. As of now, I'm planning on coming. How about making it easy and doing sandwiches or something? Whatever would be easiest for you.

02-20-2004, 08:11 PM
I can say that I'm 95% sure I will be there, after last time I'm leaving 5% just in case I have another mishap. :(

1. Would you rather go to the beach, park, or both?
If both, please let me know if you'd like to make it 2 days, or into 1 day.
It doesn't really matter, they both have there pros and cons for me. My dogs don't do water, but in the park I'm not sure about the small dog side and large dog side, it just seems like that would keep us seperate.

2.Would you rather: eat-out for lunch, Have a BBQ with everyone bringing a dish of choice, or do lunch on your own?
BBQ would be better for me, I hate to leave my babies in the car while we ate out. I will be happy to bring stuff for a BBQ.

3.How many dogs or people are you brining along with you?
1 person and 2 dogs maybe 1 if I bring a larger dog.

4.Do you need any suggestions on where to stay while in the area? Thats not a problem. I'm close enough that I'll being going home.

5.Do you want to meet up somewhere before going, so you can follow us? Or would you rather just get directions
Just give me directions that will be fine.

5. Which day do you prefer? Friday the 7th, Saturday the 8th, or Sunday the 9th.
Saturday the 8th or Sunday the 9th works for me. I will most likely only do 1 day, I have to get home to care for my other babies.

02-23-2004, 09:34 PM
Thanks for responding everyone..

I'll respond and answer any questions, post directions and such when i'm more awake! :p

02-23-2004, 10:08 PM
Heh..I take it as a no then :P

02-24-2004, 08:33 AM
KayAnn, also didn't want your parents to feel pressured for me to stay there. I can stay at hotel if you need me to. Just let me know, ok?

02-24-2004, 12:43 PM
I can't take Zeke :( My mom hates me or something..I'm gonna try again though, I don't see what the big deal is other then she doesnt want to sit beside zeke

02-24-2004, 11:59 PM
OK, so how about this~

We meet up at the dog park on Saturday, the 8th.
Let the dogs play and then Eat. We'll have to tie them up or hold their leashes
while we eat unless you feel safe keeping them in the park alone.
There's plenty of trees and such that we can easily wrap leashes around.

For lunch~
I can get my parents to buy lunch meats, lettuce, bread, mayonaise and so on.
I'll prepare everything, put it in containers -- and when we're ready to eat
everyone can put together their own sandwhich with whatever they want on it.
Do any of you have prefrences on to what kind of meat to buy?
Everyone is welcome to bring anything to go with the sandwhiches.
We'll probably buy a few bags of chips as well.

Drinks?~ Anything you want to bring. There will be water for the pups of course.
We'll probably have a cooler full of sodas.

A.L. Anderson Park
39699 US 19 N
Tarpon Springs, FL 34689
(727) 937-5410

You all can go to www.mapquest.com to print up driving directions;
from your house to the park - or from wherever you're coming from.
Either that or you could give me your address and I'll find directions for you.

My phone number is offered to anyone who's coming and may need to call on the way
or whatever for extra directions, which probably my father will help you out with.

Here are two maps that I found; one is just a map of where the park is, and the other is a map of the actual park.
We'll probably have pavillion 6 or 7 -- or just use one of the many picnic tables.

Here's A site about A.L. Anderson Park. (http://www.pinellascounty.org/park/01_Anderson.htm[/url)
If you want the full maps.

My suggestion as where to stay is Knights Inn. (http://www.martlink.com/Florida/PALM_HARBOR/KNIGHTS_INN_PALM_HARBOR/) It's RIGHT in front of my neighborhood, and they allow pets.

Another site for Knights Inn; Click Here. (http://travel.yahoo.com/p-hotel-356497-knights_inn-i)

Directions from the hotel to the Dog park;
Leave Hotel; go NORTH on US19.
Pass Klosterman Rd and Anderson Park is on the right hand side.

Sometimes it's easy to miss, so look out for it.
Again, we could always meet up somewhere before if you're in the area.

After the Dog Park we can always go to the dog beach to watch the sunset.
That's if anyone's interested and still in the area.
We all might be tired out by then and may just want to go home.

Also, if anyone is in the area Sunday we can always make plans together to do something!

Valerie~ You're welcome to stay here, it's no problem.

So far, if everyone plans on coming, a guess on how many will be coming;
Dogs - 6
People - 9 - including my parents and I -- approx. more.
I really hope everyone can make it. Lets hope for good weather as well!

I'll see if Lauren wants to come with Honey or any of her family's dogs.

If I left any questions unanswered please let me know and i'll try my best to answer them.

Simba will probably not be coming to the meeting. Unless one of my parents want to stay out of the park with him, more than likely my father would.

