View Full Version : Wilting Roses?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-19-2004, 05:17 PM
Anybody know how to revive wilting roses?

The ones Terry gave me for V-Day are already wilting. :( :mad: And it's not like he bought them from some street vendor or something. He paid darn good money for these and I'm so disappointed that they're wilting already. This is the one day of the year I get roses, and I want them to last a little longer than 5 days. :rolleyes:

They did give us some of that fresh flower food stuff. Do you think I should recut the ends and put some fresh - fresh flower food in?

There were also some really beautiful huge lilies in the arrangement, but those have bloomed as wide as can be and are beyond hope already. :(

Any suggestions? Thanks! :D

02-19-2004, 05:25 PM
All I do when roses start to wilt is hang them upside down and spray them with hairspray. I like drying my flowers so I'll always have them. I did that with the dozen roses I got when my bf asked me to marry him and they're sitting nicely on the top of my desk.

02-19-2004, 05:35 PM
You can trim the stalks and put sugar or a few aspirins in the water.....

Remind the hubby, for next year, that diamonds don't wilt....:eek:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-19-2004, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Remind the hubby, for next year, that diamonds don't wilt....:eek:

Now that's one I hadn't thought of, but will definitely remember! :cool: :D

02-19-2004, 05:51 PM
yeah iusually dry my flowers by hanging them upsidedown

02-19-2004, 06:26 PM
If you care to go to the trouble, it will help to dip the blooms in really cold water for a few minutes. Just the bloom part. BF sent me 24 this year and paid almost $200 for them- they were wilted by Tuesday. I hope he doesn't waste his money next year. I suppose I should put him in touch with Richard!!!!:D

02-19-2004, 06:52 PM
Here is some info on caring for roses that I got from a flower website.
It says what to do for wilted flowers at the end.

1. Trim each stem at a diagonal under water to the recommended display height of your container or vase. Don’t be afraid to cut!
2. Remove all foliage that will fall below the water line. Remove the “guard petal” from each rose – this is the outermost petal left on the bud.
3. Fill your container or vase with warm water and add flower food as directed.
4. Arrange roses and keep display away from hot or cold drafts and direct sunlight.
5. IMPORTANT! Add fresh water daily and recut stems every other day. Roses are thirsty flowers.
If a rose wilts or droops prematurely, recut the stem and submerge the entire rose in cool water, straightening the stem and head. After an hour or so, remove from water and place it back in the vase.

02-19-2004, 07:22 PM
If you give roses (or any fresh cut flower) a shot of vodka in their vase it will help them to stay fresh longer. Also, when they do start to wilt I always spray them with hair spray and that helps them keep their color and form once they're dry. They don't smell as nice, but they look pretty :)

02-19-2004, 07:36 PM
Are they "nodding" from the head??? Florists are notrorious for selling roses that don't open and wilt within days. As a student in college (horticulture/botany) my floricuture professor told us to put them in the bathtub and soak them in cold water with ice cubes until revived. Then, make a fresh cut and place them back in the vase in fresh, cool water. And whenever you get cut flowers, at night, put them in a cool place (as cool as 40 degrees) such as an enclosed, unheated porch, a cool basement or the frig, if they'll fit! They'll last far longer than if you keep them in a warm room 24/7...more than a week. Change the vase water daily. When you first get your flowers, make sure the lower leaves are removed as they can cause bacteria to thrive. Make a fresh cut under running water, but don't use scissors, use a knife. It's debateable whether cutting them on an angle really does any good. You can add 7-up to the vase water; the sugar and citric acid act as a preservative.. the same ingredients that are in flower preservative! It's shameful that someone can spend such a huge amount of $$$ on flowers that wilt in days! Next time, you might consider asking the florist how to care for your roses and to "guarantee" them...many will, if you follow their instructions!