View Full Version : I need your opinions and suggestions

02-18-2004, 02:06 PM
Hi everybody! I haven't been hanging around much for the
last few days because I have been working more for the shelter. I have been upset with their website from day 1. Their dogs are always updated but the cats haven't changed in almost a year! I have been there long enough now to feel comfortable enough to express my concern about this. It turns out that the director was not aware that the girl that takes care of the web was not taking care of the cats. This girl (I'll call her Mean) is a major dog lover and really isn't into cats at all! I was very angry because the job should be to get all animals adopted! I would never show preference in adoptions to one or the other!!! They all need good homes with lots of love. Mean and I had a few words about this and she handed the website cats over to me! I have never maintained a website before but I took on the challenge because those poor kitties deserve better. It really ticked me off that they had been neglected for so long!!
Now the reason that I'm bugging you guys is that I've done the first twenty or so and I want to know if you experienced people
think that I am taking a good approach. If you have time I would so appreciate it if you would glance through a few of the first cats that you see listed. It should be the first 22 I think. It's all the cats right before you get to the dogs. Any opinions and suggestions would be so welcome. I want to make people want these cats!!
Thanks you guys for any suggestions and for taking the time to look. Here is the web address... www.shelby.petfinder.org

02-18-2004, 02:19 PM
What a great job! They all sound so wonderful... you have very nice descriptions of each cat and a picture that really shows off their personalities.

I also fell in love with Treat! What a handsome young man - who cares about his eye infection? I hope he and his fellow inmates find loving homes!

Keep up the great work and make it so much better than the dogs! Show her what an idiot she is!:mad:

02-18-2004, 02:31 PM
What are you going to do when all the cats are gone?:)

02-18-2004, 02:34 PM
Great Job :D

I hope you don't mind a couple of suggestions ....

I would also add if two cats are a bonded pair, like the sisters. If you mention that they would love to go together, you might get two adoptions instead of one.

I liked the way you are positive about small problems like beautiful Treats eyes. But I would also add if these cats need any ongoing treatment or consideration. If people know specifically if a treatment is needed and what that is, they are more likely to come forward.

But these are only improvement suggestions, your write ups are very very good. I bet those shelter kitties love their new shelter mummy. :D

02-18-2004, 02:39 PM
I think you've done a great job! So many shelters don't both to put anything in the description so yours go above and beyond - especially by using the extra photos allowed. Excellent!

Isn't Nipper the most handsome fellow?!! And little Rotini and Huey look like male versions of my Jazz and Scout.

Your are doing such good work - bless you!!

I'm with Richard, what are you going to do when they are all adopted?

02-18-2004, 02:47 PM
PIF I absolutely agree with all your suggestions. When I took the first few pictures I didn't have any idea how I was going to do this. I approached with the idea of getting a head shot and body shot. You can post up to three pictures so now I think I may go back and try to get pictures of the two sets of sisters together and place that in the third slot. The only problem with this is trying to get the boogers to cooperate!! It took me three solid non-stop hours to get those pictures!! You open the cage door and they want love. They don't want to stand still and get photographed!
As for those who are ill I will post anything I find out about long term care. Unfortunately for Treat the damage is done and he no longer needs treatment.
Thank you very much for your suggestions.
Catnapper thanks very much for taking the time to look and for the wonderful comment.
Richard...I don't know how much sweeter anybody could have been!!
Jazzcat... Wouldn't that be the most wonderful thing!! I guess there will always be replacements. They keep telling me to look out because spring brings in gazillions!

Killearn Kitties
02-18-2004, 02:51 PM
I'm so impressed!! Well done for taking this on. The pictures are so good and your descriptions are lovely.

Sometimes you also see in descriptions whether a cat might need to be an only cat, or is OK with children, dogs etc. But you possibly don't have that kind of information about these cats?

Also, I remember looking at one of your threads before and seeing and older cat that cares for a little one (sorry I don't remember their names). If there are two (or more) that get on really well, I would definitely put that in the description.

02-18-2004, 03:00 PM
Great job. I really like that you take multiple photos of the kitties (our shelter doesn't). The write-ups are great. Keep up the good work.
Is it very hard to do? I've been thinking about volunteering to help out with the website for our shelter. They tell me that it is very time-consuming and that the high-school kid that does it just doesn't have the time so they are weeks behind getting new babies on there. Many times a kitty is adopted before it ever makes the website. Last year we printed out 7 kitties to checkout. None of those kitties were there anymore.