02-26-2004, 01:12 PM
Well looks like we're going to florida for sure. But my mom def doesnt want Zeke to come..so I guess I'll go tag along just to meet you guys and your pups. She said maybe someother time I can take Zeke (I doubt it lol ) but maybe next time I can take him :D

02-29-2004, 02:13 PM
The plans sound good, if you need anything else for it just ask. I'll be glad to help you.

slleipnir, I'm sorry you can't bring Zeke but it's good you are coming. If you want I'll have 2 dogs there and I'm sure one of them would love to play with you. If you can deal with a nutty MinPin. lol

02-29-2004, 04:07 PM
So is it hard to find from Orlando? O_O We're going to be staying there...and last time we were in florida we got lost EVERY time we went out ;) Really sad.

Anyway, Kay should come to Disney World when I'm there :rolleyes:

02-29-2004, 05:39 PM
OK, I got your PM KayAnn. BBQ or lunch meats is fine with me. :) I will request the entire weekend off on Tuesday when I work...this way I won't be stuck working part of it (or all of it) like last time. :)

I'll definately be bringing Honey. Jessie and Cleatus are debatable. Jessie LOVES to run and jump.....and I am kinda afraid that she would jump the dog park fence. :rolleyes:

Cleatus on the other hand would be wonderful and I am sure he would love to go. He's been around Jessie all of his life, Honey for awhile, met Duke briefly and as well as Nala, and I'm sure he would get along with everyone's dog just fine, I just don't know if he likes the beach water etc....So he might stay at home as well.

I am going to work on getting fencing material from my work and possibly fence up the shelter so that the dogs wouldn't have to be tied up and would wonder throughout the shelter while we eat.

KAYANN- do you want me to reserve the shelter tomorrow? (Monday)

If anyone is short on money and needs a place to stay besides the hotel just let me know, I'll try and work on something. (Like if Audrey and her mom need to stay at your house KayAnn for a night, Val can stay with me too (if you dont mind Val)) :D

Anyone else who may need my number for directions, or anything else just PM me for it. It's always good to have a contact #. It'll be my cell phone # so you would be able to call it at any time. :)

1. Would you rather go to the beach, park, or both?
If both, please let me know if you'd like to make it 2 days, or into 1 day.
Both and two different days if possible. But we can do all in one day if the majority of out-of-towners are only here for a day....If there are some here only a day we can fit both in and for those who are here more than one day we can revisit one or both of them the following day.

2.Would you rather: eat-out for lunch, Have a BBQ with everyone bringing a dish of choice, or do lunch on your own?
BBQ, but lunchmeat sands are fine. either way. but not out to eat or on our own.

3.How many dogs or people are you bringing along with you?
Kenny, Myself, and Honey (possible cleatus). 2 people and 1 dog for sure
4.Do you need any suggestions on where to stay while in the area?
Nope...I'm already at home! :)
5.Do you want to meet up somewhere before going, so you can follow us? Or would you rather just get directions
Ask me for directions if need be.

6. Which day do you prefer? Friday the 7th, Saturday the 8th, or Sunday the 9th.
Sat and Sunday the 8th-9th is possible.

VAL- if you're going to have the 10th off let me know and I'll arrange to have it off too if you want to revisit the beach and get some sun or just relax....it's up to you! ok? :)

I don't know exactly how nice the Knight's Inn is...I've heard good things about it, plus it's pet friendly!!! You can ask Val(dukedogsmom) for specifics. I think if possible it would be nice if everyone could stay at the same one, because the other closest dog friendly hotel is 2x as much and 2x further from the parks. I have no problem, as I am sure Kay doesn't have a problem meeting at the hotels so that you all can just follow rather than chance getting lost or anything like that.

AUDREY--- we are very easy to find from Orlando.
You can PM me for exact directions...depending on the way your Mom drives we should be about 1.75-2.5 hours away. (not even 2.5 hrs...that's worst case scenario)

Well, maybe i should shutup now lol! Got any questions...feel free to ask!

02-29-2004, 06:41 PM
Everything sounds great so far!

Like I mentioned to Kay -- Josh, Moose, and I will for sure be coming. However, I'm not sure if we will be bringing Zoey or not. She tends to get pretty nippy when she's in a group of a bunch of new dogs, but who knows. Plus, she gets really picky about the dogs she "likes." I'd hate to bring her and then have to leave her in the hotel all day or have to keep her tied up with Josh or I. But who knows, we're still debating and are working on getting it sorted out. :)

02-29-2004, 07:28 PM
Ok, thanks Lauren :) I'll send you a message some time before we leave when I know where we'll be staying..My mom said she wouldn't mind driving 2 hrs to take me there..I guess she feels bad about Zeke ;) but the only problem is..how long would it last? Cause my mom was going to leave and do stuff and I don't want to be like 'there' a lot longer then it lasts :X I can't wait ot meet everyone and the kids :D

02-29-2004, 08:39 PM
Hey Audrey, what's your mom's reason behind not taking Zeke? I don't know how Zeke travels, but I had no problems taking Nebo on a road trip. Staying in hotels with a dog was no problem either. We also worked things out for getting dinner/shopping. We kept a blanket (cut out holes for the seatbelts) on the back seat the entire time to help with the hair. It'd be awesome if you could take Zeke or Josie, they'd have so much fun! :D

I wish I could come, but this year is entirely too busy. I'd really love to visit Florida though, so I'm gonna see what I can do about next year.

