View Full Version : Did your cat have a URI as a kitten - I have a question

02-19-2004, 10:01 AM
Poor little Jazz is sick and I'm trying to figure out something. I'm afraid she is getting a URI and I plan to take her to the vet tomorrow (my car is in the shop today).

Anyway, what I need to know is if your cat had a URI as a kitten did they have flare ups of it over time? Jazz had a severe URI when I adopted her in Aug. 2002 and by Sept was better. Then in Dec. 2002 she got it again. My vet told me that this was common with kittens who have URIs. He told me Jazz would probably have a few more flare ups of it with each time getting less severe and by the time she's about a year and half she probably wouldn't have any problems again until she's old. Well she hasn't had a bout with it since Dec. 2002 and she is now 21 months old so she is past the year and a half mark but just barely. If she is coming down with a URI I want to know is it the same old virus that she had before just flaring up or is it a new virus.

Ripley caught her URI when we first got her but then my vet said he was immune to it the second time around in Dec. so not to worry and he was right, Ripley didn't get sick again. Now I'm worried this is different virus and that both Ripley and Scout will catch it too. That would be awful. Scout probably will regardless but poor Ripley almost died when he was sick with it before.

Have you ever heard of this before - kittens with URIs having flare ups? Jazz hasn't been outside or around any other cats besides Scout and Rip but I did go to the shelter Monday and play with all the cats and had some sick ones climb on me. I made sure to wash well afterwards and in fact changed my clothes before petting any of mine when I got home.

Sorry to ramble but I'm so stressed and since I can't take her to the vet today I'm even more strung out.

02-19-2004, 12:26 PM
I have never heard of that but I am a very fortunate cat slave. Knock on wood...none of mine have ever had a URI. They have had other illnesses but never the coughing, runny nose deal. I'm so thankful!
Most of them at the shelter have URI's but it's hard to judge if recurs naturally or because they are surrounded by it.
I can relate to you coming home and changing your clothes though. I'm so scared that I'm going to bring something home. I take my shoes off and put them in a bag and change clothes immediately. I don't know if the germs live long enough to bring home URI on your clothes or not.
I hope Jazz is ok. I will be saying prayers that Jazz recovers quickly and Ripley and Scout don't catch anything. Please be sure to keep us posted after you have been to the vet.

02-19-2004, 01:08 PM
YES ... don't worry. Your vet is right ... each time they will be less severe!!! ;)

edit: Well, at least this is MY experience, I am no vet ... for sure!!!:rolleyes: ;)

02-19-2004, 01:18 PM
CCL- thanks for the prayers (and understanding about my shelter germ paranoia). Yes you are very lucky to have not had a URI hit your house. I hope it stays that way for you.

Kim - thanks for the reply! You may not be a vet but in my book you are the next best thing. Experience is wisdom!

02-19-2004, 01:33 PM
I just recently had a URI scare. When I took Calvin in for his shots, not only did he have an allergic reaction, but for several days later he was sneezing. REALLY wet sneezes:rolleyes: Of course they were always delivered thisclose to my face! He and Hobbes both had URI's as kittens but have never so much as had a sniffle since. I was worried as I know that the shots given are low grade forms of the germs so that the imune system learns to fight them. I know that sometimes even a low grade "safe" vaccine might cause the actual illness.

Anyway, I freaked out (again!:) ) and talked to the vet. He said that unless the boogers were really green and mucussy, not to worry. The sneezing diminished and he's fine now.

Is it possible that Jazzy might have an allergy? I know my Jersey(RB) used to have a terrible time in spring with allergies. Runny eyes and noses till the pollen count dropped.

Good luck with Jazz. I know how stressful it is to think your kids are not at their best. Nosebumpies from Calvin & Hobbes & me.


02-19-2004, 02:49 PM
Claudia - thanks for the reply.

As for the allergy I'm not sure but I don't think that is it. Yesterday she kept her left eye closed most the day and when it was opened the third eyelid would be half way up but no discharge. Today that eye is fine but now her right eye doing it. She's been very lethargic today, not eating or drinking much and when she was kneading on the bed with me earlier she sneezed and her nose ran a little but that was the only time.

She is really not acting herself at all. She's usually active and every evening she gets fiesty and is into everything. She didn't do that last nigh and today she is really seeking the sun and warm to sleep in. Poor little thing.

I just found out I won't be getting my car back until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest so I guess I'm going to have to work out something with my husband to take her to the vet.

02-19-2004, 03:39 PM
In my own cats that had an URI as a kitten I did not fnd that they were more susceptible to colds over time. I think that just like with people some cats have weaker immune systems and get them more frequently and some hardly ever get sick.
Has she had the FeLV/FIV tests? Cats with these illnesses are often sick a lot.

02-19-2004, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach

Has she had the FeLV/FIV tests? Cats with these illnesses are often sick a lot.

I just pulled her paper work from the shelter and she was tested for both on 7-25-02 and was negative.

This is the first time she has been sick in over a year so that is one reason I'm a little stressed about it.

02-19-2004, 04:15 PM
yup! Pete arrived at my home at about 3 weeks old, with an almost fatal URI. He's 4 now and he still has an occasional flare-up.