View Full Version : Mole Catcher Extradonar!

02-19-2004, 11:26 AM
I just had to tell you all this
This JUST Happened

My co worker called me in her Office and said do you here that?
I said ya it sounds like a mouse!
We Pull her desk out and there looking at us is a MOLE!
After about a hour of waiting we scothced it in a box and took it outside to live it life.
The boss wanted to kill it but me and her were not having it!
Hopefully it is happier now outside!

02-19-2004, 12:08 PM
that is funny glad you didnt let you mean ol boss kill it. have a good day.

02-19-2004, 12:18 PM
aw i like moles. my cat, Fido killed one when i was about 8. an di found it in the yard when my mom wasn't home and it wasn't all the way dead so i went inside and got a towel and wrapped it in that and tried to give it some milk, but he died not long after that:( I'm glad this moley got to live outside again:)