02-29-2004, 09:01 PM
Audrey, it most likely would last til dark or past...either way you can stay with KayAnn and myself until your mom could pick you up! :)

Too bad you couldn't come Amy. We should pitch in to cut the expenses for another time with more notice! :)

02-29-2004, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Hey Audrey, what's your mom's reason behind not taking Zeke? I don't know how Zeke travels, but I had no problems taking Nebo on a road trip. Staying in hotels with a dog was no problem either. We also worked things out for getting dinner/shopping. We kept a blanket (cut out holes for the seatbelts) on the back seat the entire time to help with the hair. It'd be awesome if you could take Zeke or Josie, they'd have so much fun! :D

Josie can't because she doesn't get along without dogs now from some reason..atleast most big dogs :( My mom doesn't want Zeke cause she said she wants to relax..ok, she compaired to taking my 2 yr nephew :eek: I'm sorry but he's not that hard to care for lol. My mom has been work a million hours a week lately (sometimes 6am till 2-3am..no break..) and REALLY needs a vacation. She doesn't want to have the obligation to need to be back for Zeke so he's not alone for long times if we were to go out for a while. I kinda agree as we'd be out a lot and I don't think it's fair to leave him alone in a hotel he doesn't know :( But I would stay with him..but again, it owuld mean mom having to take me back and forth. I suppose it would be best for him this time not to come..but I really hope she will take me out to the next one :X I know Zeke would have a blast. He's very good in cars too. Or people could just come closer to PEI for meetings :rolleyes:

Hah, ok that was longer then it needed to be ;)

02-29-2004, 09:58 PM
Most hotels won't allow you to leave a dog unattended period (at least that I'm aware of) so if your mom plans on going lots of places that dogs are not allowed, it probably wouldn't work anyway.

We had 4 people so there was always someone to stay in the hotel with Nebo, it would be harder with 2.

02-29-2004, 10:23 PM
Yeah I know, thats why I would stay with him..but I agree, I dont think it would work anyway.

My moms friend is coming too

03-01-2004, 06:12 PM
Lauren ~ If you have the time tomorrow to reserve a pavillion go ahead.. If not let me know so I can.

Also -- I was thinking of planning something for Val, Brooke (moose), anyone else who wants to, and I to do something together on Sunday, since most just want to do one day. I was thinking maybe we could all do something together, whoever's in the area.

Also -- We need a time for it to start. -- Suggestions anyone?

03-01-2004, 06:23 PM
I will go ahead and reserve it.

If we are going to start beach first and then park I think we should start around 10 if park first then beach i think we should start around 11. Unless, everyone wishes to spend a little more time at both and make it 9am ...anything will do for me!

KAYANN---did u get my PM? :)

03-01-2004, 06:41 PM
We're just going to the park for a picnic. If anyone wants to go to the beach afterwards, to watch the sunset or something -- i guess that's something we can decide at the meeting.

Yep, I got you PM. :)

I think it may be good if everyone could try and be here around 10-11am. Of course, those who're coming farther away may need a little more time.

You and I could always get there earlier to set everything up, and anyone else who wants to come earlier.

My dad will be coming, and he said he'd sit with Simba in the Pavillion.

03-01-2004, 06:53 PM
Sounds good! I have to ask about that fencing stuff, which I am hoping it'll be no problem since I would be just returning it anyways. :)

Good deal about simba!

03-01-2004, 08:18 PM
I'm so glad this is all working out! :) I'm so excited! :D

10am or 11am would work fine here, since we will be driving out on Friday.

I think we might actually be bringing Zoey now. Josh said that if she ends up not getting along with other dogs or whatever may happen, he'd sit with her on her leash. :)

03-01-2004, 08:30 PM
That would be great!

I really don't mind any dogs that might act a little aggressive or anything along those lines. It's completely understandable anyways since they would be in a strange place with strange people and dogs. :) They usually calm down after a little while when they realize what fun they would be missing out on! :)

03-03-2004, 08:08 PM
Im going! As long as my mom doesnt change plans at the last minute! :rolleyes:

1. Would you rather go to the beach, park, or both?
If both, please let me know if you'd like to make it 2 days, or into 1 day.
Beach, or both, doesnt matter..

2.Would you rather: eat-out for lunch, Have a BBQ with everyone bringing a dish of choice, or do lunch on your own?
Have a BBQ! YUM!

3.How many dogs or people are you brining along with you?
Well, cami.. And my mom, not sure who else, ill get back to you though..

4.Do you need any suggestions on where to stay while in the area? Yes!

