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Rio and Me
02-19-2004, 02:14 PM
Sorry for my ignorance but what is an invisible fence?
I never herd of them till now.
I dont need one, just curious.
Ky and Rio

02-19-2004, 02:25 PM
It's a type of containment that acts as an invisible fence so to speak, to keep you animal safe in your yard. The dog wears a special collar the emits a radio signal. The company installs underground wiring around the permieter of your yard, or whatever area you want to keep your dog contained in and the central unit is installed in your home, garage, basement, etc. When the dog attempts to move past that "invisible" boundry, he/she gets a little zap from the collar. The company works with you to train your dog to learn the boundaries of the "fencing." Once the dog understands if he moves past a certain area he'll get a zap, he usually learns to stay within his area. It works well in many cases. But strong, stubborn dogs have been down to bolt through the "fencing" and tolerate the zap to chase after something. And often, once on the OTHER side of the fence, the dog is hesitant to come back in the yard, fearing another zap. And it does not prevent other dogs/animals/people from entering your yard. The rescue group I work with advises using it only with supervision, say if you and Rio were outside together playing. Personally, I would never leave my dogs outdoors with invisible fencing unsupervised.

02-19-2004, 02:26 PM
An invisible fence is a buried wire that is linked to a unit that is plugged in to an outlet (like in your garage). Your dog wears a collar that is programmed to either beep or shock them when they cross the barrier. I think some new systems also spray something that smells bad to the dog. They also come with warning flags that you put over the wire so the dog can get used to where the line is without suprising the crap out of them. I personally wouldn't use one that would shock my dog, but I hear all systems work pretty well. I think you can find the systems in most stores.

Rio and Me
02-19-2004, 02:36 PM
thanks thats all i wanted to know.
I dont need it or any fensing, i just herd people talking about it and didnt know what it was.
Ky and Rio

02-19-2004, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by aki
I hear all systems work pretty well. I think you can find the systems in most stores.

They don't work if you live in a snowy area. My neighbor uses one for his dog--Daisy. It works great in the summer, but she's been at my house every day, pretty much all day since it snowed! The snow insulates the wire so she doesn't get the little shock when she crosses it. Fortunately, she doesn't have to go anywhere near traffic to get to my place and she's a cool dog so I don't mind her hanging out.