BTW, I didn't finish any blankets while I was off work. I promise to get started soon.

02-18-2004, 03:15 PM
Killearn Kitties... Your thinking about the two sweeties called Merry and Christmas. I will really push these two together. I was trying to take take pictures of one room at a time and I didn't get their pictures yet. I so agree about the special needs but unfortunately no one really knows to much about them. It is hard to know if they will get along with dogs when they are stuck in cages and only see a dog now and then. I try to get the workers to hold still and tell me what they know but I guess they really don't have the answers to those questions either.
Kuhio98... It is taking plenty of time right now because I'm going to redo every cat in the place. I think once I get that done that it won't be so time consuming. The website is really easy to work and the pictures are pulled straight from your computer so you don't have to load them on to the web. When someone is adopted all you have to do is put a checkmark by all the names and hit delete. I don't think general maintenance will be hard at all. Getting the pictures is what is the pain!! The older ones aren't too bad because they are used to all the hussle and bussle and generally just lay still. The younger ones are a pain because they want out and want you to hold them. Once you get the pictures I think it is fairly simple. You could always give it a try. I think once this intial hard part is done then I will enjoy it.

02-18-2004, 04:08 PM
I haven't even gotten to look at your work yet, but I was thinking that maybe you could take a friend with you to take pictures (you're a volunteer, after all), and then you could hold the cats and have your friend take the pictures. I'd volunteer in a heartbeat if I were closer to you! You can't imagine the admiration I have for you, taking on this volunteer work in such a big way!!!! :)

02-18-2004, 04:15 PM
Looks good to me!

Now send me Treat and Spot.......I did not go further because I did not want my list to get any longer. besides, I could already tell that you don't need any help ;)

02-18-2004, 04:22 PM
Thanks for the suggestion Logan but the one thing I'm trying to do is keep people out of the pictures. If you get the chance and look further into the website you will see several OLD pictures where the kitties were being held and when I look at that all I see are the people. Maybe that is just me but I found that distracting and I swore I wasn't going to do that. I may cave on that idea and if you were closer I would definately take you with me!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Jen... Thank you so much!! I was hoping you would have a chance to check it out. You deal so much with this kind of stuff that I wanted your opinion or suggestions. Your seal of approval really helped boost my confidence. Thank you very very much!

02-18-2004, 04:38 PM
I have one suggestion. It might not work, but then again you never know. I know most people here would love to see older cats adopted first. So my thought was to put the older ones first and the kittens towards the end of the list. This way when people go on there to look for a kitten and see a BEAUTIFUL full grown cat they might want an older one. Just a thought anyways. Over all everything looks great. Keep up the good work, I also hope all of them get adopted from your hard work.


02-18-2004, 04:50 PM
Our local Humane Society also has a weekly show on the local PBS station, and one of the news stations shows us an adopable pet every Monday (I think, or at least the same day, once a week)

As for other suggestions, it is always nice to know if the cat gets along with other cats, dogs or young children. Also state if they have any quirks or special needs. The idea about the sisters is also a good one. The more information you can give, the better the "fit".

By the way, you are doing a WONDERFUL job!! I'm glad you got this new job!! How is Miss Mean handling you doing such a good job??

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-18-2004, 04:50 PM
What a wonderful job!!! If I could I'd take all of them! But Nipper, with his "Rhett Butler" mustache is just too hard to resist.

I think everyone has given you great suggestions and I don't think I could add anything constructive. But I think you're doing a wonderful job not just with the website but with your volunteering in general. :D

And just what is Mean's problem anyway? How can you work for a shelter and be so against finding the kitties good homes too? :confused:

02-18-2004, 05:11 PM
Cubby that was a good idea to put the older ones first but unfortunately the website does not allow you to put them in any certain order. I am having a hard time keeping up with who is who. The only way I can come up with doing it is to start at one side of the room and write down each name in the order that I take the picture. I may try to do the kittens last but as soon as I do another batch of pictures or update then it shoots that one to the top.
Catsnclay we also have pets shown on local news channels but the largest city/county (Louisville) has that sewn up. We are just one of many small surrounding counties. I guess they can't do them all. I have also asked the director to take a few minutes and go over everything that I have done so far and give me ANY more info that she knows so I can list quirks or special needs on the cats. Maybe I will have some new things to add by tonight. I really doubt it though because I think they just don't know either. It is really hard to say what these kitties will be like once they are free from the cages and no longer have someone constantly shoving medicine down their throats or shots stuck in their necks. I'm sure many of them would just blossom!
T&Ps mom... I don't know what Ms. Mean will think about this and I don't really care. I'm not giving it up now!! She has fallen from graces at the shelter anyway. She used to be the Assistant Director and has been demoted. She is a payed employee but she has been knocked down to nothing more than an adoption agent for the dogs. She is very good at that and that is where she needs to stay. The director has already kind of given me the heads up about her attitude and I let her know that I want to get along with everyone but I'm no shrinking violet when necessary. The cats are mine and I'm not going to stop trying to give them the best I can!!! I will take Ms. Mean down as long as I have the support of the Director (which I do). She is a cat person also. She has about 20 cats of her own and is fostering around 22 right now. I think I'm in ok with her. She thanks me all the time. I really like her.

Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement and for all the suggestions. They are welcome and needed!!

K & L
02-18-2004, 08:32 PM
Good for you for taking over! Looks good; keep up the good work. I have to say I fell for Nipper!

02-18-2004, 08:43 PM
You did a WONDERFUL job, Lisa!!! I too am in love with Treat and Nipper!!!! Good thing I'm here and they are there!!! :rolleyes:

02-18-2004, 10:33 PM
For just taking it over I think you are doing a great job. Even if you had not just taken it over you are doing a great job.:)

I like the multiple pictures, I think that helps alot. I also like your description, I think that they are very helpful.

BTW - Did you know that the two links after the pet list are not working. You may not have control over that, but I thought that I would let you know.

I think you got all the good suggestions, so I really don't have any. Just keep up the good work.:D

02-18-2004, 10:51 PM
Thanks for the suggestion Logan but the one thing I'm trying to do is keep people out of the pictures. If you get the chance and look further into the website you will see several OLD pictures where the kitties were being held and when I look at that all I see are the people. Maybe that is just me but I found that distracting and I swore I wasn't going to do that. I may cave on that idea and if you were closer I would definately take you with me!!!

I was definitely thinking of a close up of the cats. I totally agree with you about keeping the humans out of the pictures if you can. Scott has a zoom lens on his digital camera which comes in handy for those closeups. You don't know how much I wish I could come to help you!!! :)

02-19-2004, 04:52 AM
Just for another opinion, when I look at a picture I like to see what the WHOLE cat looks like. I really don't like the head only shots. But now that they allow more than one photo you are able to have both.

02-19-2004, 07:29 AM
I am late getting in here. (yes, the game) but went and read through all your entries. I think they are fantastic! The pictures themselves are terrific - so many catching personality plus. BUT, what most impressed me was the lively and loving descriptions of each kitty!! This shows care and attention and is something that I think will be very appealing to anyone who is looking for a new pet! As I was reading, I felt very drawn to kitties that I may not have looked twice at!! Honestly, I was very impressed at your work!!:D :D

02-19-2004, 07:38 AM
I think you've done a wonderful job! Keep up the good work. I can't believe that girl was being so hateful. And the cats I like are Nipper and Elvira.

02-19-2004, 07:54 AM
Most of you have mentioned Nipper. I think he is adorable and has been severely overlooked. When I tried to get some info on him nobody could remember. They don't remember when he came or how long he has been there. He has NEVER been listed on the web. I really think he could have gotten a home by now. I know it's hard for them to keep up but if MEAN had been doing her job then he might have already been gone. I'm seriously attracted to him and fell in love with him the minute I saw him. He gets your attention with his mustache!
My big fear is that people don't look at their pet list because the cats haven't changed for sooooo long. I don't know how to get across the message that it is now updated.
Thanks Sirrahbed for the vote of confidence! Lets hope it works

Kim, K&L, catdad...Thank you all so much! I REALLY needed to know that it was ok.

Thanks ALL of you for taking the time to look and read this for me. I can't express how much I appreciate the advice, suggestions, and pats on the back. I NEEDED them ALL!!

!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS !!!!!

02-19-2004, 08:02 AM
I think you are doing a marvelous job and if MEAN could of been bothered doing it there's no way it would of been as good as you can tell the writer has a definate love of cats !!! Also can't believe that MEANs boss never noticed the neglect on the cats side after all she clearly loves cats too !!!

Great work :D

02-19-2004, 09:06 AM
I really dislike when People , just arent doing the Job , that they are beig paid to do. That is a wonderful Web Site , and if the Hotel wasnt booked up , and I want so far away , I would add a Cat , just from your Wonderful Descriptions!