5.Do you want to meet up somewhere before going, so you can follow us? Or would you rather just get directions
Meet up

5. Which day do you prefer? Friday the 7th, Saturday the 8th, or Sunday the 9th. Whenever

03-03-2004, 09:56 PM
Mik is going?! O_O yay ^_^ I get to throw a snowball at you! considering it doesnt melt..then I'll just refreeze it and throw an iceball ;D

03-04-2004, 10:01 AM
ok i want to go but i dont know where tarpon springs is. i was really suprised that Jim (my boyfriend) wants to go. So if anyone can tell me more about this please do. this will be my first time doing this type of things. i wanna know more ;)

03-04-2004, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
Mik is going?! O_O yay ^_^ I get to throw a snowball at you! considering it doesnt melt..then I'll just refreeze it and throw an iceball ;D

YAY, we get to have a snow fight, in florida at the beach! HOORAY! lmao :p

03-04-2004, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by pitbullmommy
ok i want to go but i dont know where tarpon springs is. i was really suprised that Jim (my boyfriend) wants to go. So if anyone can tell me more about this please do. this will be my first time doing this type of things. i wanna know more ;)

Tarpon Spring is in Pinellas County, near Tampa Bay.

It's about 4 and a half hours from WPB.

Feel free to ask specific questions on what you need to know, and i'll be more than happy to answer the best I can. :)

03-04-2004, 09:03 PM
Aw, I wish I could go. :( You guys just have to be soo far away, don't you?

Have fun you guys. :)

03-04-2004, 10:58 PM
Hey, you're probably a lot closer then I am ;) That means you have to go now..

03-05-2004, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by slleipnir
Hey, you're probably a lot closer then I am ;) That means you have to go now..

-nudges- DONT say that! We don't want her to go! lol, j/k! Yep. that means you have to go! :D

03-05-2004, 07:05 PM
Well I have directions off to pitbullmommy, if anyone else needs them just PM me. :)

EVERYONE has to come!!!! lol :)

03-05-2004, 07:13 PM

Anyone and everyone who is going, please PM if you are going to be staying in the Hotel, How many days you are staying in the Hotel(for ex: you're arrival date and departure date), How many people, & How many dogs. I am going to try and get a group discount through them directly and if not, then try with my travel agent. :) THANK SO MUCH!!! :D :D :D

03-06-2004, 12:02 PM
Consider it done...and sent. ;):D:p

03-08-2004, 09:04 AM
Thanks so much! :)

03-08-2004, 11:23 AM
WELLLLLLLL....some bad news and good news.....

I tried reserving the shelter last week and all of the somewhat local ones were taken. They even share the shelters and all of them already have two parties on each. Soooo, I called today because they said keep calling back to check for cancellations, and still no luck. The good news is I can try to call the other local park that has a dog park. I'll just have to talk to KayAnn and see what you all think. :( Blah! The shelters have been reserved since January! Hmm....maybe someone will cancel!

03-08-2004, 11:28 AM
Well, if we don't get one of the shelters, we can alway use the picnic tables. We could oull a few of them together or something. Since there's not ALOT of people, we don't need THAT much space... we'll work something out.

03-08-2004, 11:35 AM
Well I do have a shelter reserved at John Chestnut Sr. Park JUST IN CASE!! :) But, I am going today to Anderson park to see how many tables we could pull together. PLUS, I can just borrow 1 or 2 from work and bring my dad's truck instead with the tables and some chairs. :) There's free standing BBQ's too if we need them. :) We'll work something out.

WHAT R U DOING OUT OF SCHOOL???? :confused: :eek: :rolleyes: ;) :D

03-08-2004, 11:49 AM
Today was a half day because of exams. :p

I'm sure we'll work something out.

you're going today? When??

03-08-2004, 01:13 PM
I'm gonna go now....not to play at the dog park, just to check out the benches

03-11-2004, 07:01 PM
Ok I'm so stupid, but I can't rememeber..what is the exact date it will be?? (not sure if those dates were accurate or whatnot..Mom needs to put in for time off then)

03-11-2004, 10:59 PM
Saturday, May 10th. :)

03-13-2004, 03:35 PM
My mom said she'd get a fruit tray and some sort of dessert tray from chick fil A for the meeting. :)

03-13-2004, 03:43 PM
A-woo-hoo! It's get's closer. :D:D

Okay...so it's still a couple months away...but still. ;)

03-13-2004, 05:16 PM
I can't wait lol, but I wish I could take Zekey..T-T

03-13-2004, 05:52 PM
It's okay...you can hold the Moose-man's leash. ;):p

03-13-2004, 06:17 PM
Brooke if you don't bring Zoey with you you should take some normal film pictures and bring them along so we could all see. :p

03-13-2004, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Brooke if you don't bring Zoey with you you should take some normal film pictures and bring them along so we could all see. :p

She's coming. It's for sure. :D

03-13-2004, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Moose
She's coming. It's for sure. :D

Woohoo!! :D
Nevermind that then, i'll take tons of pictures. :D

03-13-2004, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Woohoo!! :D
Nevermind that then, i'll take tons of pictures. :D

You'd better!! lol I'm counting on you!! You're my only hope to get the first pics of Zoey up on PT and some new pics of Moose up on PT! :D;):D

03-18-2004, 11:34 AM
Yeah, so I'm not going now. My moms friend has to go away for work for 3 months. I told her I'd pay for half of the trip if Zeke could go (as we wouldn't be going to the kindoms in orlando so I could stay with him) and she said it's 'her' trip and that she doesn't want a dog in her car and that its suppost to be relaxing. God. She totally hates me, I bet you anything she does. If I'm paying for half, wouldn't it be MY trip as well? And she obviously doesnt know dogs/Zeke if she thinks he'll only be trouble. I find dogs to be relaxing. Maybe I'm the one being selfish but I don't see the big flipping deal

sorry I'm just annoyed right now

03-18-2004, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
Yeah, so I'm not going now. My moms friend has to go away for work for 3 months. I told her I'd pay for half of the trip if Zeke could go (as we wouldn't be going to the kindoms in orlando so I could stay with him) and she said it's 'her' trip and that she doesn't want a dog in her car and that its suppost to be relaxing. God. She totally hates me, I bet you anything she does. If I'm paying for half, wouldn't it be MY trip as well? And she obviously doesnt know dogs/Zeke if she thinks he'll only be trouble. I find dogs to be relaxing. Maybe I'm the one being selfish but I don't see the big flipping deal

sorry I'm just annoyed right now

Awww...:(:( --sniffle--

03-30-2004, 01:38 AM
It's really too bad you can't make it Audrey. :(

You'll have to make it down here sometime.

Anyone was "thinking" on it, know that they're going for sure now?

03-30-2004, 08:27 AM
Still don't think I can go...:( I'm still in school during May, and just might end up going to summer school. [Bleck!] Have fun, though. :)

04-04-2004, 05:47 PM
Nearly a month away!

If you're albe to, please tell me if you're coming for sure or not. We need to know ASAP!!!!

04-11-2004, 05:22 PM
:confused: :confused:

04-13-2004, 10:50 PM
Are you guys still coming/for sure?

BaMaD & Moose (where have you guys been??)

Lauren, you should bring Chloe. ;) ;)

04-15-2004, 08:48 AM
As far as I can tell, unless something comes up. I've got those days scheduled off.

04-19-2004, 11:22 AM
As long as Brock's health stays good, I plan on still coming.

04-19-2004, 06:41 PM
still planning on it kay...just moving into the house so its a lil crazy here! lol i'll be able to let you know right before for sure

04-20-2004, 08:01 PM
Thanks guys for checking in!!

I really hope to see you all there! :D

04-24-2004, 11:29 PM
I'm getting excited!!!!!

04-25-2004, 10:18 PM
Me Too... Hope everyone shows! :D

04-26-2004, 11:33 PM
About 11 days away!!

Can everyone please check in and let us know if you're still coming?


04-28-2004, 10:51 PM
sorry kfmar i wont be able to make it with sasha having her pups and i lost my job so im sorry i wont be making it

05-02-2004, 12:41 PM
Pupslover told me last night that she couldn't make it.
So that leaves us to possibly;

BaMaD & Moose

Which I'm not sure if Amber, Brooke, & Josh are coming or not.

BluStang24(Lauren) and I will be there.
I'm wondering if it's even worth going through all of this work (to set up, for food, and gifts I had planned on.) since everyone is dropping out. Because now I don't know how much or how little food to buy since not everyone is sure if they're coming or not.
Last time I had made little gifts and such for everyone but since only one person ended up coming, the gifts were thrown away.

05-02-2004, 01:22 PM
Maybe we should just drop ever having these Florida PT meetings and stick to the usual You, Val, Me, and all of our dogs. :D We don't seem to have a problem with that any other time. This isn't in offense to anyone else, but this is the 2nd time it's been a bust as far as people saying that they are going to come and then last minute they can't or just don't show up. :) I'll leave it up to you KayAnn.

05-02-2004, 01:23 PM
I doubt Moose and them are coming because they haven't really been on or responded in quite some time...right KayAnn?

05-02-2004, 01:38 PM
I don't know. Her father just passed away and she told me on AIM she was working on it.

If no one shows up, we'll still have our usual fun. :)

Fox-Gal seems like she really wants to come this time.. as i've asked her about it in other threads.

Amber i'm not so sure about...

We'll see. We can just buy a few packages of lunch meat, bread, cheese, lettuce and let everyone make what they want.

05-02-2004, 02:00 PM
If you feel you want to cancel it because of lack of people, thats fine. I understand how you can feel with people not coming and all. I was one of thoses people that didn't show up last time. Even thought I was heading that way, till something happened on the way up. (Long bad story) :( I felt bad I didn't make it, but there was nothing I could do.

Maybe just Pm people and if they can't say for sure that they are coming, then don't plan for them. Just tell them they are more then welcome to show up, but to bring their own supplies. I sure they will understand if you tell them, that you can't supply things on a maybe. It's just like any other party, you plan for those that accepted only.

Please, What even you decide, just let me know. If you want it to be just you 3 or if you still want to give it a try.

Try not to stress about the whole thing, no matter what I'm sure you will have a fun time, even if it's just you 3.

Oh also if you still are going through with it, I MIGHT be bring a friend and her dog with me. I'm never sure about her till the last minute, so don't plan a thing for her, I'll take care of her if she comes. If you don't mind her coming.

05-02-2004, 02:09 PM
I talked to my mom and she said she has been trying to book a hotel, because we are also (After the meeting) going to see family friends.. She said that most of them were booked, probably because it was mother's day weekend.. So again, Im pretty sure we will be there.. Like fox-gal said, don't plan on the ones who are responding, because im not 100% sure that we can make it, and if we do, it would only be for half of the day...

We are going to try and look for other hotels in the area, im in the middle of doing that now....

05-02-2004, 02:16 PM
Libby -- Of course we still want you to come.

It's just kind of a let down the fact that not everyone seems as into as I do.

I like to have things planned ahead of time so there's no confusion or anything the day of. I understand not everyone is able to plan ahead of time, but it isn't so far away now. Just a week away!

Your friend is more than welcome to come along with her pup!

Valerie -- if you're reading this at all.. PM me to let me know when you're coming. I have off Friday so you can always come then if you'd like and we can do something.. I hope it isn't too hot!!

Weather.com says;

May 07
10 % Percip.

May 08
Partly Cloudy
10 % Percip.

May 09
Partly Cloudy
20 % Percip.

05-02-2004, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
It's just kind of a let down the fact that not everyone seems as into as I do.

I like to have things planned ahead of time so there's no confusion or anything the day of. I understand not everyone is able to plan ahead of time, but it isn't so far away now. Just a week away!

I so badly want to come...and just because I don't know for sure what is going on around here, it doesn't mean I'm not into it. :confused:

There's been a lot of crap going on around here, and as much as I know my mom would be fine alone for a few days...I still don't know if I feel comfortable with that just yet.

Like I said before, plan the food and everything as if Josh and I aren't coming...and if we end up being able to get down there, we'll provide for ourselves and not worry you about it.

05-02-2004, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Moose
I so badly want to come...and just because I don't know for sure what is going on around here, it doesn't mean I'm not into it. :confused:

I never said that.

05-02-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I never said that.


Originally posted by Kfamr
It's just kind of a let down the fact that not everyone seems as into as I do.


05-02-2004, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by Moose
doesn't mean I'm not into it.

Originally posted by Kfamr
not everyone seems as into as I do.

I never said you weren't into it.

05-02-2004, 04:08 PM
Ay...now I'm just lost. :(


05-02-2004, 05:31 PM
I know it's very hard to leave loved ones when there is a loss of someone close to them so I completely understand that Brooke. :) I just hope you all are coping with it okay though. If you come that would be great though.

Foxgal, we're not cancelling. We would LOVE the chance to meet new people and dogs as well as introduce a new park to you and your dog(s). By you I mean you as well as everyone else. :)

We were just thinking about maybe next time. :) We're all going to have lots of fun either way! :)

KayAnn- I have a shelter reserved at John Chestnut...it's been reserved since I think Jan or Feb. If you want to still stay at Anderson with those tables I can go ahead and cancel for John Chestnut. Just let me know. Either way will be fine for me. The only thing is that the shelter isn't RIGHT next to the dog park, but the closest safest (as far as traffic) one.

05-02-2004, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Blustang24

KayAnn- I have a shelter reserved at John Chestnut...it's been reserved since I think Jan or Feb. If you want to still stay at Anderson with those tables I can go ahead and cancel for John Chestnut. Just let me know. Either way will be fine for me. The only thing is that the shelter isn't RIGHT next to the dog park, but the closest safest (as far as traffic) one.

I like John Chestnut much better, although Anderson is easier to get to (as far as people who don't know the area) The park is much nicer.

I'd much rather go to John Chestnut.... but we'll have to post different directions and all.

We can go ahead and do John Chestnut, if Fox-Gal and anyone else who plans on coming is fine with that asl well.

05-02-2004, 05:50 PM
Ok, JC Sr Park's dog park is bigger too! Just let me know. :)

05-02-2004, 06:22 PM
Okay, so is everyone else fine with the change?

If so... i'll get new directions.

05-02-2004, 06:31 PM
Assuming we are able to make it, that change is fine. :)

05-02-2004, 09:13 PM


Go Southbound on U.S.19
Go through Nebraska Road
Turn left at the next light which is Tampa Road.
Go through 3 traffic lights
Make a left at the 4th traffic light which is called East Lake Rd./McMullen Booth Road.
Go past McDonalds and through the traffic light.
Stay in the right lane
Merge with traffic coming from your left side.
Get into the left lane.
I believe there is only 1 or 2 traffic lights.
The park entrance kind of creeps up on you. There will be a small turn lane to turn left into the park.
If you get to the traffic light with the 7-11 on the corner you've gone too far.(that traffic light is about 100 feet past park.)
Follow signs to Shelter 5


Hillsborough Ave. is the same thing as Tampa Road.
Continue onto Tampa Road going Westbound.
Pass Lafayette Blvd./Race Track Road
Pass St. Pete Drive.
Pass Commerce Blvd. (flashing light)
Pass Pine Avenue.
Pass Forest Lakes Blvd.
Pass Shady Oaks Drive
Stay to your right when the road somewhat forks. (to the left is Curlew Rd.and to the right continues Tampa Road.)
Go through East Lake Woodlands Rd.
Make a right at the next light which is East Lake Rd./McMullen Booth Road.
Go past McDonalds and through the traffic light.
Stay in the right lane
Merge with traffic coming from your left side.
Get into the left lane.
I believe there is only 1 or 2 traffic lights.
The park entrance kind of creeps up on you. There will be a small turn lane to turn left into the park.
If you get to the traffic light with the 7-11 on the corner you've gone too far.(that traffic light is about 100 feet past park.)
Follow signs to Shelter 5.

If you are coming and would like my cell phone number in case you get lost or need to stop anywhere and get off track or just want it for emergencies, just PM me and I'll PM it back to you. Thanks.

05-02-2004, 09:15 PM
Thanks for posting the directions Lauren.

P.S... you're looking naked without a signature!!

*hint*stop by my signature thread in general*hint*

05-02-2004, 09:16 PM
you're welcome
okay will do

05-02-2004, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Thanks for posting the directions Lauren.

Ditto...thanks thanks thanks! :D

05-02-2004, 10:19 PM
You're very welcome! :D

05-03-2004, 02:54 PM
Thanks for the directions. I was wondering, can I get to the park from the CrossTown Expressway? I have to make a stop before I come that way and will be on the Crosstown, so if anyone knows, it would make it easier for me. If you can just post the address of the park, I can do a map search and figure it out.

Also, just wondering do one of you know if the CrossTown has another name? When I did a search for it Yahoo, couldn't find the Cross Town!! I know it's there, I been on it to many times for yahoo to tell me it's not. :confused:


05-03-2004, 05:41 PM
John Chesnut Sr. Park
2200 East Lake Road
Palm Harbor, FL 34685

is the address Fox-Gal.

As for the Cross Town Expressway, I've never heard of it and I do a lot of traveling in Florida. Where about is it located? Does it run North/South or East/West?

I'll try to look it up.

05-03-2004, 05:45 PM
I found out it's called State Road 618 or Lee Roy Selmon Crosstwon Expressway...i'll post more info with directions from that shortly.

05-03-2004, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by Blustang24
I found out it's called State Road 618 or Lee Roy Selmon Crosstwon Expressway...i'll post more info with directions from that shortly.

Well no wonder I couldn't find it, I never knew it was Lee Roy. Thanks for the help.

05-03-2004, 06:18 PM
Ok, well I am gonna look again. BUT the only thing I can see which would be the easiest way is somehow get on

HIGHWAY 60 from the expressway. It might be an exit since for some part of the way they run parallel right next to each other and then cross each other.

US 301 N to 60 could work too! and 301 is perpendicular with the Crosstown (618).

BUT to be honest I would take I-275 to Hillsborough Avenue and then follow the other directions from above. The other ways just end up making directions a lot more difficult to follow. PINELLAS COUNTY AND HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY ARE CRAZY WITH TRAFFIC. :) I'll leave it up to you and get back with me and maybe we can work together on directions.

05-03-2004, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal
Well no wonder I couldn't find it, I never knew it was Lee Roy. Thanks for the help.

You're welcome! :)

05-03-2004, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Blustang24
. PINELLAS COUNTY AND HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY ARE CRAZY WITH TRAFFIC. :) I'll leave it up to you and get back with me and maybe we can work together on directions.

Oh do I know that, we had to spend weeks there, when Pauls mom was in the hospital over there. The roads are crazy and some of the people too. I never so gald to get back to my lazy town. LOL

I'm going to look up whats will work best then and maybe I will just go the other way and forget my stop till later.

Thanks for the help. Also if you can Pm with someone cell #, just in case I have problems like last time.

Thanks again and i'll see you Sat. You wont be able to miss me, I'll be the one with the loud car. LOL :(

05-03-2004, 11:00 PM
PM sent with number. Hope you figure out a way here! :) Seeya on Saturday!

05-04-2004, 06:31 PM
Thanks, I got the numbers and figured out my best route to get there.

I didn't relize it was that far, It only takes me 2 hours to get to Tampa, but yahoo says almost 3 to get to there. It's not that far out from Tampa is it? Of course Yahoo take people the long way around. I do know a few back roads to cut some time off, thank goodness. I might be late though. LOL

Also my friend is not coming now, their having problems with the weekend home. So it's a repair weekend for her. At least now I have a excuse not to help. THANKS. :D ;)

05-04-2004, 11:00 PM
Well, to the center of tampa it might only be 2 hours, but to get to the actual East Lake area, which is where the park is, it might be an extra hour with all the traffic. There's a chance it might be less...like 35-45 minutes. It just all depends on what traffic you hit. Hope it is the lesser of those times. :) Call if you need too, I have free incoming calls 24/7 and free weekends anyways. :)

05-06-2004, 07:05 PM
Only 1 day away!!

Everyone HAS to be almost positive if they're coming or not.. so please let us know!!!!

05-06-2004, 09:06 PM
I won't be able to make it now kayann!

JUST KIDDING!!!!!!! I'll call you tomorrow. It might be cheaper to get hot dogs and hamburgers, cheese, etc. We'll talk then. :D

05-06-2004, 09:15 PM
I knew it was a trick. :p

Yeah hot dogs/hamburgs probably will be cheaper.
Is there a girl right there by the pavillion?

05-06-2004, 09:17 PM
Yeah, there'll be four of us...plus honey and nala so that makes 6!!!

05-06-2004, 09:19 PM
Yeah, I'm sure there is a grill right by the pavillion. There always is atleat one, if not two. :)

05-06-2004, 10:48 PM
Yippee! We're going to have so much fun. Too bad ol Duke can't have any hamburgers or hot dogs. We're both going to be pooped Sunday evening when we get home. I haven't told him that he's going anywhere yet. Figured I'd do that tomorrow.

05-07-2004, 11:05 PM
Duke & Valerie are here now and sleeping.

Not so sure about Brooke or Amber -- but Libby are you still coming?

05-08-2004, 07:35 AM
We're all up here.

We bought 6 hamburgers and have a package of hot dogs as well as buns and cheese, Ketchup.
We bought a few liters of soda and a few bags of chips.

I hope you guys show up.:(

05-08-2004, 02:41 PM
We just got home from the park.

We had a blast!!! LOTS of pictures.

I want to thank Libby VERY VERY VERY much for coming, I really appreciate that. She brought along Brandy, her MinPin. :D

Pictures to come later!!!

05-08-2004, 04:36 PM
I guess we've decided not to hold any more meetings.
I'm very happy Libby showed up and standed by her word.
It's just too much hoping that people are going to show up, and then only 1 person shows. It's a long drive for Libby, but she made it and she kept her word to us.

This is the second time it's happened and it's a huge let down.
It's just going to be Valerie, Lauren, and I for now on, unless someone else wants to take the time and effort to coordinate a meeting. And possibly maybe Libby if she'd like to join us again.

Valerie told me that her and Libby were going to meet up at the mall sometime, and possibly Lauren, Val, and I could head her way and see her zoo.

I apologize if this offends any of you, but I find it very rude to drop out at the last second. I'd rather you not say a word, or tell us you can't come from the start then lead us to think you're coming.

Again, big thank you to Libby for coming!!! I enjoyed you and Brandy!! :D

05-08-2004, 04:54 PM
Post the Pictures! Im excited to see them!

05-08-2004, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Amber
Post the Pictures! Im excited to see them!

I just got finished loading them onto Photobucket. I'm going to post them in Dog General. :)

05-08-2004, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I just got finished loading them onto Photobucket. I'm going to post them in Dog General. :)

good good! Can't wait to seem them! :D

05-08-2004, 05:01 PM
To those of you who were at the meeting--

I'm sorry i didn't make it. My grandpa had a massive stroke yesterday morning and i spent half of my day with him. My mom didn't tell me why we couldn't go, or what we were doing instead, all she told me was not to post anything on pettalk until she knew for sure.

So i'm very sorry to the others of you who i may have let down for not coming...

Hopefully you will be understanding to this, if not please don't post anything rude, because i just can't handle much right now. I have already had someone made me feel horrible about not making it, but fair or not, family comes first.

So thanks again to those of you who are understanding.

05-08-2004, 05:37 PM
I'm sorry you didn't make it as well.
I understand why you didn't come.
If you'd just imagine how I feel.

05-08-2004, 05:43 PM
I do understand how you feel. I would feel the same way if someone said they would be there and ended up not coming. But it's not something i could have prevented. If i could have, trust me i would have, because everyone is worried and crying here and i can't stand being around this right now. So if there was anywhere i would have rather have been, it would have been at the meeting. But it wouldn't have been right leaving to go off to the meeting when my grand father is in the hospital.

05-08-2004, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr

I understand why you didn't come.

05-08-2004, 05:52 PM
Yes. I know. I saw that.

I was pretty much apologizing to you. But, okay.

05-08-2004, 05:57 PM


05-08-2004, 06:02 PM
FL PT MEETING PICTURES *CLICK HERE* (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=48947)

05-09-2004, 10:41 PM
Glad you guys had a good time. Sorry I couldn't be there.